Crap, forgot I wanted to buy some ammo with field expenses. 500 GBP should translate into $920 or so.
$450: 300 AP rifle rounds (150 5.56, 150 for the 7.62s in the car)
Q-Branch II - The Usual Refinements
Thanks. I needed more ammo. While I'm at it, I'll specify that I spent 150 of it on AP rounds, and another 50 getting a nice, rugged tote bag.
You know, I realise now that some wax ammo would have really come in handy. But alas, we'll manage.
I gotta do the BF/GP allocation, but I thought I'd bump this up as a reminder.
If all goes well, I should be doing the BP/GP allocation tonight.
Something to consider for a pooling of stray GP...
The Big Rig
Base Vehicle: Battle Bus (10GP)
Gadget Enhancements:
Extra Armor (1 GP)
Reinforced Tires (1GP)
Improved Handling (1 GP)
Battle Bay (4 GP)
Garage Suite (3 GP)
"Usual Refinements" gives us 5 GP total cost.
Final Stats:
Cost: 15 GP
Size: Gargantuan
Occupancy: 2/4 (using semi with sleeper cabin)
Handling: -5
Speed: 400 ft.
MPH (Cruise/Max): 40/80
Defense: (5 + Driver's Dex Modifier)
Wounds: 200
Hardness: 16
Qualities: Living Quarters
- Tires have 10 Wound points and may reinflate up to 3 times
- +5 bonus to Computers, First Aid and Surveillance skill checks while using the Battle Bay.
- +10 bonus to Mechanics skill checks while using the Garage Suite. May also store one Large or two Medium sized vehicles.
The Big Rig
Base Vehicle: Battle Bus (10GP)
Gadget Enhancements:
Extra Armor (1 GP)
Reinforced Tires (1GP)
Improved Handling (1 GP)
Battle Bay (4 GP)
Garage Suite (3 GP)
"Usual Refinements" gives us 5 GP total cost.
Final Stats:
Cost: 15 GP
Size: Gargantuan
Occupancy: 2/4 (using semi with sleeper cabin)
Handling: -5
Speed: 400 ft.
MPH (Cruise/Max): 40/80
Defense: (5 + Driver's Dex Modifier)
Wounds: 200
Hardness: 16
Qualities: Living Quarters
- Tires have 10 Wound points and may reinflate up to 3 times
- +5 bonus to Computers, First Aid and Surveillance skill checks while using the Battle Bay.
- +10 bonus to Mechanics skill checks while using the Garage Suite. May also store one Large or two Medium sized vehicles.
But then we don't have enough GP for KITT.

Just get the baddest car you can find and drop skill ranks in Hobby (Ventriloquism).
Quote::cheesy:Quote: from Gatac on 4:43 pm on Sep. 28, 2004
Just get the baddest car you can find and drop skill ranks in Hobby (Ventriloquism).
I officially suck for completely dodging the BP/GP allocation for yet another evening.
Will this be the serial where Ayumi uprades to a second wakizashi and a motorcycle?
It just may be.
It just may be.
You guys ever heard of the Centurion AmEx card? After years of rumors that there was a black AmEx card that allowed the ultra-rich to buy whatever they want, they released their own version of the legend, a card with a unlimited line of credit, upgrades and bonuses with almost every major travel company, and access to one of the largest conceirge services on the planet. It comes with massive premiums and interest rates, but for the top few percent of their clients, I think they can afford it. The main bonus of the card is the service. They've done things like arrange an entire wedding, bring sand from the Dead Sea to the States for a daughter's school project, arranged for the purchase of Kevin Costner's horse from Dances With Wolves, and arranged for an audition in a soap opera. Now, I have no information about exactly how far they might go, but something similar, yet with less qualms about exactly how far they might go for one of their most favorite clients, might be useful, maybe as a feat.
That basically covers what the "5-Star Service" Feat already does.
It also covers the scenario from the last James Bond movie where he comes into the posh hotel in downtown Hong Kong soaking wet smelling of the South China Sea and looking like Grizzly Adams. Security was about to throw him out when the manager recognized JB.
Without even hesitating, the manager gets JB a lavish suite, a change of clothes, etc.
