Livia's got d10 Fight specialized in one-handed weapons, same as Semo (because it's hard to learn from someone who's NOT as good as you). Both of you have been rolling really good defenses, but she has the defensive advantage vs. any called shots because while you'd normally be even, Semo takes a penalty to bypass the armor.
Even with your recent weight loss, you still grossly outweigh her. Grappling's an option. So is going all-out at the cost of your own defense. Or anything else you might care to try.
I want a nice fat stack of graduate-level textbooks in his cell when he gets dropped off after this on physics, human physiology and human history. Put a "A taste of what's to come" note on top. I'm not done yet, though.
I want a nice fat stack of graduate-level textbooks in his cell when he gets dropped off after this on physics, human physiology and human history. Put a "A taste of what's to come" note on top. I'm not done yet, though.
Are you serious? Giving these people free information is going to fuck us over. Do you think the Turai would give us open access to their history and what makes us tick if the tables were turned?
We're fucked as it is. Do you really think that what we have now and what we can do with that given just 60 years of time will repulse and continue to hold repeated full-blown Imperium invasions? We're already at rock bottom, there's only one way to go from here, and we need to know where that black book is, and this is the best way to get it.
We're fucked as it is. Do you really think that what we have now and what we can do with that given just 60 years of time will repulse and continue to hold repeated full-blown Imperium invasions? We're already at rock bottom, there's only one way to go from here, and we need to know where that black book is, and this is the best way to get it.
I agree. We're boned, knowing what makes us tick isn't going to magically make their rifles better than they already are, and if worst comes to worst, he can go to his grave knowing a lot a tad earlier than he would otherwise prefer.
I'd like to think that it was my masterful use of critically timed Zapata quotations that saved the day. That, and ADS getting tired of doing the interrogation scene.
Well, making him an ambassador is likely to be an unpopular decision. The real duel of wits might be between Davis and... whoever. Max, or General Underwood, or a bunch of people.
Also, he'd been keeping up with you dice-wise, but Davis is built to be a psychological terror. His dice faltered and you smoked him.
We've already given Arketta foreign VIP status, I don't think it'll be that much of a problem. Besides, it might be good for us later on if we need someone who can speak on our behalf with Imperium groups, and he'll be much more useful than Arketta when it comes to how things get done in the Imperium. I think they'll be more pissed when I include him on mission planning for the upcoming raid on the black book.
Okay, plans. Davis probably knows enough people to get the diplomatic process accelerated for Varos, but getting him a room on base that's both secure and cushy enough might be interesting. My thought is to pick one of the lower-ranked foreign officials and offer them a better room in town due to the need to attend some kind of meeting there. I'm sure there's someone there who is both minor enough and has a tangential interest to something that is being discussed off base, or at the very least top side. As for his room, comprehensive video/audio surveillance, a screen recorder (quality over stealth for this, he wouldn't know what to look for) for whatever computer we give him access to, and four guards either at his door or with him at all times. I want to know everything he does, when he does it and how often, same song and dance with Arketta. I want this done by an outside group that has clearance so only Davis and his direct superiors know about the bugs.
Also, I want to arrange a meet between Arketta and Varos sometime soon, and definitely at a place where we can record everything, including what happens under whatever table/bench/rock they happen to be sitting at. Davis will be the primary supervisor for Varos, as well.
Just to ask, Dieter, how do you know Luis's thoughts on Seagle when I'm not even sure of them? Could you tell me them? Also, how is that related to his list of demands?
Just to ask, Dieter, how do you know Luis's thoughts on Seagle when I'm not even sure of them? Could you tell me them? Also, how is that related to his list of demands?
EDIT: "His" refering to Hethna.
Ok, apparently Arketta likes to watch movies. I was making light/folly of that fact and subtley (or not so much) commenting on Hethna's choice of movie genres. The comment to Luis was more rhetorical than anything else.
You have 20-some codes that apparently will only work when Diego Garcia finishes its new Gateway in 4 months. These all lead to various Imperial worlds.
You have 3 codes that lead to unknown blocked Gates but will at least permit radio contact between the MN gate and... wherever.
Finally, there's the Whiirr-Gate code that is probably not on Whiirr anymore.
Unless someone needs to converse with Varos, Punkey can set up Interrogation Phase 2. Varos isn't entirely convinced he's been given ambassador status and you are certain there are security measures in place on these flowery-named databases that he hasn't told you about yet.
Has Varos actually been given ambassador status? How about all the other stuff I put in there? I'm sure we could keep him busy for a few hours if that's necessary to get that stuff done.
Okay, plans. Davis probably knows enough people to get the diplomatic process accelerated for Varos, but getting him a room on base that's both secure and cushy enough might be interesting. My thought is to pick one of the lower-ranked foreign officials and offer them a better room in town due to the need to attend some kind of meeting there. I'm sure there's someone there who is both minor enough and has a tangential interest to something that is being discussed off base, or at the very least top side. As for his room, comprehensive video/audio surveillance, a screen recorder (quality over stealth for this, he wouldn't know what to look for) for whatever computer we give him access to, and four guards either at his door or with him at all times. I want to know everything he does, when he does it and how often, same song and dance with Arketta. I want this done by an outside group that has clearance so only Davis and his direct superiors know about the bugs.
Also, I want to arrange a meet between Arketta and Varos sometime soon, and definitely at a place where we can record everything, including what happens under whatever table/bench/rock they happen to be sitting at. Davis will be the primary supervisor for Varos, as well.
The other stuff being this, right?
You've co-opted the British advisor, a Captain Reynolds, out of his cushy room on base. Agent Sturgis, who does happen to be your ranking officer as far as the CIA goes, says he has "people" handling the surveillance. That stuff'll be done when you want Varos and Arketta to meet. They'll be meeting in Varos' new digs.
If nobody objects to Varos becoming Imperial Ambassador, then it goes through. I don't want to bog the game down in NPC objections unless any PCs are so set against it that they'd take action.
If nobody objects to Varos becoming Imperial Ambassador, then it goes through. I don't want to bog the game down in NPC objections unless any PCs are so set against it that they'd take action.