A bit of a fracas breaks out when one of the other girls tries the switch first. Not one to let an opportunity pass her by, Jileeza slips into the other group. Fortunately, she picked the right one, and the pimp sends them in Gulgo's direction.
As they leave, the Twilek woman who almost ratted her out glares at her from the other group. 'Za just smiles and shrugs as she walks away.
Jileeza continues to mentally file away anything she can in the way of the layout of the place and landmarks therein. Can't let other things interfere with getting the job done.
Great Vengeance and Furious Anger
Aurelia shifts uncomfortably, pulling her comlink from a pocket on the leg of her pants.
"Nope, I'm fine...just let me know if you need anything." The tension in her voice is almost palpable.
"Nope, I'm fine...just let me know if you need anything." The tension in her voice is almost palpable.
Wayde perks up at Aurelia's bit of talk. Flashing the universal black-ops Grab a gun and follow me signal to Lent, he straps on the newly acquired armor and readies a rifle over his shoulder.
While Lent gets ready, Wayde does a quick internal systems check for any...irregularities.
While Lent gets ready, Wayde does a quick internal systems check for any...irregularities.
Lent sees Wayde's signal and nods his head wordlessly. He does, however, leave the comm open and says "So what do you guys do for entertainment in this decade...I mean aside from overthrowing gangsters and fighting your way out of exotic zoos."
Keeping this banter up, Lent straps on the other suit of armor, holsters a pistol, pauses, and holsters another pistol. Deciding that the repeater might be unweildy in such an enclosed environment, he opts for a rifle [If its not too cumbersome he will cary the repeater so it's close at hand]. Grabbing a helmet he follows Wayde's cues, moving as quietly as possible with his senses alert.
Keeping this banter up, Lent straps on the other suit of armor, holsters a pistol, pauses, and holsters another pistol. Deciding that the repeater might be unweildy in such an enclosed environment, he opts for a rifle [If its not too cumbersome he will cary the repeater so it's close at hand]. Grabbing a helmet he follows Wayde's cues, moving as quietly as possible with his senses alert.
While Wayde and Lent scour the Chance, Jileeza's group gets led into Gulgo's chamber.
Jileeza heard about Gulgo's room from the crew - last time there was an array of flowing silks and exotic tapestries obscuring both the size of the chamber as well as the denizens therein. Gulgo's grey-green bulk splays over a mountain of pillows, which are in turn hoisted by a high-end Hutt repulsorlift carriage. Two rust-red spindly protocol droids flank the Hutt. A Talz plays a soulful tune on a curved golden audiophone in the corner, seemingly oblivious to what's actually going on in the room.
There are perhaps 15 sentients, which range from scantily-clad females to full-armored bounty hunters and thugs, all arrayed in a rough circle. In the center two Ugnaughts circle one another. Each diminutive humanoid has a vibroknife in one hand and a look of crazed desperation in their eyes. Their weaponless hands are connected at the wrist with binders. The crowd, waiting with bated breath, lets out a communal roar as one Ugnaught sidesteps the others' sloppy slash and plants his knife in his opponent's abdomen and pulls up, spilling blood onto the floor where it blends in with the rust-colored rock. Not to be outdone, the stricken Ugnaught stabs his attacker twice underneath the armpit before sinking to his knees and passing out. The last Ugnaught standing raises his good arm in triumph as a flurry of credits change hands in the circle... then he falls to the ground as well. Gulgo roars with laughter.
The circle breaks up as 'Za and her group enter the chamber. A few sentients move off to low tables and light up hookas, lay out lines of spice, and what have you. A few thug-looking aliens come a little too close to the group of females and are shoved back by Zam, the guard who led the group up to Gulgo.
One of the red droids ambles up to the group as Gulgo's voice booms. For 'Za, the tinny voice is just a distraction - she understands Huttese perfectly.
"Welcome to my humble home, my beautiful friends!" Two Gamorreans carry the dying Ugnaughts past. "Play something faster!" he shouts at the Talz, who quickly obliges. "Entertain us," Gulgo croons.
One of the women whispers, "I'm not touching that thing." "Maybe he wants us to dance, I don't know. Sing, maybe?" asks another. A flame-skinned near-human steps out from the group and begins to twirl and dance in time with the music.