It also covers the scenario from the last James Bond movie where he comes into the posh hotel in downtown Hong Kong soaking wet smelling of the South China Sea and looking like Grizzly Adams. Security was about to throw him out when the manager recognized JB.
Without even hesitating, the manager gets JB a lavish suite, a change of clothes, etc.
Well, I was thinking more along the lines of a phone number you call and if you need, say, two crates of Kalashnikov assault rifles, they might be able to arrange a buy. Kinda an upgrade to Five-Star Service. It'd be GM limited, of course.
(Edited by Punkey at 8:51 am on Oct. 5, 2004)
(Edited by Punkey at 8:51 am on Oct. 5, 2004)
That's why teams have fixers.
There's also a faceman-only ability to "call for back-up". Jess has it. It's the reason she can contact Agency HQ from the middle of Satan's asscrack if need be.
There's also a faceman-only ability to "call for back-up". Jess has it. It's the reason she can contact Agency HQ from the middle of Satan's asscrack if need be.

Quote:Don't get me wrong. It's a great concept to throw into the game, but the guys over AEG have already pretty much put the idea to paper.Quote: from Punkey on 11:49 am on Oct. 5, 2004
Well, I was thinking more along the lines of a phone number you call and if you need, say, two crates of Kalashnikov assault rifles, they might be able to arrange a buy. Kinda an upgrade to Five-Star Service. It'd be GM limited, of course.
(Edited by Punkey at 8:51 am on Oct. 5, 2004)
Two Grumblecakes to Punkey.
Yep...still haven't done the allocation yet. I'll actually be in town for more than two days in a row for a while, so I might get around to it soon.
I'm guessing this weekend.
I'm guessing this weekend.
If Art goes Smuggler, he'll need this.
Hidden Cargo Space (1 slot, 1 GP, Spot DC 30 [experts only])
Finding the hidden compartment requires a Search or Surveillance check (DC 30), extensive ultrasound/X-ray analysis or complete dismantling of the vehicle. The compartment can be hit with a "Weapon" critical. Volume depends upon vehicle size, with your average Large car having a cubic yard of room.
Armored Compartment (+1 GP, +1 Slot)
The compartment gains +5 hardness in addition to anything the base vehicle has. Further, everything inside only suffers 1 point of damage per die on a crash.
Ditch Switch (+1 GP, +1 Slot)
As half action, the driver may make a Hide check opposed by an opponent's Spot or Search skills. With success, the compartment's contents are deposited out of sight.
Enlarged Compartment (+2 GP, +3 Slots)
The vehicle counts as one size category larger when determining the size of the compartment.
Hidden Controls (+2 GP, +1 Slot)
The vehicle may be controlled remotely from inside the compartment. This overrides the standard controls. The operator suffers penalties as if using a drone.
Life Support (+1 GP, +1 Slot)
The compartment contains food, water and a self-contained air supply, enough for one person to survive for three days.
Null Space (+2 GP, +1 Slot)
Finding the department requires a critical success with Spot, Listen, Search or Surveillance and a skill check result of atleast 35. Scanning technologies are completely ineffective - only dismantling the vehicle reveals the compartment.
Pop-Up Compartment (+2 GP, +1 Slot)
When the operator is inside or adjacent to the vehicle, he may retrieve any item in the compartment as free action. If the item is a weapon, treat it as a use of the Quick Draw feat.
Spoil-Sport Switch (+2 Gp, +1 Slot)
As a half action, the operator may activate this device, which deals 6d6 fire damage to everything in the compartment for 10 rounds or until it has been reduced to ash, whatever comes first. Once triggered, the device needs to be replaced at an Agency garage, and the Spot DC of the compartment drops to 20 until the compartment is repaired.
The Fixer/Pointman Class Guide is a paper-based God.
Hidden Cargo Space (1 slot, 1 GP, Spot DC 30 [experts only])
Finding the hidden compartment requires a Search or Surveillance check (DC 30), extensive ultrasound/X-ray analysis or complete dismantling of the vehicle. The compartment can be hit with a "Weapon" critical. Volume depends upon vehicle size, with your average Large car having a cubic yard of room.
Armored Compartment (+1 GP, +1 Slot)
The compartment gains +5 hardness in addition to anything the base vehicle has. Further, everything inside only suffers 1 point of damage per die on a crash.
