Jade Imperium - OOC 11

Dieter 2010-01-21 04:47:00
Gatac wrote:

Leaving claymores was our first thought, but why endanger Chewie scavengers when we can just rig the remaining killdrones to blow the whole thing up? :)

Sure, whatever works.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2010-01-22 23:12:17
Whiirr has 20-hour days, and you are just about at high noon currently. Cowboy's is a valid question, though, as he was in the back of the manta on the way down and things haven't exactly gone to plan. :)

So who's climbing the tree to figure your position on Davis' map? Zaef is by far the best climber among you, with d10 Move specialized Athletics. After him, practically anyone would be fine. You've all generally got d8s and so on.
punkey 2010-01-22 23:53:56
Well, Zaef has a d8 in Tech, too, second only to Luis and tied with Davis, so he's probably the best option.
CrazyIvan 2010-01-26 01:27:18
I'm thinking Angel, ever the one to say, "No, fuck you and your stealth suits" had the good sense to pack a couple paint Claymores loaded with Ye Olde OSHA Orange along with the nasty explosive kind.

More subtle than flares, less PR issues than explosives. Everyone wins.
punkey 2010-01-30 00:08:28
By the way, Rob wants me to relay the message that he wasn't done with his scene with Arketta, and that he'll be available almost all weekend, Adam. :)
Admiral Duck Sauce 2010-01-31 18:09:29
My webs were down since Friday. I'm lucky I could post what I did have. If there's more to the Luis/Arketta conversation, we'll continue with it.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2010-02-04 21:18:30
Gordon, I can move your reply above my post if/when you make it. Ironically, I was posting my update and saw you were just on.
fanchergw 2010-02-04 21:25:34
No problem, Adam. I was lookin' stuff up in the wiki while posting, so it took a while.

BTW, could you post a list of the entire party with names and ranks, both PC and NPC? I've gotten a little lost (as usual) and have no idea who Danny Kang is...
punkey 2010-02-04 21:34:59
I vote we pack up, toss the things we collected that we're not taking with us into the woods in random directions (like firewood), cover up any scars on the ground we left by kicking dirt on them, and find some fallen tree branches and sweep the ground as we roll out. Takes maybe five minutes, we can do it while we pack and get the ATV ready, and makes the campsite much less obvious. Not invisible, but enough that you'd have to walk right up to the campsite to know that we stayed there.
Gatac 2010-02-04 21:44:22
Sounds good to me. We don't need to put *everything* back and leave no trace, just...you know, cover our tracks a little. Going for a quick 80% instead of a "God this takes forever" 100%.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2010-02-04 21:50:04
Sure, Gordon:

Gatac Captain Hugh Verrill
Dieter 1st Lt. Martin "Cowboy" DeFranco
Fanchergw Staff Sergeant Semo Putupu (that's you!) :)
E of Pi Sergeant Luis Stanhill
CrazyIvan Specialist Angel Riviera
NPC Specialist Danny Kang
NPC Private First Class Arketta Quis

Punkey Garrett Davis
SkullandScythe Zaef Utari
NPC Swims-the-Black
Dieter 2010-02-05 02:49:13
Gatac wrote:

Sounds good to me. We don't need to put *everything* back and leave no trace, just...you know, cover our tracks a little. Going for a quick 80% instead of a "God this takes forever" 100%.

What Gatac said.
Dieter 2010-02-10 17:35:18
After today, my interwebs are going to spotty and sporadic for the next week, so just run Cowboy appropriately.

'll try and log in at least once a day to check up.
e of pi 2010-02-16 00:50:56
Suggestion/thought: Could we out-roar it by having Semo gun the ATV in neutral once we've given it a clear exit path? I'd suggest it IC, but I want to give Swims the chance to answer first.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2010-02-16 23:30:34
Angel took 1 wound, 7 shock, and his initiative penalty for taking a wound turned out to be enough for the turai to use his action getting cover.

Zaef, you're alert and aware of what's going on now. The hostile is 40-50 feet away, and since you haven't moved or approached closer yet he hasn't had another chance to spot you. You're in a tree. :)