Q-Branch - Your new telephone. Talk here.....listen here.
That's loony.
I'm going off the statistics from the Modus Operandi website. It's pretty good IMO and that's what I'm sticking with right now.
A Colt Commando will run you 42BP's. I'm basing this off the stats for the M16A2.
Maybe I should go with a shotgun and some flechette ammo. Any input, team?
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 8:34 pm on July 10, 2002)

M16: 31BP, Damage 2d8+2, Error 1-2, Threat 19-20, Range 100ft
M16A2: 42BP, Damage 2d8+2, Error 1, Threat 19-20, Range 125ft.
The fact is that with progress (1960 vs. 1991) comes at a price but also with increased effectiveness.
Also, assault rifles are meant to be cost-prohibitive since you shouldn't be going into every mission armed to the teeth. Otherwise, this would just be a game of Delta Force.
Remember, this is just two people you're going to attack. You're not invading Panama looking for Noriega. It's just Harry!

Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 10:51 pm on July 10, 2002
Remember, this is just two people you're going to attack. You're not invading Panama looking for Noriega. It's just Harry!
Just Harry? I'm sure Bobbin might have something to say about that.

Okay, I'm down to either a 5.56 semi-auto rifle (26 BP) with AP rounds (3 BP per 20) or a 9x19 SMG (18 BP) with Teflon-tipped (2 BP per 20). If it's the rifle, I'll need someone else to chip in for the ammo.
"What I need them for ? Oh, I just wanted to see how three magazines of 5.56mm would look in my handbag."
I dunno about you guys, but if Dieter agrees to that, I'll take it.

Definitely go for the rifle. Armor piercing rifle rounds are more effective vs. armor, and pistol ammunition is crap anyway, at least compared to rifles.
Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 1:00 am on July 11, 2002
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 10:51 pm on July 10, 2002
Remember, this is just two people you're going to attack. You're not invading Panama looking for Noriega. It's just Harry!
Just Harry? I'm sure Bobbin might have something to say about that.![]()
If you're going Noreiga style, at least blast sinatra instead of Def Leppard.
Capone, Noreiga, the Three-Six Mafia, I don't care, so long as I don't get killed in the process.
That's 4GP but I think it'll be well spent. It'll hold all of us plus some gear, and the only other vehicle I was considering was spending all my GP and 2 of harry's and getting a Humvee. OR... spend all of mine + 3 of Harry's and get a chopper. :biggrin:
The police cruiser'll leave me some room for addons. Threadbare, mind if I use 2 GP towards some car gadgets?

I'll donate my own personal funds to buying ammo, enough for four clips. Can Artis use his procure ability to expedite this?
Quote:That's 4GP but I think it'll be well spent. It'll hold all of us plus some gear, and the only other vehicle I was considering was spending all my GP and 2 of harry's and getting a Humvee. OR... spend all of mine + 3 of Harry's and get a chopper.
The police cruiser'll leave me some room for addons. Threadbare, mind if I use 2 GP towards some car gadgets?
Whatever's clever. Just make sure I don't get my ass perforated. Oh, and one of you should bring a gas mask or other random piece of gear. You never know when it'll come in handy...
If everyone would post (here in this thread) their itemized list of points spent that would be great. I'll make a final post with everything edited together.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:16 pm on July 11, 2002)