Jileeza heard about Gulgo's room from the crew - last time there was an array of flowing silks and exotic tapestries obscuring both the size of the chamber as well as the denizens therein. Gulgo's grey-green bulk splays over a mountain of pillows, which are in turn hoisted by a high-end Hutt repulsorlift carriage. Two rust-red spindly protocol droids flank the Hutt. A Talz plays a soulful tune on a curved golden audiophone in the corner, seemingly oblivious to what's actually going on in the room.
There are perhaps 15 sentients, which range from scantily-clad females to full-armored bounty hunters and thugs, all arrayed in a rough circle. In the center two Ugnaughts circle one another. Each diminutive humanoid has a vibroknife in one hand and a look of crazed desperation in their eyes. Their weaponless hands are connected at the wrist with binders. The crowd, waiting with bated breath, lets out a communal roar as one Ugnaught sidesteps the others' sloppy slash and plants his knife in his opponent's abdomen and pulls up, spilling blood onto the floor where it blends in with the rust-colored rock. Not to be outdone, the stricken Ugnaught stabs his attacker twice underneath the armpit before sinking to his knees and passing out. The last Ugnaught standing raises his good arm in triumph as a flurry of credits change hands in the circle... then he falls to the ground as well. Gulgo roars with laughter.
The circle breaks up as 'Za and her group enter the chamber. A few sentients move off to low tables and light up hookas, lay out lines of spice, and what have you. A few thug-looking aliens come a little too close to the group of females and are shoved back by Zam, the guard who led the group up to Gulgo.
One of the red droids ambles up to the group as Gulgo's voice booms. For 'Za, the tinny voice is just a distraction - she understands Huttese perfectly.
"Welcome to my humble home, my beautiful friends!" Two Gamorreans carry the dying Ugnaughts past. "Play something faster!" he shouts at the Talz, who quickly obliges. "Entertain us," Gulgo croons.
One of the women whispers, "I'm not touching that thing." "Maybe he wants us to dance, I don't know. Sing, maybe?" asks another. A flame-skinned near-human steps out from the group and begins to twirl and dance in time with the music.
The great fat bloat can be seen taking his ease on the repulsor lift as they enter the room. There seem to be enough males in the room to keep her and her companions busy for a while. The fighting Ugnaughts are amusing, but Jileeza doesn't let it show.
"You may not have a choice," Jileeza murmurs to the first complaint. "If you really have the talent to sing, feel free, otherwise, I recommend suggestive dancing as it takes no real skill." Taking her own recommendation to heart, Jileeza joins the other dancer. Rather than relying on skill that she doesn't particularly have, he focusses on being suggestive in her movements, like the dancers that all have seen in skin clubs.
"You may not have a choice," Jileeza murmurs to the first complaint. "If you really have the talent to sing, feel free, otherwise, I recommend suggestive dancing as it takes no real skill." Taking her own recommendation to heart, Jileeza joins the other dancer. Rather than relying on skill that she doesn't particularly have, he focusses on being suggestive in her movements, like the dancers that all have seen in skin clubs.
It seems as Gulgo and his retinue have seen their fair share of skin clubs - and that seems to be the level of entertainment they were expecting. The courtesans filter through the room as 'Za and the near-human dance for Gulgo. The Hutt seems pleased enough.
Back at the ship, Wayde and Lent finish their search empty-handed. Nothing seems out of place, and Greebu didn't poop in anyone's shoes before he left. If there's something wrong with Aurelia, and it's not anything to do with the ship, maybe she's having problems with something else.
Hutts enjoy humanoid dancing because Hutt women don't have legs. Jileeza learns that Gulgo enjoys a bit of the spice with his dancing. In fact, the entire chamber is winding down after their sex-and-drugs orgy when there's a blaster shot from right outside the chamber doors.
Gulgo's retinue sloppily scramble for their weapons as the doors cycle open and a badly-beaten Nikto enters. Jileeza recognizes him as Pinky's lieutenant, Ash Pomba. Leading him in at gunpoint is a mostly-human woman. The right side of her face is covered in scar tissue, and a lens stares unblinkingly from her right eye socket, but 'Za would recognize Joss anywhere. It would seem the animals on Gamdoaan left their marks, however. She favors her right leg, which makes a heavier-than-normal thump when it falls, and the flesh on her left forearm is still raw and red where the aritificial hand hasn't quite fully blended in yet.
"Ho ho ho!" bellows Gulgo. "Dearest of all my friends! You're alive!"
"Can it," Joss growls back. "Tell him what you told me," she orders Pomba.
