Quote:It boils down to making reflex rolls in order to avoid most of the big pockets of flames.Quote: from Gatac on 2:50 pm on Aug. 15, 2005
Well, if we're not already splashed with it, I figure it's best to make our way through the flames as quickly as possible. We'll burn a bit, but the phosphrous isn't actually clinging to us - that might change with the next grenade.
If it's over us - shed clothing. More burning, but our primary option is still getting the hell out of that place before they drop more of that shit on us.
OOC: XVIII - The lapdance is so much better when the strippe
Quote:Reflex: +12
Eat me, flames!
May I politely inquire as to how many of the attackers we have already dispatched?
Quote:Not counting the four you've seen in the motorcade (all of whom are fleeing the scene), you've taken out 5/8 skirmishers that approached from the north. The three remaining are heading for the river.Quote: from Gatac on 4:21 pm on Aug. 15, 2005
May I politely inquire as to how many of the attackers we have already dispatched?
That's not taken into account the guys in the hovercrafts that are just arriving. Figure 2-4 per craft.
Injury Report
Artis- VP:68/68, WP:8/12
Ayumi- VP:28/80, WP:4/12
Jess- VP:42/84, WP: 12/12
Nightengale- VP:49/82, WP:12/12
The White Phosphorus will continue to burn for d8 VP/turn for the next four turns unless measures are taken to extinguish it. Brian wounded the gunners, but that doesn't mean they're done
As for Moten and Peter, yeah, I left them out but Peter was mincemeat after the last operation and someone had to stay with him to make sure he didn't die/shoot any of you guys. No one seemed to care they weren't doing much anyway.
(Edited by Dieter at 4:50 pm on Aug. 15, 2005)
I figure Peter is in "Let's wait until this shit blows over" mode, so I'm fine with that.
So we have 6-12 incoming, hm? Well, we should manage that if Brian can keep the damn chopper away.
Jess is gonna start plinking the nearest hovercraft when it comes in range.
So we have 6-12 incoming, hm? Well, we should manage that if Brian can keep the damn chopper away.
Jess is gonna start plinking the nearest hovercraft when it comes in range.
Well, I'm engaged with them, so I'll use an action dice for stabbin' which'll carry over. Hopefully I'll tie them up and have a human shield by the time the hovercrafts get into it.
New idea from Threadbare and me: Grand Theft Hovercraft!
Kill the first crew as soon as they try to disembark, snatch the craft (Jess can drive, after all...), and then we rock their worlds with ramming, chasing and copious amounts of gunfire. Maybe even run over a few if they already got out...
Kill the first crew as soon as they try to disembark, snatch the craft (Jess can drive, after all...), and then we rock their worlds with ramming, chasing and copious amounts of gunfire. Maybe even run over a few if they already got out...
travelling today, but you know what I'm doing.
Injury Report
Artis- VP:68/68, WP:8/12
Ayumi- VP:21/80, WP:4/12
Jess- VP:37/84, WP: 12/12
Nightengale- VP:41/82, WP:12/12
Artis- VP:68/68, WP:8/12
Ayumi- VP:21/80, WP:4/12
Jess- VP:37/84, WP: 12/12
Nightengale- VP:41/82, WP:12/12
Time to strip, eh?
"Oh my god, that bitch is slaughtering us IN HER SKIVVIES!"
"Oh my god, that bitch is slaughtering us IN HER SKIVVIES!"
Well, I'll let everyone get away with just taking off their coats as no one in their right mind would be wearing anything other than a long, heavy coat in the middle of a Russian winter.
So I'm in a little town, right? And there are other cars and people about?
My plan is fairly simple - I need to give a sizeable chunk of money to a random stranger and have him/her drive the SUV away from town as fast as they can. "Or the girl gets it".
I need to steal/buy/carjack another car, preferably something similar to the old one, something that can handle the terrain as well. Katerina and I take that car and head back assuming the chopper takes the bait.
My plan is fairly simple - I need to give a sizeable chunk of money to a random stranger and have him/her drive the SUV away from town as fast as they can. "Or the girl gets it".

I need to steal/buy/carjack another car, preferably something similar to the old one, something that can handle the terrain as well. Katerina and I take that car and head back assuming the chopper takes the bait.
Great post, ADS! Had me chuckling pretty good.
Thanks! My plan, from last Friday up until halfway through the post, was actually to leave. Just run off and live, and hope nobody ever finds me.

That actually would have been really funny.
Quote:I had a pretty good laugh when ADS told me about that. Too bad his character's sense of morality and loyalty came into play.Quote: from Threadbare on 4:38 pm on Aug. 17, 2005
That actually would have been really funny.
Yes, too bad. There's still time.

OOC note: Ayumi's a touch nearsighted, and I assumed her designer prescription sunglasses were among the bugged equipment.
Figures that this'd kick back into gear during crunch time at work. At least I know how I'll be spending my lunch breaks now.
Figures that this'd kick back into gear during crunch time at work. At least I know how I'll be spending my lunch breaks now.

Er....lot's happening. I'm in the process of figuring out the specifics.
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned.
Don't ask me why, but I wanted The Charge Of The Light Brigade in this.