Okay, Plan Zebra: We all charge, steal a hovercraft, Jess at the controls, everybody else rains fire upon our enemies. We steer the craft onto land, do a bootlegger to let Brian jump on, back to the river, full throttle escape. Anyone follows us, we give them grief with our guns.
When we have a breather, we call Art and head for a rendevous point.
We need to get away from the boathouse asap and scatter their forces, then kill them little by little.
Been a bit under the weather and only capable of yelling at the incompetency of my BF2 teammates. Why yes, I -do- enjoy being a doorgunner when you decide that it's time to bail out of the chopper when it hasn't even been hit. F*%&ers!
Yeah, about that update. I've got a rough draft of the next scene written up. I also noticed that we're approaching two months worth of procrastination on ending this game. I'm hoping to wrap things up nice and neat in the next week or so.
Although, I have the feeling that some elements are going to be unresolved but hopefully the epilogue will handle it.
I ask that everyone have start gathering ideas for what your characters will be done when/if they make it through this last chapter.
Quote: from Gatac on 4:50 pm on Aug. 24, 2005
Perhaps we ought to skip the running minion battle and just get to the catfight with a couple of knives on both sides.