OOC: XI - New and improved OOC action. Well...not really.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 6:14 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
We've kind of exhausted our surveilling ability.
Yeah, I think the surveillance ended some point between Artis pinning the truck in and everyone jumping out of the van yelling, KEEE-YAH! with guns a'blazin.

I think if you tried to describe our style, it'd be something like "cloak and broadsword."
Quote:Heh...an action point to you.Quote: from Threadbare on 6:34 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
I think if you tried to describe our style, it'd be something like "cloak and broadsword."
That'll be the running title of the next installment.

Everyone at the crash site also notices those goons "aren't quite dead yet" are desperately trying to flee the area.
Er, Evasion vs. Nuke? Nuke wins.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 7:06 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
Are they fleeing because of us, or because of that mobile phone ringing? Or do we not know? If it's clear that they're running heedless of us, I say we move away too. If it's undetermined, I'll bite and get the phone. I've got evasion, so if a nuke goes off, I can save for no damage.
It's all happening at the same time, so we'll go with Carla answering the phone.
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 7:12 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
Look at it from the bright side - a nuke hidden where a casual inspection won't find it can't be much bigger than the good old suitcase variety. That limits payload somewhat.
Er, Evasion vs. Nuke? Nuke wins.
Erm, actually according to the rules Threadbare has a chance of completely evading the nuke. Kinda like Arny from Predator. Improbable yet possible.

Quote:I have yet to see any actual nuke rules, but evading a blast of that magnitude is stuff one of those neato spy-like things you'd see in a movie.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 10:58 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
Which book is it that actually has the rules for modeling nukes? Both the MAG and Soldier/Wheelman have disappointed me in that respect.
Good plan B.
Without further ado:
*Brian is considered "at the ready", so he can go whenever.
(!) Carla and Catesby go at the same time technically, but Carla has a higher DEX so she goes first.