There are various small buildings about your area. It would take you a full round to get to them.
OOC: XI - New and improved OOC action. Well...not really.
I don't have much of a choice, do I? Time for a sprint.
Quote:Not really, but the fact that I've missed both times with the gunpod is testament either to my horrible ability to kill PCs or Jess' uncanny will to survive.Quote: from Gatac on 4:26 pm on Dec. 30, 2003
I don't have much of a choice, do I? Time for a sprint.

Bravo-1 will arrive in four turns.
Alpha Two will make life unpleasant for the person piloting the chopper. As usual, sending slugs through the thin-skinned parts
Were this put to film, it would have to be bullet time. As always, very good job at depicting the action.
Time to dive behind a building before the Opsie hits me.
Time to dive behind a building before the Opsie hits me.
Continuing to try and kill the chaps trying to kill our dear Agent Spinner.
Ya know, between Spinner and Steiner (A phonetic mixup! There's a first...), I will assume until further proof that nobody remembers that it's Spiner.
The epic misadventures of Agent Spiner and Co. will return shortly...right after I recover (lunch + Starbucks) from a 2.5 hour corporate townhall meeting.
Err...I guess I need everyone's actions before posting.
Dive ! Dive ! Dive !
hang my arm & upper torso out the window and shoot the bad guy truck. A bunch.
Drive faster! Say, does the van have any mounted weapons?
Quote:Unfortunately, not as such. All the GPs went into armor and surveillance equipment.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 6:09 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
Drive faster! Say, does the van have any mounted weapons?
I'll also do a Scotland storyline post probably by tomorrow morning.
Shooting and more shooting. Jess makes very good bait.
I think I'll do a Set Up, or whatever the one is that gives Carla a bonus to hit.
Jess rolled a natural 20 on her evasion roll, which pretty much means she's behind hard cover until otherwise stated.
Up in Scotland, the driver was pretty banged up by Carla's gunnery.
Up in Scotland, the driver was pretty banged up by Carla's gunnery.
How come I never get those natural 20s on my Bluff checks? (Re: Vegas)
Staying there and waiting, just in case anybody tries to get us on foot.
Staying there and waiting, just in case anybody tries to get us on foot.
I'd like to pull a herd-type maneuver to help Artis' next set-up.
I want to take this sucker out of commission. Can I do a sort of autofire maneuver that moves from the engine block/tires area to the door? Aw, screw that, just open up on the driver again. We might need to drive the bait truck back.
Stick a fork in the bait truck because it is done. It would take a heavy-duty tow truck to pull it out of the ditch.