Okay, I vote we abort. We could try to jury-rig something with a suit and that exoatmospheric maneuvering unit booster thing, but honestly, fuck that. Put that gateway on a planet or the deal is off.
(Or give us a gate address for a land-based gate.)
Jade Imperium OOC 4
Gatac wrote:Agreed, but they are to put the Gate back on the Whirr planet, because they might just decide the other Gate address is the Turai homeworld on military installation.Put that gateway on a planet or the deal is off.
(Or give us a gate address for a land-based gate.)
Fuck this.
We made ourselves clear. We laid out the deal. All attempts at dickery will be shut down.
I vote we shove every piece of firepower we have through the gate before they cancel it, then evacuate the room and topple the gate.
We made ourselves clear. We laid out the deal. All attempts at dickery will be shut down.
I vote we shove every piece of firepower we have through the gate before they cancel it, then evacuate the room and topple the gate.
Not that I want to condone killing teammates, but you made me say "Oh Shit" out loud when I read your post. I'm giving Hugh a free Wild Die for his attack. For what you're doing, you don't want them to have time to slap Greene in that capsule.
Gatac wrote:Finally, you're beginning to talk some fucking sense.Fuck this.
We made ourselves clear. We laid out the deal. All attempts at dickery will be shut down.
I vote we shove every piece of firepower we have through the gate before they cancel it, then evacuate the room and topple the gate.

...and well played, Gatac!
I'm of the opinion everyone fit for duty may return to duty, our guys being Delta and such. Everyone from the away mission and subsequent fields of fire at Mesa Negras are now invaluable resources and the have the most to offer to a future counterstrike against the Turai.
I have no wish to run a military tribunal game, nor do I wish to RP out the tedious jurisdictional drudgery that is going to occupy the next few months (at least) in the game, nor is playing a guy driving a desk (glancing at Hugh) something anyone wants to do. 
I'm going to kick the game up to something like "6 months later", probably on Wednesday. Punkey should (?) be joining us as a CIA interrogator, and I'll expound on the various things he'll glean from your "intelligence assets" then.
In the interest of having a more typical party layout, I'm thinking that the Gateway research project is going to be handled as some sort of joint task force. The question still remains, though - how many people should know about it? I think the consensus was to give intel to the US' allies through back channels, but keep it a secret from the public. If that's fine, we'll continue with that assumption.
I'll give out a Wild Die to anyone who writes up a pretty good account of what their character is up to during the intervening 6 months, and then we'll continue on Wednesday for intentional and accidental mayhem on a galactic scale!

I'm going to kick the game up to something like "6 months later", probably on Wednesday. Punkey should (?) be joining us as a CIA interrogator, and I'll expound on the various things he'll glean from your "intelligence assets" then.
In the interest of having a more typical party layout, I'm thinking that the Gateway research project is going to be handled as some sort of joint task force. The question still remains, though - how many people should know about it? I think the consensus was to give intel to the US' allies through back channels, but keep it a secret from the public. If that's fine, we'll continue with that assumption.
I'll give out a Wild Die to anyone who writes up a pretty good account of what their character is up to during the intervening 6 months, and then we'll continue on Wednesday for intentional and accidental mayhem on a galactic scale!

For the full-on emo trip, accompany with Linkin Park - What I've Done.
I should have my six-month update posted tomorrow.
Are they going to let Semo keep his Turai shortsword? If so, any chance he can find someone to train him to use it better? I'm thinking of taking a specialization with it (since I still haven't used my level-up).
Here's the thing about the Turai gadgets. Semo's By the Book works for and against him here. He knows that regs won't let him keep it, BUT he also knows how to smuggle it out - IF he's willing to have that "I broke the rules" weigh on him.
That's assuming he wants it for his downtime. He won't be the first to smuggle some enemy weapon out of a combat zone, but he will be the first to take an alien weapon.
Chances are good that he can get a sword back for any legitimate mission, though. And if you choose your Specialization, call it "One-Handed". I like to divide melee specializations up by the fighting style moreso than a specific weapon type. That way you can use nightsticks, swords, hand axes, ASP batons, knives, etc. One-Handed or "Unarmed" are probably the best melee specializations for a modern game (other choices being stuff like Two Weapons, Weapon & Shield, Two-Handed, and Hafted Weapons).
Secondly, Punkey's character is on the Wiki. Agent Garrett Davis, CIA.
That's assuming he wants it for his downtime. He won't be the first to smuggle some enemy weapon out of a combat zone, but he will be the first to take an alien weapon.

Chances are good that he can get a sword back for any legitimate mission, though. And if you choose your Specialization, call it "One-Handed". I like to divide melee specializations up by the fighting style moreso than a specific weapon type. That way you can use nightsticks, swords, hand axes, ASP batons, knives, etc. One-Handed or "Unarmed" are probably the best melee specializations for a modern game (other choices being stuff like Two Weapons, Weapon & Shield, Two-Handed, and Hafted Weapons).
Secondly, Punkey's character is on the Wiki. Agent Garrett Davis, CIA.
Max could always request the Turai sword for "research purposes" and then "forget" to return it.

"Smuggling" doesn't seem to fit his By the Book inclinations. I'd say no. If it's available for requisition for missions, that's probably good enough.
Can he find a trainer, or teach himself well enough in 6 months? Currently, he's mostly a trained / experienced brawler. I'm trying to figure out how to write his interlude piece.
Can he find a trainer, or teach himself well enough in 6 months? Currently, he's mostly a trained / experienced brawler. I'm trying to figure out how to write his interlude piece.
Semo can easily get a trainer for knife-fighting and whatnot.
Actually, I've sorta been rethinking my choice in level-up...can I get a "Scourge of the Jade Imperium" aspect or do I have to piss in their soup a few more times? 

Gatac wrote:I think that would fly as I already know Wayde Stryker had the "Hates the Empire" Aspect, which is pretty much the same sort of thing.Actually, I've sorta been rethinking my choice in level-up...can I get a "Scourge of the Jade Imperium" aspect or do I have to piss in their soup a few more times?
That'd be fine. You want to spend all the XP, so you'd get the Aspect at d4 and then bump it to d6?
Yes. Something like this:
Scourge of the Jade Imperium: d6
It's been decades since anyone put as much hurt on the Imperium as the Mesas Negras team, and Hugh's been at the forefront of all this, a big walking 'fuck you!'. The Imperium considers it blasphemy that he still draws breath...but Hugh doesn't exactly love them back. He's got more insight into - and hate for - the Imperium than any other homeworlder, and he's fully willing to burn the whole place down, planet by planet, if that's what it takes to eliminate the threat to Earth.
Scourge of the Jade Imperium: d6
It's been decades since anyone put as much hurt on the Imperium as the Mesas Negras team, and Hugh's been at the forefront of all this, a big walking 'fuck you!'. The Imperium considers it blasphemy that he still draws breath...but Hugh doesn't exactly love them back. He's got more insight into - and hate for - the Imperium than any other homeworlder, and he's fully willing to burn the whole place down, planet by planet, if that's what it takes to eliminate the threat to Earth.
admiralducksauce wrote:Wrote my interlude. Thanks for updating Semo's wiki entry for me.Semo can easily get a trainer for knife-fighting and whatnot.
If I dump all my XP into "Sets a mean ambush", what's that put me at? d6?