Quote:Well, here's the thing. If we got back to the Chance would we be able to get out?Quote: from admiralducksauce on 12:12 pm on June 1, 2005
Where to now? Back to the Chance?
Judging from the results of every other time someone or something has tried to prevent you from leaving a location, I would say yes.

Quote:Ok then. I suggest Aurelia have the Navcomputer coordinates layed in for a region of open space. We most likely won't have time to do that later.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 1:05 pm on June 1, 2005
Judging from the results of every other time someone or something has tried to prevent you from leaving a location, I would say yes.
Well, that's what we have the "Go ANYWHERE!" button for, right?
Always in motion are the heavens. Care you must take with hyperspace - danger you will bring if inside a gravity well you astrogate.
So... no. You need to plot a course right before you actually jump. There's no guarantee the ship will be leaving on the vector or at the time you plan the jump to happen. At least the "go anywhere" button gets the ship's current heading and the current positions of the various gravity wells and stars.
So... no. You need to plot a course right before you actually jump. There's no guarantee the ship will be leaving on the vector or at the time you plan the jump to happen. At least the "go anywhere" button gets the ship's current heading and the current positions of the various gravity wells and stars.
Off-planet works for me. No telling what kind of chaos will emerge to fill Gulgo's vacuum.
If anyone wanted to become a crimelord by taking over a previously established criminal infrastructure, now would probably be the time. 
Lent, however, feels that they have used up most of their current luck supply and thus need to hightail it back the ship for a refuel.
In fact, Lent will most likely trip and fall on a landmine or have his blaster explode and kill him on the way there.
"Ok Benn, don't roll a 1 and you can survive this."
*rolls a 1*
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 2:44 pm on June 1, 2005)
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 2:44 pm on June 1, 2005)

Lent, however, feels that they have used up most of their current luck supply and thus need to hightail it back the ship for a refuel.
In fact, Lent will most likely trip and fall on a landmine or have his blaster explode and kill him on the way there.
"Ok Benn, don't roll a 1 and you can survive this."
*rolls a 1*
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 2:44 pm on June 1, 2005)
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 2:44 pm on June 1, 2005)
Quote:Aaaaiiiieeeee!Quote: from Aihal the Silent on 3:43 pm on June 1, 2005
"Ok Benn, don't roll a 1 and you can survive this."
*rolls a 1*

At least I was consistent.
Is the consensus to return to the ship first, whether or not you plan on usurping Gulgo's criminal empire for yourselves?
And speaking of that, does anyone want to be the Space Godfather (or were you guys joking)?
Is the consensus to return to the ship first, whether or not you plan on usurping Gulgo's criminal empire for yourselves?
And speaking of that, does anyone want to be the Space Godfather (or were you guys joking)?
I wasn't joking about setting up shop. 
I say we send an anonymous tip to the local Imperial authorities with the description of the Gulgo's shuttle and such. If we can't catch them, maybe the Empire will do us the favor.
Would the Chance fit in the now vacant docking bay at Gulgos?

I say we send an anonymous tip to the local Imperial authorities with the description of the Gulgo's shuttle and such. If we can't catch them, maybe the Empire will do us the favor.
Would the Chance fit in the now vacant docking bay at Gulgos?
There are docking bays connected to the installation that -would- hold the Chance, but not the one that was just vacated. That one's like a James Bond villain escape shuttle thing.
I don't know about "Space Godfather", but I'm sure Jileeza can come up with a variety of illicit activities to run out of this place...

I should also mention that we are approaching the end of the story, so there's no metagame reason why you guys need to choose as a group. If just Wayde and 'Za want to take over Gulgo's place, and Arnae and everyone else want to keep space truckin', that's fine.
I'm kind of ready for a new character. After playing KOTOR, I have a few ideas.
Lent will use this as a base of operations if the new owners so allow. The voice in his head is urging him to seek out any remnants of the Jedi. While he most likely won't participate in any more "illicit activities" than necessary, he would be happy to oversee security and aid in the defense of the compound while not on his quest.
Is there going to be a new SW game?
Is there going to be a new SW game?
Well, I guess it's time for Erit to part with the group. He's definately not sticking around to run a criminal enterprise, though he's not adverse to go with anyone else who doesn't want to be part of it.
Maybe Lent and Erit can go Jedi hunting (in the good way)?
Damn! I'm really enjoying playing Jileeza, but it sounds like everybody else wants to be all goody-two-shoes. 
I wasn't suggesting that 'Za wouldn't leave the place to gad about the star system, just that she might be making some money on the side whenever they came home. Of course, if they're not going to spend any time there, there's no point in taking the place over. Might as well just blow it smithereens and move on.
If people just really don't want to associate with a villain like Jileeza, I guess I'll have to come up with some other idea for a character.

I wasn't suggesting that 'Za wouldn't leave the place to gad about the star system, just that she might be making some money on the side whenever they came home. Of course, if they're not going to spend any time there, there's no point in taking the place over. Might as well just blow it smithereens and move on.
If people just really don't want to associate with a villain like Jileeza, I guess I'll have to come up with some other idea for a character.
Wayde will retire to a tropical island on a moon in some far off planetary system in the Outer Rim and perhaps gets some hookers and play Sabaac.
Eh...forget the Sabaac.
Eh...forget the Sabaac.