Ditch Switch (+1 GP, +1 Slot)
As half action, the driver may make a Hide check opposed by an opponent's Spot or Search skills. With success, the compartment's contents are deposited out of sight.
Enlarged Compartment (+2 GP, +3 Slots)
The vehicle counts as one size category larger when determining the size of the compartment.
Hidden Controls (+2 GP, +1 Slot)
The vehicle may be controlled remotely from inside the compartment. This overrides the standard controls. The operator suffers penalties as if using a drone.
Life Support (+1 GP, +1 Slot)
The compartment contains food, water and a self-contained air supply, enough for one person to survive for three days.
Null Space (+2 GP, +1 Slot)
Finding the department requires a critical success with Spot, Listen, Search or Surveillance and a skill check result of atleast 35. Scanning technologies are completely ineffective - only dismantling the vehicle reveals the compartment.
Pop-Up Compartment (+2 GP, +1 Slot)
When the operator is inside or adjacent to the vehicle, he may retrieve any item in the compartment as free action. If the item is a weapon, treat it as a use of the Quick Draw feat.
Spoil-Sport Switch (+2 Gp, +1 Slot)
As a half action, the operator may activate this device, which deals 6d6 fire damage to everything in the compartment for 10 rounds or until it has been reduced to ash, whatever comes first. Once triggered, the device needs to be replaced at an Agency garage, and the Spot DC of the compartment drops to 20 until the compartment is repaired.
The Fixer/Pointman Class Guide is a paper-based God.
More from my sick, twisted mind:
The Bond Car
Base Vehicle: Sagittarius (7 GP)
Gadget Enhancements:
Extra Armor +1 GP
Improved Handling +1 GP
2 x 12.7mm MG +2 GP
2 x Concealed Weapons Port +4 GP
Optical Cloaking Device +6 GP
Ejection Seats +1 GP
Reinforced Tires +1 GP
Remote Control +1 GP
Performance Chip +1 GP
Why not Concealed Machinegun, which takes less slots? Answer: I want the extra ammo. The Sagittarius comes with 2 free GP, which I dutifully substract from the total cost first thing. This leaves me with 18 GP refinements, which is halved by the "Usual Refinements" rule. (Don't we all love it?) I decided to not apply it first. It would have dropped the option package to 8, but I felt it went against the spirit of the rules with the 2 free GP. This just about fills up the Sagittarius's option slots, too. (I interpret the text as meaning 15 option slots, not ANY 15 gadgets - that would be screwy as heck.) The Performance Chip is a Masterwork Mod, not a gadget, and doesn't take an option slot, just in case you're wondering.
Size: Large
Handling +8 (modified)
MPH 110 / 200 (modified)
Def 16 (+ Driver's Dex mod)
WP 100
Hardness 10
- The car has two concealed machineguns (Spot DC 25) with the following stats:
3d8 damage (+20 on a threat), Error 1-2, Threat 19-20, Range Increment 400ft., 400 rounds of ammo (each), Qualities: Armor-Piercing, Anti-Personnel (attacking characters and people on personal vehicles suffers a -5 penalty to hit, threats may be activated as usual)
- What we have here, people, is the Invisible Car. It can become totally fucking invisible for 10 minutes each day, as per the rules of for Chameleon Suits (SEH pg. 136)
- Ejection Seats. Need I say more?
- If I hook up a +1 power rating laptop with the datalogger option (13 BP total), cruising speed goes up to 120. This could be further exploited with Nitrous Oxide injection and a Turbo kit, but I don't wanna right now.
- And, of course, it handles pretty damn well and has respectable armor coverage. Also, watch the Defense. This one's harder to hit than any other vehicle we've used. It's actually a bit tougher than the Ponycar, too.
Put together, you get an 18 GP bundle of pure joy, if you can afford it.
