So now the people awake and wandering about are Max, Davis, Angel, and Hugh.
Luis would definitely be the best person to do explosive trickery with anti-tank rockets and remote detonators.
Also, since I assumed the bulk of your gear is still stowed near the crash couches, you can get to Luis' demo kit without sneaking into the crew quarters and waking Luis himself. The demo kit would have the C4 and detonators you'd need to blow a hole in the hull.
The demolitions kit acts kinda like a Spycraft gear pick - it allows you to use your skill, much like a first aid kit allows you to use first aid without having to know what exactly is in it. If I spell out exactly what's in that kit, I am going to regret it later.
So, get to the demo kit stashed near the crashers and then someone will roll their Tech->Demolitions.
We're also going to start rolling stealth checks now. Each "action" like "Wake up Luis" or "get the demo kit" or "hack into the starship owner's manual" is going to require a Move->Stealth check by the person or people going to get it. In the case of a group, the best among you rolls.
Here's my problem with this whole thing: we think these guys might be able to help us, big time. They catch us, what do they find out we've been doing? Hacking their computer and rigging a bomb to the hull. I really think before we start this we ought to consider what it'll look like. It's not a bad thought, but is it worth the fall out?
The logs indicate that the crew did sell out someone they picked up at a shadowport to the Imperium. Was it under duress? Did they get paid for their treachery with a shiny new holographic cockpit? Is it an ongoing arrangement? Were the people they sold out scum? Is the entire crew willingly participating, or are only a few a vocal majority (or authority)?
Even if you wanted their help with starting or contacting a Rebel Alliance, can you trust them after what their logs seem to say? I think most of the team have answered "No" (or Max has, and everyone else is going along because 'hey, explosives!') to that question.
Some of our characters are asleep and entirely unaware of what's going on.
That said, I think we're in the process of doing a great job of slitting our own throats. I know that some of the players here were trained by Rockshilman (and others) to always expect the worst, but this seems over-reactionary to me, to say the least.
I know they'll be able to help us. But they also have a history of selling out passengers, probably ones worth something to the Imperium. Considering we're Public Enemy #1 at the moment, I think that we fit that bill. We first need to get out of the system and away from the incoming Imperial forces, and that will probably mean getting them to not sell us out, and nothing fosters cooperation quite like killing everyone on board if things don't go our way. If they're gonna turn us in, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Either they don't know who we are or they know and they're not going to sell us out, and we never have to use the explosives (I don't think we should set them yet), or they already know who we are, and we're gonna be really damn glad we have them. Either way, it's better to have the option than to not have it. It really doesn't matter if they're being forced to sell out passengers to the Imperium or if they're doing it voluntarily. Either way, we're still screwed, and having the threat of giving everyone a nice, big taste of hard vacuum is a great motivator.
I'm not talking about hijacking the ship. I simply want to create an insurance policy in case we get caught or we find out that they are, in fact, going to sell us out, either under duress or willingly. If they're not going to sell us out, we don't need to use it. But if they are, willingly or otherwise, we're going to need leverage. And even though we're from the Homeworld and all of that, I think that this crew is currently running on self-preservation first and foremost, and we could be the foretold saviors of the fucking galaxy and they'd still sell us out to keep their asses alive and flying.
Edit: After some discussion, I want to clarify something. As of this moment, all I want is to have Max or someone else hanging around with an AT4 nearby, not necessarily in their hands, but ready in case we get caught. The explosive charges are for later, if we find out that we're good and screwed.
Going to get an AT-4 from the gear (because nobody is toting one of those around all day if they don't have to) is a roll. While you're there, you can grab Stanhill's demo kit.
I would assume Angel would be the one sneaking about, because well, it's Angel.
From what I'm reading, it seems like nobody's waking up Luis, so Max handles the demolitions. That's another roll, but it's not Stealth. :twisted: This Demolitions roll will encapsulate the actual construction of the charges as well as picking the best place to plant them and camouflage them.
Then one more stealth roll to plant the charges. Charges will be slaves to a remote deadman switch. Basically if you let off the firing stud, kaboom.
If that's the plan, let me know. Also note that Luis can always defuse the charges even if the deadman switch is activated, so you have an out.
How big a boom are you going for? Do you want "death by vacuum" or "everyone dies in a fireball"?
Umm, unless someone else decided something, I think I said that the explosive charges shouldn't be set yet.
After some discussion, I want to clarify something. As of this moment, all I want is to have Max or someone else hanging around with an AT4 nearby, not necessarily in their hands, but ready in case we get caught. The explosive charges are for later, if we find out that we're good and screwed.
Don't want some suspicious thing hanging around until we know that we're going to have to use them. So unless anyone else wants to have explosive charges set around the ship where they might be seen before we know if we need to use them, I think it might be a bad thing to have them around.
I'm guessing she heard Hugh wake you. Either that, or she always takes a patrol in the middle of the night, and seeing Hugh's bunk empty made her suspicious. Or something inbetween the two. Any body have a problem with me pretending to fall over or something, then pretending I just woke up and need directions to the bathrrom? Hopefully, that'd be loud enough to officially alert you guys that something's up. ONce that alert has occured there are two things to ensure:
1. We have the bombs hdden and all suspicious conversation stoped.
2. We have an alibi for being awake. Midnight prayers, watching pirated DVDs, something innocuous.
Remember that Luis is in the crew quarters. Everyone else is in the cargo bay. Hugh is in the cargo bay, having awakened previously without alerting any of the crew (so he thinks).
If you want, you can always just radio your team once you've fallen out of your bunk and are safely in the bathroom.
Sh-t. I go away for two hours and you guys throw a pajama mutiny? Perfect. Just...f-cking...perfect. Sh-t....
Anyway, we're farked. At this point, we have to consider our cover blown, since they were suspicious already and Yaris is headed to the bridge- where there are, no doubt, some kind of internal sensors, or at least ways for her to fark us over good. As much as I disliked the "blow them all to pieces" plan, it may be what we're stuck with. I recomend dispatching at least an NPC to the bridge, preferably a PC too (Arketta and Luis might be preferable, since we're already closer and between her knowledge of the Imperium and my general knowledge, we'd have the best chance of holding and using the bridge if we can take it. Leave the bombs wired, but don't arm them yet. Then, we take inventory of the crew of the Akuma, gather them, and spill the beans. Blow our cover to them all, but on our terms. If they can help us, we take a cautious step towards working together, being alert for the double cross. If not, we kill them. We have the element of suprise, similar numbers, and better firepower. If things go really sour, we blow the bombs. Simple.
EDIT: I should mention I'm not taking the actions mentioned, just sugesting them.