Because we have the time to stake it out. Surprises = Bad.
OOC: XII - More sequels than a slasher movie.
Why do I envision Artis saying something to the effect of:
"My car is capable of going 150MPH while simultaneously laying down a field of automatic gunfire. Why do I suddenly have the feeling all of that is for nought and that I should really just put up a glowing white sign on the roof with the word TAXI stenciled on it?"
But I'll leave ADS to officially comment on the matter.
"My car is capable of going 150MPH while simultaneously laying down a field of automatic gunfire. Why do I suddenly have the feeling all of that is for nought and that I should really just put up a glowing white sign on the roof with the word TAXI stenciled on it?"

But I'll leave ADS to officially comment on the matter.
One gun is loaded with dum-dums, the other with Talons. We're gonna fuck shit up.
This game satisfies my adolescent power fantasies like nothing else.
This game satisfies my adolescent power fantasies like nothing else.

...And Art still gets to drive, despite not being in the driver's seat.

Quote:Heh...we may just get some Tomorrow Never Dies backseat driver action! :cheesy:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:39 pm on Feb. 27, 2004
...And Art still gets to drive, despite not being in the driver's seat.
Artis picks up 30 Euros (about $40) for his troubles.
Funny scene. I rolled randomly as to whether the bus driver was going to be a real prick or a dandy. Artis lucked out.
Funny scene. I rolled randomly as to whether the bus driver was going to be a real prick or a dandy. Artis lucked out.
Ok, so is Artis leaving Jess and Ayumi to recon the trainstation? If so, where's he going?
Quote:Additionally, what sort of surveillance is Ayumi and Jess conducting in/around the station?Quote: from Dieter on 6:16 pm on Feb. 27, 2004
Ok, so is Artis leaving Jess and Ayumi to recon the trainstation? If so, where's he going?
Mostly looking for potential hiding spots and escape routes, in addition to things that look fishy. (Explosive traps, anyone?) Not as in "Sweeping the place with a metal detector", but more like "Say, that case over there, who placed it there?"
We both don't have anything in Search, but a few Spot ranks, so I guess we're just walking around the whole thing and praying that we find the nasty stuff.
We both don't have anything in Search, but a few Spot ranks, so I guess we're just walking around the whole thing and praying that we find the nasty stuff.
Art isn't going anywhere yet - the IC thread mentioned Jess saying something about leaving. I was confused.
Quote:Initially, I was also confused. It appears that Jess and Ayumi are looking over the station while Artis waits in the car as the backseat driver.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:29 pm on Mar. 1, 2004
Art isn't going anywhere yet - the IC thread mentioned Jess saying something about leaving. I was confused.
It was just about getting away from the crash site and to the train station.
I'd say Art stays for a few minutes while we sweep the place. We'll then go for a small spot to notice if anyone is following us. If no, back to the safe house, if yes, time to drive to a hotel and rent a room for the evening.
I'd say Art stays for a few minutes while we sweep the place. We'll then go for a small spot to notice if anyone is following us. If no, back to the safe house, if yes, time to drive to a hotel and rent a room for the evening.
Quite honestly, there's just waaaay to many people for even the most acute spy to keep track of. Someone could have been following you the whole time you were in the station and you wouldn't have been the wiser.
Good place for a clandestine drop, eh?
Good place for a clandestine drop, eh?

Hey, could you make like a organizational chart of who everybody is, like maybe a tree to gonzalez from seasons 1 and 2, with offshoots for Samantha, the deckers, and England. Maybe just a dramatis personae would be better.
Re(Dieter): That was predictable, but I wouldn't have slept well if I hadn't at least tried it. 
Hm, a flowchart would be nice. All I gathered was that these two are somehow related to our favourite pair of terrorists. (From both sides of the radically trimmed family tree, too!)

Hm, a flowchart would be nice. All I gathered was that these two are somehow related to our favourite pair of terrorists. (From both sides of the radically trimmed family tree, too!)
Predictable, yes...any more predictable than a James Bond movie...probably not. Although it's not as if I've ever made anything easy to accomplish. 
A flowchart? Hmm...I'll try and whip up something together tonight then have ADS post the linky-thing.

A flowchart? Hmm...I'll try and whip up something together tonight then have ADS post the linky-thing.
Oh, it could be worse. Besides, it wouldn't be fun without the challenge.
For logistical reasons, we'll say that anyone who is currently using their Sat-Comms (i.e. actively viewing the screen) have a live-feed of Brian's observations.
No offense to CrazyIvan's thread checking habits, but Houston, I think we have a problem...
At the rate the convo between Brian and Jess is going, the confrontation at the trainstation will be taking place sometime around May...2005.
It's a flaw of the PbP genre, not the players.
At the rate the convo between Brian and Jess is going, the confrontation at the trainstation will be taking place sometime around May...2005.
It's a flaw of the PbP genre, not the players.