The Bond Car
Base Vehicle: Sagittarius (7 GP)
Gadget Enhancements:
Extra Armor +1 GP
Improved Handling +1 GP
2 x 12.7mm MG +2 GP
2 x Concealed Weapons Port +4 GP
Optical Cloaking Device +6 GP
Ejection Seats +1 GP
Reinforced Tires +1 GP
Remote Control +1 GP
Performance Chip +1 GP
Why not Concealed Machinegun, which takes less slots? Answer: I want the extra ammo. The Sagittarius comes with 2 free GP, which I dutifully substract from the total cost first thing. This leaves me with 18 GP refinements, which is halved by the "Usual Refinements" rule. (Don't we all love it?) I decided to not apply it first. It would have dropped the option package to 8, but I felt it went against the spirit of the rules with the 2 free GP. This just about fills up the Sagittarius's option slots, too. (I interpret the text as meaning 15 option slots, not ANY 15 gadgets - that would be screwy as heck.) The Performance Chip is a Masterwork Mod, not a gadget, and doesn't take an option slot, just in case you're wondering.
Size: Large
Handling +8 (modified)
MPH 110 / 200 (modified)
Def 16 (+ Driver's Dex mod)
WP 100
Hardness 10
- The car has two concealed machineguns (Spot DC 25) with the following stats:
3d8 damage (+20 on a threat), Error 1-2, Threat 19-20, Range Increment 400ft., 400 rounds of ammo (each), Qualities: Armor-Piercing, Anti-Personnel (attacking characters and people on personal vehicles suffers a -5 penalty to hit, threats may be activated as usual)
- What we have here, people, is the Invisible Car. It can become totally fucking invisible for 10 minutes each day, as per the rules of for Chameleon Suits (SEH pg. 136)
- Ejection Seats. Need I say more?
- If I hook up a +1 power rating laptop with the datalogger option (13 BP total), cruising speed goes up to 120. This could be further exploited with Nitrous Oxide injection and a Turbo kit, but I don't wanna right now.
- And, of course, it handles pretty damn well and has respectable armor coverage. Also, watch the Defense. This one's harder to hit than any other vehicle we've used. It's actually a bit tougher than the Ponycar, too.
Put together, you get an 18 GP bundle of pure joy, if you can afford it.

I have a sudden, indefitigable urge to use those 12.7mm machineguns in an exlusively antipersonnel capacity.
The Mobile Workbench
Base Vehicle: Equinox Motors Valet
Gadget Enhancements:
Extra Armor (1 GP)
Improved Handling (1 GP)
Weapon Workshop Suite (5 GP)
Remote Control (1 GP)
Autopilot (1 GP)
Pop-up shield (1 GP)
Size: Large
Occupany: 1 / 8
Handling: -2
MPH 55 / 110
Def 5 (+ Driver's Dex Mod)
WP 130
Hardness 12
- This vehicle comes with the parts to assemble weapons with a total cost of 200 BP. This takes one hour per 10 BP of weaponry. I figure it's a big bunch of spare parts lying around in "gun kit" form requiring assembly and fitting. Also, the suite may be used to repair or modify weapons. This negates the BP costs for repairs or masterwork mods, and eliminates the skill check penalty for existing masterwork mods (though the Craft check must still be made as usual).
- Remote Control *and* Autopilot? Somebody doesn't want to sit behind the wheel too often.
- The van is big. I mean, like, serious internal room. Seats the whole team, AND has the trunk full of guns. What's not to like?
Final price: 9 GP.
Base Vehicle: Equinox Motors Valet
Gadget Enhancements:
Extra Armor (1 GP)
Improved Handling (1 GP)
Weapon Workshop Suite (5 GP)
Remote Control (1 GP)
Autopilot (1 GP)
Pop-up shield (1 GP)
Size: Large
Occupany: 1 / 8
Handling: -2
MPH 55 / 110
Def 5 (+ Driver's Dex Mod)
WP 130
Hardness 12
- This vehicle comes with the parts to assemble weapons with a total cost of 200 BP. This takes one hour per 10 BP of weaponry. I figure it's a big bunch of spare parts lying around in "gun kit" form requiring assembly and fitting. Also, the suite may be used to repair or modify weapons. This negates the BP costs for repairs or masterwork mods, and eliminates the skill check penalty for existing masterwork mods (though the Craft check must still be made as usual).
- Remote Control *and* Autopilot? Somebody doesn't want to sit behind the wheel too often.
- The van is big. I mean, like, serious internal room. Seats the whole team, AND has the trunk full of guns. What's not to like?
Final price: 9 GP.