British SAS/Urban Assault
Classes: Soldier 4/Faceman 1/Sniper 1
Nationality: English
Age: 26
Height: 6’
Weight:165 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond (Brown naturally)
Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 48/14 (Max 1st level, rolled thereafter)
Saving Throws:
Fort: +7
Ref: +6
Will: +2
Defense: 17
Damage Reduction: 1/-
Initiative: +8
BAB: +5
Ranged: +9
Melee: +5
NATO 9x19mm Service Pistol +8 (+10 within 30 ft, +9 within 50 feet). 1d10 damage (+1 within 30 ft.) Range: 30 ft. Error 1, Threat 20. Equipped with silencer, -4 to listen checks tracking by muzzle blast.
Dragunov SVS (match grade and accurized) +10 (Within 300ft: +11, +13 Aimed, +14 Braced, +16 Aimed and Braced. Outside 300ft: +10, +12 Aimed, +13 Braced, +15 Aimed and Braced minus every even range increment penalty. -4 to Spot and Listen. Threat: 18-20)
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Far Shot
Lay Down Fire
Skills: Bonus (Ranks) Department Modifiers Included
Spot 12 (

Survival 6 (6)
Balance 6 (2)
Demolitions 4 (3)
Disguise 5 (4)
Hide 14 (

Survey 8 (

Search: 3 (1)
Personal Gear:
Package 1 Gear:
Military Sea Bag
1 set plain cloths
1 set camouflage fatigues
All-weather lighter
Chemical light sticks
5 days of field rations
Digging tool
NATO 9x19mm service pistol, laser sight
100 bullets
2 tactical radios
Silencer (9mm)
Silencer and Flash Suppressor (SVS)
40 Rounds AP rifle ammo
starlight lenses
Mission gear: QuickMine
Brian Malory came from an affluent family in northern England, and felt it was his civic duty to put in some time in the service. Unusually smart, the Royal Marines offered to pay for his University education, where Brian earned a B.A. in International Relations (accounts for the large number of languages spoken) before joining the Royal Marines. Three years later, he applied for, and was accepted into the SAS, and after extensive training has served with them the last two years, under the command of Andrew Stewart. Brian was called in when Stewart went rogue, given a crash coarse in espionage and assigned to the team, where he is fairly out of his element. While a crack shot, and an reliable soldier in a firefight, the subtle nature of espionage is something he finds hard to grasp, and he much prefers an assault rifle and Kevlar, combined with a healthy dose of tear gas, to a silenced pistol and a tuxedo.
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:21 pm on Nov. 24, 2003)