"It appears... that my employer came into possession of a very... large amount of... spice some time ago. Your spice, as I was recently... informed by your lovely- urkk!" Pomba drops to his knees as Joss slams her pistol butt into his lower back.
Joss finishes for Ash. "Gulgo, the same sith-sucking pirates who paid you off for losing a shipment did it with the money they got from stealing and selling your spice to some small-time punk on Tatooine. They finished it off by terminating your Imperial fence on Bespin and damn-near killing everyone we sent after them on Gamdoaan."
Gulgo looks sad for a moment. "Ree-Jee's dead? I liked him... Briggs was a Bantha's ass, but I liked that Gran..."
"Focus, boss. They're here. On Sullust."
Back at the ship, Wayde and Lent finish their search empty-handed. Nothing seems out of place, and Greebu didn't poop in anyone's shoes before he left. If there's something wrong with Aurelia, and it's not anything to do with the ship, maybe she's having problems with something else.
Hutts enjoy humanoid dancing because Hutt women don't have legs. Jileeza learns that Gulgo enjoys a bit of the spice with his dancing. In fact, the entire chamber is winding down after their sex-and-drugs orgy when there's a blaster shot from right outside the chamber doors.
Gulgo's retinue sloppily scramble for their weapons as the doors cycle open and a badly-beaten Nikto enters. Jileeza recognizes him as Pinky's lieutenant, Ash Pomba. Leading him in at gunpoint is a mostly-human woman. The right side of her face is covered in scar tissue, and a lens stares unblinkingly from her right eye socket, but 'Za would recognize Joss anywhere. It would seem the animals on Gamdoaan left their marks, however. She favors her right leg, which makes a heavier-than-normal thump when it falls, and the flesh on her left forearm is still raw and red where the aritificial hand hasn't quite fully blended in yet.
"Ho ho ho!" bellows Gulgo. "Dearest of all my friends! You're alive!"
"Can it," Joss growls back. "Tell him what you told me," she orders Pomba.
"It appears... that my employer came into possession of a very... large amount of... spice some time ago. Your spice, as I was recently... informed by your lovely- urkk!" Pomba drops to his knees as Joss slams her pistol butt into his lower back.
Joss finishes for Ash. "Gulgo, the same sith-sucking pirates who paid you off for losing a shipment did it with the money they got from stealing and selling your spice to some small-time punk on Tatooine. They finished it off by terminating your Imperial fence on Bespin and damn-near killing everyone we sent after them on Gamdoaan."
Gulgo looks sad for a moment. "Ree-Jee's dead? I liked him... Briggs was a Bantha's ass, but I liked that Gran..."
"Focus, boss. They're here. On Sullust."
Finishing the search empty-handed, a frustrated Lent puts down his rifle and extra pistol and takes off his helmet.
He pulls out the commlink again and says "Aurelia, its Lent. Are you sure everything is Ok? You sounded upset."
He pulls out a datapad, types: SEE IF ERIT CAN FIND HER, and shows it to Wayde.
He pulls out the commlink again and says "Aurelia, its Lent. Are you sure everything is Ok? You sounded upset."
He pulls out a datapad, types: SEE IF ERIT CAN FIND HER, and shows it to Wayde.
Wayde heads for the nearest escape hatch, knowing damn well the safest place on this ship right now is nowhere fucking near it.
"Wayde, What the HELL is going on?" Lent shouts after the departing figure.
Hitting the commlink yet again Lent says "Erit. Something is wrong. Have you seen or heard from Aurelia? Something is wrong and we can't find her."
As he says this Lent has picked up his rifle, repeater and heads for the cockpit.
Hitting the commlink yet again Lent says "Erit. Something is wrong. Have you seen or heard from Aurelia? Something is wrong and we can't find her."
As he says this Lent has picked up his rifle, repeater and heads for the cockpit.
Wayde comes over the commlink.
"Whatever is going on, I'm guessing this ship is ground zero. I'm getting the hell out of here. I suggest you do the same."
"Whatever is going on, I'm guessing this ship is ground zero. I'm getting the hell out of here. I suggest you do the same."
Wayde sees Arnae trot up to him, half-asleep, still strapping on his blaster. His clothes are disheveled and he's in obvious need of grooming.
"Is it a bad thing that I just had a dream where the ship exploded?"
"Is it a bad thing that I just had a dream where the ship exploded?"
