I figure that Lent was put into Carbon Freeze between Episodes II and III. I need a rough estimate of how long I've been a Wampa's Paperweight.
We could play it safe and say "several decades" or "a long, long time ago", but my own personal guess would be around 60-80 years.
As far as armor goes, I think you guys still have two mostly-intact stormtrooper suits from the debacle on Bespin. You've got tons of spare blasters as well.
As far as armor goes, I think you guys still have two mostly-intact stormtrooper suits from the debacle on Bespin. You've got tons of spare blasters as well.
I'm pretty sure Anakin wasn't more than 50 when he died in RotJ, so if Lent was ice cubed during the Clone Wars era, then he's probably only been frozen for 30 years, tops.
Just my meta-thinking, though. Not that it matters.
I'm glad my initiative with the viewport wasn't presumptuous. I hate to think that I spoiled the second half of your Menagerie of Doom adventure.
Just my meta-thinking, though. Not that it matters.

I'm glad my initiative with the viewport wasn't presumptuous. I hate to think that I spoiled the second half of your Menagerie of Doom adventure.
I was planning on pouring on a little bit at a time, but then it was taking too long so I just dumped all the crap I could think of on you guys at once.

Probably just as well that I'm away. Jileeza was planning a blaster lobotomy for Greebu before they left the ranch. Probably still will at some point.
'Za would also have suggested to Aurelia that she fire up the droideka in the hallway to remove the beast banging on the door. However, it looks like we got out of there with minimal fuss, so it doesn't matter.
'Za would also have suggested to Aurelia that she fire up the droideka in the hallway to remove the beast banging on the door. However, it looks like we got out of there with minimal fuss, so it doesn't matter.
The bounty is for alive, much (I suppose) to 'Za's chagrin. 
It's a Rebel bounty, not Imperial.

It's a Rebel bounty, not Imperial.
Hey man, the Rebels had no problem whacking all sorts of people.
Of course, but Greebu is valuable to them for information, not because he's a nasty threat.
Don't suppose I got frozen with any $$$$?
Hehehehe. No, sorry. Why would they freeze money along with you?

So that I could tip the Ferryman if they decided to off me while in carbon freeze? I had to try. I see I'm just going to have to kill someone and take their heavy repeater from them.
Don't worry about it. Once you guys decide what you want to do about your increasing trouble with Gulgo, and what to do with Greebu, whenever it's reasonable to cut to a different location you'll just have one.
Who's Gulgo's biggest rival?
I say we do a bit of "Fist Full O' Credits" for our next endeavor.
I say we do a bit of "Fist Full O' Credits" for our next endeavor.
Cool. Cool. I wasn't sure about how realistic you were going to be.
I could just start making up some crime bosses you guys have heard of, but before I do, I'll throw out one that you guys have dealt with before: Pinky, the hairless Ewok. He's not the -biggest- rival, but currently you and he are on more-or-less speaking terms.
Buto the Hutt is a rival with a sizeable sphere of influence. He's been rumored to be more... unpredictable than Gulgo, though he lacks the penchant for exotic torture.
Buto the Hutt is a rival with a sizeable sphere of influence. He's been rumored to be more... unpredictable than Gulgo, though he lacks the penchant for exotic torture.
Quote:'Za doesn't much care where it comes from; money spends the same either way.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 6:49 pm on Oct. 28, 2004
It's a Rebel bounty, not Imperial.
Quote:Pinky seems like a good choice here, we get shot at enough by others.I could just start making up some crime bosses you guys have heard of, but before I do, I'll throw out one that you guys have dealt with before: Pinky, the hairless Ewok. He's not the -biggest- rival, but currently you and he are on more-or-less speaking terms.
I have to agree that Pinky would be my (and Lent's) choice in this matter. Better a smaller reward and living to use it than a larger reward that is placed in your coffin and then stolen by the mourners/authorities.
Cultivating a bit of a friend with Pinky ain't a bad idea.
Of course, at this point Aurelia is quitely having a bit of a panic attack
Of course, at this point Aurelia is quitely having a bit of a panic attack
Episode III Trailer looks pretty cool.
Episode III Trailer looks pretty cool.