Pilots' Initiative for next flurry:
Imperial Ace
Mandall (sorry, the dice weren't with you this round)
How I'm running space combat: When your initiative comes up, you state who you want to engage:
Attacks against that target are made as normal.
Attacks against anyone else are at a penalty, as you're likely only getting a brief attack from the side as they whip by.
If you're a turret gunner, you can fire normally on anyone who your pilot is lined up on OR anyone who is lined up on you. You suffer a penalty to attack anyone else, as normal. So Ganet rolled pretty well to dust those two TIEs.
Gunners fire when their pilots act, in order to keep things simpler.
The Sith Eater doesn't have a turret, but Eritram and Jorm can split up ion cannon and laser cannon duty if they want Dutch to concentrate on flying - and if Jorm wants to stop boosting the shields/weapons.