Character Update:
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner"
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 4
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 30/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +6
Will: +2
Defense: 16
Damage Reduction: 5/1 (firearms/other)
Initiative: +7
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +7
Ranged: +9
H&K USP .40: +9 (+12 within 20', +11 within 50'), 1d12, R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: +7, 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+1 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+1 department bonus to readied attacks
-Armor Use: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Lay Down Fire: Allies recieve a +6 instead of a +4 to Defense when you provide them with cover fire. The penalty inflicted on enemies when you use suppressive fire is increased to +6.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 7, 10
Jump: 7, 9
Spot: 7, 9
Tumble: 7, 11
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 8
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 53 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Kevlar Vest (30 BP)
Mirrored Sunglasses (1 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
Gavin's eager to get the Deckers incident behind him, despite the fact that he finally managed to hit Hanna, a previously almost unknown feat for him. He's looking forward to future successes. He's finally requisitioned a kevlar vest, having resigned himself to being perforated for the world's sake on a regular basis.
(Changed Controlled Burst to Lay Down Fire when I realized that I didn't meet the prereqs. It's what I had in mind in the first place, though. Also, finally switched out my tuxedo liner for a kevlar vest.
Character Sheets - Just because you -are- a character, doesn
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 10:27 am on Aug. 17, 2002
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 4:58 am on Aug. 17, 2002
I'm working on the update, but I've decided I'd like to upgrade my Dexterity to 16, which will give me a bonus of +3 instead of +2. What all does that affect?
Well, other than the obvious...increasing DEX-based skills, it also improves your Defense by one, your Initiative by one, your REF save by one, and your ranged combat by one. Dexterity is probably the best ability to increase. The others being INT (more skill points) and CON (more VP and better Fortitute saves).
How many opprotunities do we get for this? I figure once I add one to my constitution, and maybe one to my strength, I'm going to pour the rest into intelligence, eventually going for that +5 bonus.
You get another ability score increase at Level 8, then again at Level 12, so it's not that often. You guys may see 8th level by the end of the year.
Ah. It's a rarity, as I would have guessed. I suppose I'll dump it into intelligence when I get the chance.
Right. I took Dexterity because, in the long term, it's the most important for my character. That one point isn't doing jack for me right now, but in another four levels, it'll do wonders. Well, not wonders, but +1 to ranged and Defense is always good.
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 4:55 pm on Aug. 23, 2002)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 4:55 pm on Aug. 23, 2002)
Artis "Goose" Gossard
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 10 +0
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 3/Wheelman 1
Vitality: 37
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 52
Level: 4
Ranged Attack Bonus: +6
Melee Attack Bonus: +5
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +6
Will Save: +1
Def Bonus: +4 (+5 with armor); DR 2 (armor)
Init Bonus: +2
BP: 5
GP: 3
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4 /4
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 /2 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4 /7
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2 /5
Driver - Dex 3 /6
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 4 /7
Tumble - Dex 2 /5
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /0
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2 /3
Fixer 2 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 5 /8
Bluff - Cha 5 /5
Climb - Str 3 /5
Driver - Dex 4 /7
Wheelman 1 Skill Upgrades:
Boating - Dex 1 /2/6
Mechanics - Int 3 /2/6
Driver - Dex 5 /2/10
Open Lock - Dex 4 /7
Pilot - Dex 1 /2/6
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Fixer 3 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 7 /10
Tumble - Dex 7 /10
Driver - Dex 7 /2/12
Hide - Dex 2 /5
Sleight of Hand - Dex 2 /2/7
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Sneak Attack: +1d6
Personal Budget: 45
Gadget Points: +3
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
9mm HK USP Compact (11 BP): 1d10, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
5.56mm Assault Rifle (31 BP): 2d8+2, R 100', fail 1-2, threat 19-20
Tuxedo Liner: (1GP) +1 Defense, DR 2
Handcuffs (1 BP)
Silencer (2 BP)
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services.
Artis' first mission left him realizing that his employers don't always have all the information. He's arranged for armored liners in his clothing now, at the expense of some of his firepower. Goose has shown a real talent for all types of wheeled vehicles as well.
After Goose's second debacle left him with a distaste for being underdressed and underarmed, he used his pull with the Agency (plus someone in Requisitions was probably feeling sorry for the team) to get some firepower back - and then some. He kept training in offensive driving but returned to the more covert arts.
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 10 +0
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 3/Wheelman 1
Vitality: 37
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 52
Level: 4
Ranged Attack Bonus: +6
Melee Attack Bonus: +5
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +6
Will Save: +1
Def Bonus: +4 (+5 with armor); DR 2 (armor)
Init Bonus: +2
BP: 5
GP: 3
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4 /4
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 /2 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4 /7
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2 /5
Driver - Dex 3 /6
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 4 /7
Tumble - Dex 2 /5
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /0
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2 /3
Fixer 2 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 5 /8
Bluff - Cha 5 /5
Climb - Str 3 /5
Driver - Dex 4 /7
Wheelman 1 Skill Upgrades:
Boating - Dex 1 /2/6
Mechanics - Int 3 /2/6
Driver - Dex 5 /2/10
Open Lock - Dex 4 /7
Pilot - Dex 1 /2/6
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Fixer 3 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 7 /10
Tumble - Dex 7 /10
Driver - Dex 7 /2/12
Hide - Dex 2 /5
Sleight of Hand - Dex 2 /2/7
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Sneak Attack: +1d6
Personal Budget: 45
Gadget Points: +3
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
9mm HK USP Compact (11 BP): 1d10, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
5.56mm Assault Rifle (31 BP): 2d8+2, R 100', fail 1-2, threat 19-20
Tuxedo Liner: (1GP) +1 Defense, DR 2
Handcuffs (1 BP)
Silencer (2 BP)
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services.
Artis' first mission left him realizing that his employers don't always have all the information. He's arranged for armored liners in his clothing now, at the expense of some of his firepower. Goose has shown a real talent for all types of wheeled vehicles as well.
After Goose's second debacle left him with a distaste for being underdressed and underarmed, he used his pull with the Agency (plus someone in Requisitions was probably feeling sorry for the team) to get some firepower back - and then some. He kept training in offensive driving but returned to the more covert arts.
And I took Charisma! Go mission budget!
You have an AR in your personal gear? Bastard!

Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 2:00 am on Aug. 20, 2002
You have an AR in your personal gear? Bastard!
That is funny on many different levels.

Well, I guess we'll be moving on with the game. Expect an update to the storyline thread today.
I realized that with that extra Gadget Point, I could get a armored liner as a Gadget and use those BPs on something else. Also, I am a fickle bitch and might switch the AR for a kevlar vest and then use the GP for something else. I'm still deciding.
I'm still trying to determine if those skills I had noted on the print-out char sheet were genuine, or if I had decided to change that and just not corrected it on paper. They do feel rather phony to me though, but I can't check without access to the sheet of paper.
I'm thinking of changes in my personal gear, but as things go without a player's manual, you live in ignorance of the greater stuff. I might see if I can get the P90 there, though - I just like it to death, even if Jess can't hit anything with it
I'm thinking of changes in my personal gear, but as things go without a player's manual, you live in ignorance of the greater stuff. I might see if I can get the P90 there, though - I just like it to death, even if Jess can't hit anything with it

I know we're not done with the current storyline, but I thought I'd say that everyone will be levelling up soon.
Character Update:
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner"
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 5
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 30/12 VPs needs lvl 5 increase.
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +7
Will: +2
Defense: 16
Damage Reduction: 5/1 (firearms/other)
Initiative: +8
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +8
Ranged: +9
H&K USP .40: +10 (+13 within 20', +12 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+1 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: +8, 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
-Armor Use: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Lay Down Fire: Allies recieve a +6 instead of a +4 to Defense when you provide them with cover fire. The penalty inflicted on enemies when you use suppressive fire is increased to +6.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
-Blocking Basics: Grants the break weapon and shifting throw abilities.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 8, 11
Jump: 8, 11
Spot: 8, 11
Tumble: 8, 12
Hide: 0, 6
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 10
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 55 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Kevlar Vest (30 BP)
Mirrored Sunglasses (1 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 12:23 am on Nov. 3, 2002)
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner"
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 5
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 30/12 VPs needs lvl 5 increase.
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +7
Will: +2
Defense: 16
Damage Reduction: 5/1 (firearms/other)
Initiative: +8
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +8
Ranged: +9
H&K USP .40: +10 (+13 within 20', +12 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+1 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: +8, 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
-Armor Use: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Lay Down Fire: Allies recieve a +6 instead of a +4 to Defense when you provide them with cover fire. The penalty inflicted on enemies when you use suppressive fire is increased to +6.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
-Blocking Basics: Grants the break weapon and shifting throw abilities.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 8, 11
Jump: 8, 11
Spot: 8, 11
Tumble: 8, 12
Hide: 0, 6
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 10
