OOC: XII - More sequels than a slasher movie.

Gatac 2004-02-20 23:06:45
Can someone get our gear from Artis' trunk to our safe house? I'd really feel better with my Tactical Emergency Package.

Gatac 2004-02-21 01:12:13
Nice try.

Also, I'm pleased to announce that we will get Snoop Support - soon.

threadbare 2004-02-21 02:18:45
I think the position of snoop here is BYOBB (bring your own bodybag). Heck, I think the only reason Harry survived the explosion was that he multiclassed.
Gatac 2004-02-21 02:21:59
Oh, I talked to Punkey about it. With a pistol, he's sure not to engage into ANY extended combat.

Gatac 2004-02-21 11:52:40
Uh, that reminds me: Is there anyone that needs my 31337 m3d1c sk1llz ?

threadbare 2004-02-23 08:49:59
Well, there's you. Other than that I don't think anyone sustained any real damage.

Hmmn, what are we going for here? I'm hoping we might have a slight edge in firepower, seeing as we have a man-portable machine gun, a vehicle-mounted MG, and some as-yet-unknown emergency package (right now, the smart money out of vegas is going on "attack robot").
Gatac 2004-02-23 08:56:57
I'm just saying that it's a major upgrade for Jess, maybe not for firepower in general - though it will surely hold it's own.

So don't expect that tactical nuclear warhead - R&D still hasn't shipped it.

Dieter 2004-02-23 17:27:52
What's the plan?

As for timing, we'll say that Goose will arrive at the safehouse around 12pm. That gives you nine hours between now and the time you have to be at the train/bus station.
CrazyIvan 2004-02-23 17:29:49
My plans tend to go wrong, but I'll be more than happy to provide either a MG or Sniper Rifle based hail of gunfire for whatever we wind up doing.
Dieter 2004-02-23 18:05:17

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 11:29 am on Feb. 23, 2004
My plans tend to go wrong, but I'll be more than happy to provide either a MG or Sniper Rifle based hail of gunfire for whatever we wind up doing.

Twilight occurs at 5pm, which should give Brian a significant amount of sneaky sniper related time. ;)
Gatac 2004-02-23 19:56:49
I was thinking that Brian - being the stealthiest guy - could go on a stakeout and do some visual reconnaisance of the mansion with the optic of his sniper rifle.

I'm not sure if I should bring my TEP to the rendevous, but I'm leaning towards no. It'll be hard to hide, and I'm not gonna have it get lost before I can use it to feed Liz a lead sandwich.

Gatac 2004-02-23 20:45:06
A quick overview of stealth:
Brian's got +14 to Hide, not much Move Silently. I agree that he'd be a good spotter/observationista.

Artis has +13 move silently, and a +5 hide. Not good for stakeout.

Carla has +9 in both, so would work either as a backup for Brian or maybe she and Artis could go in sneaky-like? I didn't see much sneaky for Ayumi or Jess, so I apologize if I missed something.
Gatac 2004-02-23 20:56:02
The extent of Ayumi's sneaky-sneak is the silencers on her pistols.
CrazyIvan 2004-02-23 21:21:03
Sneaky, sniper related time = roxxor.

Between the video bug, and the scope (which I presume is not an ass poor russian one that paints a big "Kill me, I'm a sniper" profile on anyone with IR detection?) I can do a fair amount of video survey stuff.

If Dieter would be so kind as to give Brian credit for requesting urban camo, rather than a strict, vegitation style Ghillie suit, there can be even more sneaky git sniper activity.
Gatac 2004-02-23 21:28:35
It occurs to me that Brian is a really bad-ass spotter with his rifle. Which, when one takes into account what snipers do a lot of the time, just plain rocks.

Jess should come with Ayumi for the meeting, fully rearmed and refreshed. Perhaps Art too on hot standby for when things go south. (I don't reckon Liz will actually be there, but they might just try to get rid of us.)

Dieter 2004-02-23 21:29:27

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 3:21 pm on Feb. 23, 2004

If Dieter would be so kind as to give Brian credit for requesting urban camo, rather than a strict, vegitation style Ghillie suit, there can be even more sneaky git sniper activity.

I've always assumed Brian never strays far from his military dress, so you'd probably already be wearing urban-camo-ish clothing. The Ghillie suit would still work if you were say, sneaking around in the underbrush or staking out in a nearby tree.
threadbare 2004-02-24 02:47:35

Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:45 pm on Feb. 23, 2004
A quick overview of stealth:
Brian's got +14 to Hide, not much Move Silently. I agree that he'd be a good spotter/observationista.

Artis has +13 move silently, and a +5 hide. Not good for stakeout.

Carla has +9 in both, so would work either as a backup for Brian or maybe she and Artis could go in sneaky-like? I didn't see much sneaky for Ayumi or Jess, so I apologize if I missed something.

I could set up some kind of kill zone with the SAW, that'd be kind a cool. I don't know if I would need to infiltrate the grounds or not.

Ooh, idea: ayumi or jess drives there, while artis sits in the backseat, so they think no one's in the car.
Gatac 2004-02-24 10:51:00
I'm pretty sure Jess has no driving skill whatsoever...I've been meaning to get her a few ranks, but as of now, I wouldn't trust her behind the wheel.
