The logistics of the situation are as follows: You have 3 days' leave. You will have NO free time after your leave. There are no useable parts to be had on your carrier.
The Rusty Dagger is yours to use, but X-Wings and the like are military property. That doesn't mean you can't steal one or something like that, it just means that the Alliance doesn't let people take their starfighters out on joyrides (except for Mandall, because everything's a joyride to him). You can also procure a small shuttle with which to find alternative transport if you so choose.
Options for Parts:
1. You ARE near one of the largest Rebel shipyards in the galaxy. Problem is, it's highly guarded (even to you guys) and there's mountains of red tape to get parts for legitimate uses, nevermind some sketchy side project of some commando group.
2. There's scavenging - take a freighter out to Endor or a similar battlefield and look for something that's not blown completely to hell. It's free, but not everything out there's a winner.
3. There's the black market. Aurelia might not talk about it, but she used to run with plenty of shady people. Money's the issue here, but there are other ways to make payments besides straight-up cash.
4. There's the Empire. That'd run mostly like your standard commando raid, only without any backup. Might be hard to do without starfighters.
5. There's something I haven't mentioned and you clever guys have just thought of.