Ayumi "Wakizashi" Yokozaki
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 6
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 26
Height: 1.52m
Weight: 45kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 64/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +8
Will: +2
Defense: 17
Damage Reduction: 1/-
Initiative: +10
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +6
Ranged: +11
Dual H&K USP .40's: +11 (or +9/+9 akimbo, +14 within 20', +12/+12 akimbo within 20' +12 within 50', +10/+10 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+1 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Wakizashi: +12, 1d6+2, error 1, threat 19-20
Unarmed: +6, 1d3
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
-Armor Use: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1.
-Ambidexterity: Reduces off-hand penalties by -4.
-Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduces two-weapon fighting penalties by -2.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Exotic Weapon Proficiency (martial arts): Proficient in martial arts weapons.
-Weapon Finesse (wakizashi): Adds Dex modifier instead of Str modifier to attacks made with this weapon.
-Acrobatic: +2 to Balance, Climb, and Tumble. Threat range increases to 19-20.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 3, 10
Climb: 8, 10
Driver: 5, 10
Hide: 2, 9
Jump: 7, 7
Spot: 8, 10
Tumble: 9, 16
Languages: (*=native language)
BP Bonus: 12
GP Bonus: 3
Personal Gear: 55 points
-H&K USP .40 "Hidari" (laser sight, silencer, extended clip 20 BP)
-H&K USP .40 "Migi" (laser sight, silencer, extended clip 20 BP)
-Wakizashi (from MAG, 7 BP)
-50 rounds .40 caliber military ball ammunition
-Trendy clothes
-Mirrored sunglasses, prescription
Background and description:
Ayumi Yokozaki (or Yokozaki Ayumi, if you're being really Japanese about things) was born in Tokyo in the winter of 1977. Her father, a top car company executive, traveled a lot for the company and brought his family with him, so while Ayumi has lived at various points in her development in Japan, Germany, and America, she spent most of her childhood in Hong Kong. During her junior college years in Japan, Ayumi took some work as a stuntwoman in low-budget action movies, where her outstanding grace and agility drew the Agency's attention. Her parents believe that Ayumi and her brother, an agent with D-3, work as middle management for one of the Agency's cover businesses. In reality, of course, she's a gun-toting, sword-swinging, wall-flipping secret agent.
Ayumi is relatively short, though not by Japanese standards. She is of slight build and very trim, but while she doesn't have much muscle for a "muscle" agent, she has plenty of "get up and go." Her eyesight is less than perfect, and she prefers to wear glasses rather than contacts when she can. She tends to dress in darker colors, especially when working, and usually wears some kind of jacket to hide her weapon rig. If she can't adequately hide her wakizashi behind clothing, then she carries it in a backpack or a poster tube.
Ayumi is mostly polite and sweet when she's not "working." She enjoys calligraphy, karaoke, and has a bit of a sweet tooth, though not enough to give the Agency dentists any trouble keeping her smile in top shape. Even when the bullets are flying, she shows professional courtesy to her opponents. So far, she's only been ordered to kill real "bad guys": slave traders, Triads, Yakuza, gun runners, cultists, and the like, so her vocation doesn't hang on her conscience that much. Past missions have taken her all across Japan, Hong Kong, the Koreas, Los Angeles, and Indonesia.
She's heard in-house rumors about the team's exploits, their heroism, and especially about Agent O'Conner's sacrifice. Her brother was in a coma for three months after his team had a run-in with the Deckers. She considers it a privelege to work with the team that brought the hellacious couple down.
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 5:14 pm on Mar. 14, 2003)