Here's something that came up in a discussion with Punkey: What's Hugh's current job title? I had him pegged as "Deputy Security Officer" when we started out, but what with the org-chart scrambling, what's his official function now?
Jade Imperium OOC 4
Before we get the interrogation party started, I want to start the second step with Arketta. I just need a pause so I can get it in motion, say, immediately following the meeting.
To somewhat explain the last IC post:
1. EMP bursts as we know them won't work very well on the Turai. They've obviously been through that with their own history. You might fry some minor functionality, but you won't be crashing mantaships or anything like that.
2. Max now has a program that can be put on a laptop (or whatever). This program allows you to use your laptop as a bridge so you can use your Computers specialization on Turai technology. Not so useful at the moment, but if/when you go to their side, you bet your ass you'll need it for something. As mentioned IC, you do need to physically hotwire the laptop into whatever is it you're trying to hack. If the thing you're hacking, however, can talk to other things wirelessly, then you're ready to rock.
1. EMP bursts as we know them won't work very well on the Turai. They've obviously been through that with their own history. You might fry some minor functionality, but you won't be crashing mantaships or anything like that.
2. Max now has a program that can be put on a laptop (or whatever). This program allows you to use your laptop as a bridge so you can use your Computers specialization on Turai technology. Not so useful at the moment, but if/when you go to their side, you bet your ass you'll need it for something. As mentioned IC, you do need to physically hotwire the laptop into whatever is it you're trying to hack. If the thing you're hacking, however, can talk to other things wirelessly, then you're ready to rock.
Quote:Davis is handed a phone. "Yes?"
Paging Dieter! (that post might've gotten lost in the few after)
I thought I had seen posted something about them having developed Turai-armor piercing ammo based on the Turai swords. If so, that makes the scene with Andy, Luis and Angel kind of redundant, doesn't it?
Not entirely. They have prototype armor-piercing rounds. That's enough for you guys, if and when you go through, to use your existing assault rifles and machine guns. Andy's looking for other options.
Also, we're stuck on the interrogation until Punkey gets a scene with Dieter. The intel you're hoping to get from said interrogation can affect your plans to first-strike the Imperium. So I'm just trying to keep people engaged is all.
Also, we're stuck on the interrogation until Punkey gets a scene with Dieter. The intel you're hoping to get from said interrogation can affect your plans to first-strike the Imperium. So I'm just trying to keep people engaged is all.
Paging Punkey to the Plot Front Desk, Punkey to the Plot Front Desk.
As much as I would have liked to have given Arketta a last name similar to "Quisling" on purpose, it really was just one of those split-second "make up a name fast" things.
As much as I would have liked to have given Arketta a last name similar to "Quisling" on purpose, it really was just one of those split-second "make up a name fast" things.
I think Dieter could post, too. Unless that "Ah, motherfucker" is going unanswered.
Gatac wrote:ADS could probably paint a picture of what Max walks in on with Davis in the background. I could then post something off of that.I think Dieter could post, too. Unless that "Ah, motherfucker" is going unanswered.
Um... edited with more info.
Ok, now I'm a bit confused as to why Max is there. Did I miss something or is Hugh just making small talk?
My next logical reply would be something to the effect of "We've made some interesting developments, I'd be glad tell you but not in front of the Turai."
My next logical reply would be something to the effect of "We've made some interesting developments, I'd be glad tell you but not in front of the Turai."
Don't feel bad; Semo's currently getting his ass kicked by a tiny Phillipino (sp?) woman. :lol:
Punkey wrote:What?!Davis looks a little surprised at Kilgore's appearance, and watches him closely.
I'm going to need some clarification from ADS on what exactly is happening here before I continue. I'm inclined to think this is all some serious mindfuck, Turai-inspired rectal/brain probe experiment being conducted.
It's either that or ADS has J.J. Abrams (LOST) ghostwriting this portion of the story.
I'm with you, Dieter. I'm still trying to figure out this whole concept of making the Turai woman a member of Delta Force. Massive explanations would be really helpful here. Anyone?
Well, the idea of taking Arketta (and hopefully Hethna) over to our side is that no matter how much we practice getting our accents down in the game, we're still not going to be able to talk the talk or walk the walk. We have no fucking clue about how things are done in their military, about the subtle little mannerisms that would tip off the people in the places we'd be trying to infiltrate. They probably know things that they don't even know they know about how the Imperium works and how the people in it think. Unless we find something that allows us to copy someone's mind, the only way we're going to get that information is if they're working with us. Also, it doesn't hurt that they're both pretty kick-ass, especially Aketta.
Punkey's idea is to use Arketta as the group's Teal'c/Sherpa guide. That's a fine idea, as long as you're OK with her (if she goes along with it) providing exposition, not conversation. I write enough without having to provide NPC->NPC interaction where the job could be done by you guys.
Giving her limited freedom is one step on the way to her becoming loyal to you. Telling her she'll be heading back to her home and people after only 6 months won't help your case - you'll need to keep that secret for now. You may also only want to keep her Earthside and use her solely for intel prior to any away missions.
As per Agent Davis' request, Arketta and Varos do not know the other is alive. They don't know they're NOT alive either.
Punkey, what criteria are you looking for before we move on to the interrogation? You mentioned you were waiting on a reaction from Max... to what? Arketta's new freedom? If so, Dieter already posted his quips with Hugh. If you're waiting on any reaction from your last post where Davis says nothing, then say so, and if that's the case, Dieter, would you please post ICly to Hugh what you mentioned you'd probably say in the OOC thread. You'd probably start thinking Davis is a little creepy at this point as well.
To sum up:
Case #1: Punkey has gotten his reaction from Max to Arketta's freedom. We will move onto the interrogation of Hethna Varos.
Case #2: Punkey needs a reaction to his last one-line post of silence. We will move onto God knows what, and then the interrogation of Hethna Varos.
EDIT: After reading my post, I may have come off a little harsh. I've been very cranky lately, I apologize. Let's just get the story moving. My plan was kinda to have a short bit of downtime and planning, not a Very Special Episode of Mesas Negras.
Giving her limited freedom is one step on the way to her becoming loyal to you. Telling her she'll be heading back to her home and people after only 6 months won't help your case - you'll need to keep that secret for now. You may also only want to keep her Earthside and use her solely for intel prior to any away missions.
As per Agent Davis' request, Arketta and Varos do not know the other is alive. They don't know they're NOT alive either.
Punkey, what criteria are you looking for before we move on to the interrogation? You mentioned you were waiting on a reaction from Max... to what? Arketta's new freedom? If so, Dieter already posted his quips with Hugh. If you're waiting on any reaction from your last post where Davis says nothing, then say so, and if that's the case, Dieter, would you please post ICly to Hugh what you mentioned you'd probably say in the OOC thread. You'd probably start thinking Davis is a little creepy at this point as well.
To sum up:
Case #1: Punkey has gotten his reaction from Max to Arketta's freedom. We will move onto the interrogation of Hethna Varos.
Case #2: Punkey needs a reaction to his last one-line post of silence. We will move onto God knows what, and then the interrogation of Hethna Varos.
EDIT: After reading my post, I may have come off a little harsh. I've been very cranky lately, I apologize. Let's just get the story moving. My plan was kinda to have a short bit of downtime and planning, not a Very Special Episode of Mesas Negras.

