Character Sheets - Just because you -are- a character, doesn

Gatac 2002-11-07 19:21:15
At my rate of comprehension, I should have levelling figured out right about...never. Damn it. This is already complicated enough with only Faceman. *sigh*

Anyway, I'll spend some of those bastard field expenses on a classy dress. We'll see about budget, but the only thing I might need would be some kinda voice recorder. Maybe gadgetized ? (How about building one into a handbag, for example ?) Personal budget will be revised as soon as I get my ass around to it.

Dieter 2002-11-07 19:25:58
Crap. I forgot about field expenses....

Gavin: $500
Artis: $500
Harry: $400...most that will probably be for a tuxedo.
Jess: $600
threadbare 2002-11-08 06:53:11
how many budget points is a stylish tuxedo? I've got a good amount to play around with, although I suspect plenty will go to surveillence gear.
threadbare 2002-11-11 10:32:55
Hey Gatac, would a burst-transmission bug from the online MAG chapter work

Burst Transmission: This sophisticated bug is about the size of a fingernail and can record up to 6 hours of ordinary conversation, then transmit it to a remote receiver in a burst that lasts only two seconds. This is a passive system that records information but emits signals only when requested. Counter-surveillance checks using the Electronics skill suffer a –4 penalty against this type of bug.

threadbare 2002-11-11 11:57:52
I'm not too certain about some of the secondary statistics, they might not be even with the level, but here he is, folks:

Character Update:

Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Level: 5
Class: Snoop(Level 3)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 2)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:16 (+3)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)

Other Statistics:
Vitality: 32
Wounds: 11
Defense: 16
Initiative bonus: 5
Action Dice: ?d?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +5
Will: +5

Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +4

Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Also Turkish, French, and two languages to be decided.)
Cold Read

Skills (Rank, then total bonus, plusses denote added skill points)
+Bluff: 6, 8
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 6, 10
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 3, 6
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
Electronics: 7, 11
Gather Information: 5, 7
Hide: 2, 5
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
+Innuendo: 5, 8
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
++Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 3, 7
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 5
Open Lock: 1, 4
+++++Perform: 6,8
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
+Sense Motive: 8, 11
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillance: 4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
Tumble: 2, 5
Personal Gear: 52 pts (Am I allowed to play with this a little bit, so long as it stays at 52 points?)
Weapons: 9x19 submachine gun, with a 4th clip, a laser sight and a flash suppressor
Armor: Personally, none. Harry tries not to be hit in the first place.
Other Gear: Binoculars, Cell Phone, Swiss Army Knife, Leatherman Tool kit, +3 power laptop with a cd burner, micro-tape recorder, chemical analyzer, a liquid skin patch, and 1 bottle of 20 water filtration tablets
Harry has eased into his new role as crooning superspy, and is beginning to enjoy it, actually. His people skills are getting better every day, and he thinks he could probably outfox some of the old shysters that used to twist him around in congress. He’s also learned how to sing, which does a lot for his Sinatra impression. Anyways, he’s just getting into the groove of things, and hopes that there won’t be any heavily armored hit teams in his near future.
Gatac 2003-02-02 20:46:24
Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner

Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman 4, Pointman 1

Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair

Strenght: 8 (10-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)

Vitality: 40
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0


Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)


Unarmed: +2 (-1+3)
Melee: +2 (-1+3)
Ranged: +3

Weapon: H&K MP7 PDW
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 4.6mm
Damage: 1d12
Error: 1-2
Threat: 20
Range: 30
Ammo: 20

Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same

Standard Issue Gear:
70 total
24 gun
2 laser sight
2 silencer
30 armor
3x2 Teflon-tipped bullets (60 shots in 3 mags)
(6 left)

+2 budget points for mission budget

(will choose later)


-Linguist (+3 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
-Adaptable (Computers, Electronics, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Move Silently, Surveillance)

Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle

Cash Budget: 6300 $


Bluff: 11 (8+3)
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 6 (4+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Handle Animal
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: 7 (4+3), +1 to all checks
Languages: 9 (3+6), threat range 19-20
Move Silently
Open Lock
Perform: 7 (4+3)
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
Spot: 6

In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.

Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force.

Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.

In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.

Crosstraining as Pointman, Jess has considerably enhanced her spectrum of possibilities in advancing skills. The Colt is still in her backpack, but Jess is supposed to get her hands on a more capable weapon in her next equipment exchange. She's also slowly settling into the reality that the "boys" don't particularly fit into her usually slow, but subtle schemes, though she still has every intention to change that.

Upped some skills, corrected the Attack boni (I hope I have them right now, they previously ignored class and were thus ridicilously low), upped Strenght by a point. Equipment subject to edit, I need to figure out some more stuff.

(Edited by Gatac at 2:45 pm on Feb. 3, 2003)

(Edited by Gatac at 7:18 pm on Feb. 3, 2003)
threadbare 2003-02-02 20:52:31
That's kind of interesting in that Jess has +11 in bullshitting people, whereas harry has +11 in detecting bullshit.
Gatac 2003-02-02 20:54:45
Yeah, I dumped 4 skill points on it, since it seems to be one of the major things I'm doing all the time.

Gatac 2003-02-02 23:22:56
Say, Threadbare, Harry's unarmed attack bonus looks like it doesn't include the BAB. Is that correct ? If so, my figures need to be fixed in the next update.

Dieter 2003-02-03 04:26:13

Unarmed Combat uses the same rules as melee, so your figures are correct.
threadbare 2003-02-03 08:34:14
I have no idea whether or not my bonuses are right or not. It just confuses me. If my BAB is 1, then I think it's right, because I have a -1 in strength. Of course, that whole level progression thing confuses me, because I'm not sure whether it's cumulative or not.

(Edited by Threadbare at 2:37 am on Feb. 3, 2003)
threadbare 2003-02-03 08:48:21
It's only cumulative between the classes. You get a 3rd level Snoop's BAB + a 2nd level Faceman's BAB.
Gatac 2003-02-03 10:53:58
Phew. Well, atleast that should mean Jess can now actually hit things in combat.

Gatac 2003-02-03 20:22:09
Edited again, hopefully the final version now. Gun lovers, cry your heart out, Jess now packs a H&K PDW 4.6mm. I used the Teflon-tipped costs for determining ammunition budget, since it simulates both the special armor-piercing design of the 4.6mm ammo and it's high cost thanks to scarcity.
Dieter 2003-03-04 17:45:43
Mage007 has asked to join the group. He's tentatively planning on being the team's snoop. Let's hope he has better luck than our last player.

He'll be joining up in the next week or whenever this portion of the mission is finished...whichever comes first.