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 55 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Kevlar Vest (30 BP)
Mirrored Sunglasses (1 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 12:23 am on Nov. 3, 2002)
Here's what I have, VP's first.
Artis: 6
Harry: 5
Jess: 8
Gavin: 13, but I already included those in your Dossier.
Artis: 31/6 plus 4 more specfically for a custom ride
Gavin: 42/7
Harry: 45/6
Jess: 49/4
Gavin is already done and I know ADS has the rulebook, so here is Harry and Jess' stuff.
Fort Save= +1
Ref Save= +1
Def Save= +1
Skill pts = 8
Fort= +1
Ref= +1
Will= +2
Skill pts = 10
(Edited by Dieter at 8:22 am on Nov. 6, 2002)
Artis: 6
Harry: 5
Jess: 8
Gavin: 13, but I already included those in your Dossier.
Artis: 31/6 plus 4 more specfically for a custom ride
Gavin: 42/7
Harry: 45/6
Jess: 49/4
Gavin is already done and I know ADS has the rulebook, so here is Harry and Jess' stuff.
Fort Save= +1
Ref Save= +1
Def Save= +1
Skill pts = 8
Fort= +1
Ref= +1
Will= +2
Skill pts = 10
(Edited by Dieter at 8:22 am on Nov. 6, 2002)
I hate to do this to you guys, but technically when you mutliclass, you don't get the italicized class feat from being 1st level. ie:
Artis started as a Fixer. He has Dextrous. When I multiclassed to Wheelman, I did NOT get Lucky. Likewise, if I took a level of Soldier, I wouldn't get Accurate, and so on and so forth.
Of course, we can ignore that, and I'll put Lucky down on my sheet. :biggrin: And I'll take my next level in Soldier to get Accurate, too.
Artis started as a Fixer. He has Dextrous. When I multiclassed to Wheelman, I did NOT get Lucky. Likewise, if I took a level of Soldier, I wouldn't get Accurate, and so on and so forth.
Of course, we can ignore that, and I'll put Lucky down on my sheet. :biggrin: And I'll take my next level in Soldier to get Accurate, too.

What? I'm confused. I took a second level of faceman. Where are you getting this stuff? What do you mean about personal budgets and mission budgets and so forth?
i'm done with skills, following the skill points from a level in faceman. Here's what changed:
+Bluff: 6, 8
+Innuendo: 5, 8
++Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 3, 7
+++++Perform: 6,8
+Sense Motive: 8, 11
Also, I pick up cold read from that 2nd level in Faceman, which along with sense motive makes me a pretty good reader of character.
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:39 am on Nov. 6, 2002)
i'm done with skills, following the skill points from a level in faceman. Here's what changed:
+Bluff: 6, 8
+Innuendo: 5, 8
++Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 3, 7
+++++Perform: 6,8
+Sense Motive: 8, 11
Also, I pick up cold read from that 2nd level in Faceman, which along with sense motive makes me a pretty good reader of character.
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:39 am on Nov. 6, 2002)
A few things...ADS is right about the not getting the 1st level starting feats when multiclassing, so I nixed them from my last post.
Forget what I said about the personal budget stuff. I looked it over this morning and it will just be easier to keep what you have and use what I gave you yesterday for mission purchases.
Bear with me, I'm on ALOT of cold medication right now so it's like gaming with a 3-beer buzz.
Threadbare, your stuff looks good. I'll update your sheet then load it on to the DOSSIER thread sometime today.
PS...ADS, I should be quite fine for gaming this Saturday at your place
Forget what I said about the personal budget stuff. I looked it over this morning and it will just be easier to keep what you have and use what I gave you yesterday for mission purchases.
Bear with me, I'm on ALOT of cold medication right now so it's like gaming with a 3-beer buzz.

Threadbare, your stuff looks good. I'll update your sheet then load it on to the DOSSIER thread sometime today.
PS...ADS, I should be quite fine for gaming this Saturday at your place
If anyone would like to come to Maryland to game with us, feel free. 
So what is our mission budget/GP?