'Za is pleased to have found a way to avoid suspicion from the slug and his retinue of pigs. Fortunately, men are SOOO predictable.
When it becomes apparent that Gulgo is pleased, Jileeza will focus her dancing and teasing on the men (?) nearest the Hutt. In this way, she hopes to have an excuse for being near him.
Suddenly, everything starts to go pear-shaped as Ash Pomba is dragged in at gunpoint by none other than Joss. 'Za stops dancing and watches the exchange with everyone else in the room. Fortunately, neither Ash nor Joss show any sign of recognizing her, so she does her best not to attract attention.
Between them, Ash and Joss pretty much spell out everything she and her friends have been up to recently. What's worse, they know that her group are here!
When it becomes apparent that Gulgo is pleased, Jileeza will focus her dancing and teasing on the men (?) nearest the Hutt. In this way, she hopes to have an excuse for being near him.
Suddenly, everything starts to go pear-shaped as Ash Pomba is dragged in at gunpoint by none other than Joss. 'Za stops dancing and watches the exchange with everyone else in the room. Fortunately, neither Ash nor Joss show any sign of recognizing her, so she does her best not to attract attention.
Between them, Ash and Joss pretty much spell out everything she and her friends have been up to recently. What's worse, they know that her group are here!
Leaving the scene rapidly, Wayde outstretches an arm and grabs Arnae by the collar.
"Captain. I do believe we've been had. As your executive officer, I feel it's my duty to get you the hell off this ship before something unfortunate befalls you or myself...mostly myself."
"Captain. I do believe we've been had. As your executive officer, I feel it's my duty to get you the hell off this ship before something unfortunate befalls you or myself...mostly myself."
Thoroughly spooked, Arnae practically dances off the Chance.
Lent decides to take a little detour. He wanders down to Erit's quarters hoping that he can shed a little light on what's going on with Aurelia.
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 3:27 pm on Dec. 16, 2004)
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 3:27 pm on Dec. 16, 2004)
The somewhat tense atmosphere of the ship is broken by Aurelia over the commlink.
"Yeah Lent, I'm fine...I just...prefer this be over as soon as possible, you know?"
Location still unknown, and, truth be told, she sounds like she's actually on the verge of tears, or a breakdown.
"Yeah Lent, I'm fine...I just...prefer this be over as soon as possible, you know?"
Location still unknown, and, truth be told, she sounds like she's actually on the verge of tears, or a breakdown.
Standing outside The Chance loaded to bear and ready to rock, Wayde still doesn't know what the hell is happening but feels better that he's not trapped inside.
Wayde and Arnae clatter down the ramp into the fairly quiet bay. The hums of power chargers can be heard over the distant screeches of metalwork from nearby hangars.
Gulgo's Pad
"They're taunting me," Gulgo ponders angrily. "Get the boys together, Joss. Bring me one of them alive."
"Boss, if we go in there half-cocked we're gonna lose 'em. I've got a guy down at the docks keeping an eye on 'em. He says a few left and came back with some cargo, but they've all been back aboard for a few hours now. They're still here for something - I say we let 'em do it and then hit 'em on their way back."
"Ho ho, yes, we'll cut them off!"
Most docking bays have an observation window, or some sort of surveillance system. The Chance's bay is no different; Wayde and Arnae can see a figure looking down into the hangar. Whoever it is seems to be shy - they take a few steps away from the window, the glare of the docklights obscuring the view through the viewscreen.
Gulgo's Pad
"They're taunting me," Gulgo ponders angrily. "Get the boys together, Joss. Bring me one of them alive."
"Boss, if we go in there half-cocked we're gonna lose 'em. I've got a guy down at the docks keeping an eye on 'em. He says a few left and came back with some cargo, but they've all been back aboard for a few hours now. They're still here for something - I say we let 'em do it and then hit 'em on their way back."
"Ho ho, yes, we'll cut them off!"
Most docking bays have an observation window, or some sort of surveillance system. The Chance's bay is no different; Wayde and Arnae can see a figure looking down into the hangar. Whoever it is seems to be shy - they take a few steps away from the window, the glare of the docklights obscuring the view through the viewscreen.
Lent pauses and smiles as he hears Aurelia 's words over the commlink.
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean. Do you want to talk about it? I know I'm not much, but my ears work."
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean. Do you want to talk about it? I know I'm not much, but my ears work."