No, I'm a dumbass and reposted the last advancement blurb I wrote when you guys cleared Mesas Negras. Semo has 6XP, and although he could drop one permanent Wild Die, get back 2 more XP, and buy a Specialization in Move (like Athletics or Reflexes (for initiative) or Stealth), you do not yet have the 10 XP needed to raise your d8 Move to d10.
Just a friendly reminder that one of your team is running off a cocktail of Stockholm syndrome, US Army boot camp, and a lifetime of shattered loyalties.
Anyways, the assault ship is well away from you guys now and you're on the tail end of the Jang-xur exodus. Where to?
Cool. Dieter informed me via IM that Max plans on trying to spoof the Turai IFF signals to allow you guys the possiblity of a few actions' worth of shooting without reprisal in any engagement. Results could range from catastrophic failure to simply jamming the Turai once to fooling their weapons into not working at all.
Between Spooky McSpypants and G.I. Joe, I don't think her mental states actually improved.
Bingo. She's had both of the sort-of "bosses" talking down to her, now it's time to try it from the other grunts in the foxhole. Since we're basically on a straight shot to the Gate, Luis might be able to join in too. Anybody bring a deck of cards or something? A little poker never hurt anybody, not in the least since we could use it to keep her mind busy while we talk. Also, at some point, we should get some rack time all around. It's getting towards a full day since we last slept IC, if I recall right.
As for spending your XP, I see a few possibilites. Personally, I'd recomend maybe picking up a Wild Die or two and then saving the remainder. They're always good to have around.
For Semo, I'm considering a new Aspect at d4 that would be something along the lines of Chat 'Em Up. This would essentially be the ability to talk to people, get them to relax and share information that they might not otherwise.
For Semo, I'm considering a new Aspect at d4 that would be something along the lines of Chat 'Em Up. This would essentially be the ability to talk to people, get them to relax and share information that they might not otherwise.
Sounds useful. If you get it, it'd be useful for keeping Arketta satisfied and helpful, if nothing else.
That, and it might be good to show her the connections between the 2D "America" we've been selling her on and the 3D Americans she's now fighting beside. We started her to our side by trying to sell her a rather cliched version of the American Dream and all that, and now she's holding that up to our actions and seeing that the two don't alqays fit. She's smart, and she knew we were trying to sell her that view earlier, so now she needs, and in my opinion, wants to be shown that the ideal we sold her has some connection to reality. It's like somebody was educated about cavemen through the Flintstones, and then they find out about how different reality is. She wants to know why she should keep buying in to the shiney happy dream.
I'd say that if that's the case, the best way to do it is to show that we have to deal with the same thing, wrestling with where the real America meets the ideal. Current events obviously provide a rich oppertunity, and could easily be integrated as part of shoptalk (Iraq plays a part in a few character backstories, IIRC), or just as a "So what did you all think of that X that happened before we left?" politics debate or whatnot. The former might be better, given that they just lost Taylor (to us OOC just a grunt NPC, but for the PCs a comrade-in-arms and friend).
I was thinking it was good to get her to feel like a part of the team, now that the boss (I don't think Davis is in charge of anything, really) has talked to her, let's get that team camaraderie going, but that works too.
I was thinking it was good to get her to feel like a part of the team, now that the boss (I don't think Davis is in charge of anything, really) has talked to her, let's get that team camaraderie going, but that works too.
The two work pretty well together, I think. Chatting about semi-personal stuff never hurts camraderie.
Semo's d4 "Chat 'Em Up" is on the Wiki. For Angel, some options are:
1. As E suggests, get another Wild Die and save the remaining 4XP for later.
2. You could buy a little more insurance against damage with a Toughness specialization under Might. It'd cost 6XP and although it wouldn't give you more Wounds, it would lessen the chances of taking them.
3. Save all 6XP for later, because improving what Angel's good at already is expensive.
I'm thinking just do the recomended thing, but use one of the pre-established fallback name for the ship and change over everything else to it. The last thing we want is Serenity-syndrome, where a ship with too-unusual a name gets associated with a crudload of wierd stuff too quickly.
Not that the rant wasn't amusing, but I assumed Max went to the mess to get drinks since you posted that he was getting up and offering to get drinks. And then he left for the CIC, where he was asking Swims about Turai on the surface.
What I would like to know so I can get everyone out of the ship is where is Luis going to land (if at all)?
It sounds like our destination / contact is 60 klicks from the nearest landing place? If so, that seems like the best choice. Plenty far enough to lose any tails should that be necessary.