So what is our mission budget/GP?
Artis "Goose" Gossard
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 10 +0
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 4/Wheelman 1
Vitality: 42
Wound Points: 12
Level: 4
Ranged Attack Bonus: +7
Melee Attack Bonus: +6
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +7
Will Save: +1
Def Bonus: +4 (+5 with armor); DR 2 (armor)
Init Bonus: +3
BP: 6
GP: 4
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4 /4
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 /2 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4 /7
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2 /5
Driver - Dex 3 /6
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 4 /7
Tumble - Dex 2 /5
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /0
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2 /3
Fixer 2 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 5 /8
Bluff - Cha 5 /5
Climb - Str 3 /5
Driver - Dex 4 /7
Wheelman 1 Skill Upgrades:
Boating - Dex 1 /2/6
Mechanics - Int 3 /2/6
Driver - Dex 5 /2/10
Open Lock - Dex 4 /7
Pilot - Dex 1 /2/6
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Fixer 3 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 7 /10
Tumble - Dex 7 /10
Driver - Dex 7 /2/12
Hide - Dex 2 /5
Sleight of Hand - Dex 2 /2/7
Fixer 4 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 8 /11
Tumble - Dex 8 /11
Driver - Dex 8 /2/13
Sleight of Hand - Dex 5 /2/10
Bluff - Cha 6 /6
Hide - Dex 5 /8
Knowledge - Int 2 /3 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Sneak Attack: +1d6
Uncanny Dodge: The Fixer always retains his Dexterity bonus to Defense, even if caught flat-footed, making it much more difficult to ambush him.
Personal Budget: 46
Gadget Points: +4
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
.40 HK USP Compact (13 BP): 1d12, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
5.56mm Assault Rifle (31 BP): 2d8+2, R 100', fail 1-2, threat 19-20
Tuxedo Liner: (1GP) +1 Defense, DR 2
Silencer (2 BP)
Agency Laser Watch (1 GP)
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services.
Artis' first mission left him realizing that his employers don't always have all the information. He's arranged for armored liners in his clothing now, at the expense of some of his firepower. Goose has shown a real talent for all types of wheeled vehicles as well.
After Goose's second debacle left him with a distaste for being underdressed and underarmed, he used his pull with the Agency (plus someone in Requisitions was probably feeling sorry for the team) to get some firepower back - and then some. He kept training in offensive driving but returned to the more covert arts.
For the upcoming Vegas mission, Goose boned up on his art history, and took a quick course in psychology, to be able to bluff his way through it if he needed to.
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 10 +0
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 4/Wheelman 1
Vitality: 42
Wound Points: 12
Level: 4
Ranged Attack Bonus: +7
Melee Attack Bonus: +6
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +7
Will Save: +1
Def Bonus: +4 (+5 with armor); DR 2 (armor)
Init Bonus: +3
BP: 6
GP: 4
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4 /4
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 /2 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4 /7
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2 /5
Driver - Dex 3 /6
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 4 /7
Tumble - Dex 2 /5
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /0
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2 /3
Fixer 2 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 5 /8
Bluff - Cha 5 /5
Climb - Str 3 /5
Driver - Dex 4 /7
Wheelman 1 Skill Upgrades:
Boating - Dex 1 /2/6
Mechanics - Int 3 /2/6
Driver - Dex 5 /2/10
Open Lock - Dex 4 /7
Pilot - Dex 1 /2/6
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Fixer 3 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 7 /10
Tumble - Dex 7 /10
Driver - Dex 7 /2/12
Hide - Dex 2 /5
Sleight of Hand - Dex 2 /2/7
Fixer 4 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 8 /11
Tumble - Dex 8 /11
Driver - Dex 8 /2/13
Sleight of Hand - Dex 5 /2/10
Bluff - Cha 6 /6
Hide - Dex 5 /8
Knowledge - Int 2 /3 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Sneak Attack: +1d6
Uncanny Dodge: The Fixer always retains his Dexterity bonus to Defense, even if caught flat-footed, making it much more difficult to ambush him.
Personal Budget: 46
Gadget Points: +4
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
.40 HK USP Compact (13 BP): 1d12, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
5.56mm Assault Rifle (31 BP): 2d8+2, R 100', fail 1-2, threat 19-20
Tuxedo Liner: (1GP) +1 Defense, DR 2
Silencer (2 BP)
Agency Laser Watch (1 GP)
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services.
Artis' first mission left him realizing that his employers don't always have all the information. He's arranged for armored liners in his clothing now, at the expense of some of his firepower. Goose has shown a real talent for all types of wheeled vehicles as well.
After Goose's second debacle left him with a distaste for being underdressed and underarmed, he used his pull with the Agency (plus someone in Requisitions was probably feeling sorry for the team) to get some firepower back - and then some. He kept training in offensive driving but returned to the more covert arts.
For the upcoming Vegas mission, Goose boned up on his art history, and took a quick course in psychology, to be able to bluff his way through it if he needed to.
Yeah, we're gaming this Saturday. 
Artis: 31/6 plus 4 more specfically for a custom ride
Gavin: 42/7
Harry: 45/6
Jess: 49/4

Artis: 31/6 plus 4 more specfically for a custom ride
Gavin: 42/7
Harry: 45/6
Jess: 49/4