Actually, I'm ready to do the interrogation whenever. Everything's hunky-dory over here. I figured out what I could do to resolve this little situation in the prison level, and will be posting it shortly. And it's totally okay that Max thinks Davis is a little weird and creepy. Mostly because he is. Weirdness is over for now, though.
Punkey wrote:The past few OOC posts confirm my own metagaming suspicions that Davis is a paranoid, government spook that needs to wrap the tinfoil around his head a little tighter.Actually, I'm ready to do the interrogation whenever. Everything's hunky-dory over here. I figured out what I could do to resolve this little situation in the prison level, and will be posting it shortly. And it's totally okay that Max thinks Davis is a little weird and creepy. Mostly because he is. Weirdness is over for now, though.

IC post with Max's reaction to Davis' confirmed weirdness coming right up.
I think we can now assume Max has/will have elaborated to Hugh and Davis of his findings. I'd also like to assume that Max doesn't trust Davis as far as he can throw him...until Davis proves himself.
Man, I'm siding with the Deltas more and more with every post.
Man, I'm siding with the Deltas more and more with every post.

Oh, neither does Davis, he's just a bit more diplomatic about it. 
His paranoia definitely makes him a difficult person to trust, but it's also what makes him as good at his job as he is. We shall see which one wins out.

His paranoia definitely makes him a difficult person to trust, but it's also what makes him as good at his job as he is. We shall see which one wins out.