OOC: Junkyard Wars

The logistics of the situation are as follows: You have 3 days' leave. You will have NO free time after your leave. There are no useable parts to be had on your carrier.
The Rusty Dagger is yours to use, but X-Wings and the like are military property. That doesn't mean you can't steal one or something like that, it just means that the Alliance doesn't let people take their starfighters out on joyrides (except for Mandall, because everything's a joyride to him). You can also procure a small shuttle with which to find alternative transport if you so choose.
Options for Parts:
1. You ARE near one of the largest Rebel shipyards in the galaxy. Problem is, it's highly guarded (even to you guys) and there's mountains of red tape to get parts for legitimate uses, nevermind some sketchy side project of some commando group.
2. There's scavenging - take a freighter out to Endor or a similar battlefield and look for something that's not blown completely to hell. It's free, but not everything out there's a winner.
3. There's the black market. Aurelia might not talk about it, but she used to run with plenty of shady people. Money's the issue here, but there are other ways to make payments besides straight-up cash.
4. There's the Empire. That'd run mostly like your standard commando raid, only without any backup. Might be hard to do without starfighters.
5. There's something I haven't mentioned and you clever guys have just thought of.

Black market for the actual components.
Other thoughts?
I am hesitant to undertake a commando raid without fighter support/an army.
Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 12:30 pm on Jan. 10, 2006
I didn't know how big you were thinking, so I rummaged through the SWG wiki thing they have and threw some ideas out there. I think the Nova one is pretty big, like a light freighter. The Krayt fighter would be the smallest unless I'm mistaken.
SWG did at least give us some cool ships.
In terms of style, I'm thinking I like the Decimator best. Will we have the same problem as we did with the TIE in terms of repairs?
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 1:24 pm on Jan. 10, 2006)

Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 4:51 pm on Jan. 11, 2006
I'm going with the assumption that the TIE family is pretty specific as to what components it will handle. They're small, everything's gotta fit just right. The Decimator and Blastboat-style ships have a bit more room to play with, and let's not forget that it's not going to be a Decimator once you guys are through with it. I would assume you'd build it to be as parts-friendly as possible, at least I'd think Aurelia would.It might be temperamental (we'll see once you get everything together and make your rolls) or have some other quirks, but if you want it to use basic parts you can get I don't see it being a problem. The hurdle for this ship will be, as Ivan put it in his IC post, the fancy electronics.
Definitely leaning toward the Decimator. It looks cool.
If we can get it back to the Sword in one trip, let's.
If not, we will break it up as suggested, but, assuming Jorm's life support will hold, he'll stay behind in between trips and try to salvage parts from the other derelicts.
Quote:Quote: from fanchergw on 8:57 pm on Jan. 16, 2006
Leaving an engineer out here by himself sounds like a dicey proposition to Calsera. Thus, she volunteers to play bodyguard in the hopes of keeping him safe from any other scroungers that should happen to come by while the ship is away.
Thanks, the company will be much appreciated.
I edited the in-game post to reflect the current "plan".
As for the rest:
I'm going to take a page from the M*A*S*H 4077 handbook and see if there is anything onboard the Sword that can be bartered with an Alliance-Friendly black marketeer or other such scum. Stuff like...good booze, or luxury food items.

We've already determined that (without getting into technobabble) the parts you're looking for will be easier to get by going black market. With some good rolling, Jorm can probably misappropriate some crates of blaster rifles or some thermal detonators. Trade those with the black market, you might be able to get the parts you want (as an aside, this will probably be some major criminal organization). Or, you can use them to get booze and other luxuries and trade THAT with Alliance personnel and try to get parts that way (this way involves slightly more rolls and more in-game time, with means a little more chance of failure as well as less time to construct the ship, but the scum who'll sell you booze and food for guns are likely nicer than the type who deal in wholesale engine components). Either way, there'll be some shadiness going down.
That's just how I'm breaking it down. If that makes sense, then let's get it on. If I'm totally off-base, let me know. It's not like I'm any black market expert or anything.


Actually, I realize that you guys probably don't have enough information to lay out a detailed swap meet/black market plan, and I honestly don't want to worry about economics - it's Star Wars, not long division!
I just need someone to make a choice whether you want a one-step trade (weaponry for ship parts) or a two-step trade (weaponry for luxury items for ship parts). I'll set the scene after that choice has been made. It'll be Jorm making the deal with Wits+Maestro, with Aurelia assisting via Wits+Scavenge For Parts.
1 Trade - Weapons for Ship Parts
Jorm will of course be covering his tracks. It's amazing how a crate of blaster rifles can get misplaced.
Anyone who wants to can be written in as hitching a ride on the Dagger. Let me know who wants in or out and then I'll continue. I'm assuming Jorm and Aurelia are in. Dutch? Eritram? Ganet? Calsera? Mandall?