Quote:Nah, sounds good to me. Gatty, could you send me a link with the Biggin Hill info?Quote: from Gatac on 10:43 am on Dec. 2, 2003
FYI, Biggin Hill is a small airfield in the South-East of London. I chose it as location because it looks small enough on the photos that we could probably seal it off without major trouble for the time we need it.
Of course, that's subject to edit from Dave, but I think it should work.
OOC: XI - New and improved OOC action. Well...not really.
Quote:Point of clarification. The truck you guys assaulted was -not- the "bait" truck. That truck is (presumably) still parked a block down the street at McLaren's shop.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 5:15 pm on Dec. 1, 2003
Call the Agency to report in, then start opening up those "bait" crates.
RE: the text below
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 3:31 pm on Nov. 11, 2003
The back of the truck is opened up as clerks begin to unload crates of various shape and size, most having words like Live Bait and with the occasional rod and reel thrown in for good measure.
Artis goes for a pee behind the van and in mid-stream he notices another truck approaching the neighborhood. Instead of pulling up to McLaren's shop, it stops a block down the street (directly across from the Agency van). The only difference between the two vehicles is that the driver and passenger in the previous truck weren't armed with submachineguns slung over their shoulders. These guys are.

I'd like to request a "here's what you see" sort of update.
Here is what you have at your disposal:
-Two "Red Shirt" agents. (Figure these guys/gals as 1st or 2nd level)
-One Blackhawk w/ 3-man crew. Armament TBA
-Two unmarked Land Rovers
Blackhawk on hot standby somewhere visually hidden - I'd say behind a few large cargo containers, since they happen to stand around in just about any convenient location. (Hapaq-Lloyd - Yes, we're bulletproof !) As soon as the shit hits the fan, start the baby.
I'd also say that this where we use the redshirts - they're not good for much besides suppresive fire anyway. Alternatively, we might want to keep them with the containers so they can do that from the ground.
Jess will be near something bulletproof. Either that Landrover, or also near the containers.
I'm not sure what to do with that second Landrover, so I'll leave it at that. Maybe have one of the redshirts drive it, with Brian riding shotgun in the backseat for mobile firepower ?
How will Jess be dressed for the occasion. You can assume that you'd have a kevlar vest at your disposal.
Oh, I forgot to mention Samantha's private jet (with 2 crewmen) which will be on a nearby runway.
We should have that jet start as soon as Catesby arrives and get her from behind while she's busy cussing

Anything else, or can we start now ?
Quote:Huh? What? Looks fine to me.Quote: from Gatac on 4:00 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
What happened to chapters 6 to 8 ?

Bad Gatty, no cookie.
Quote:Dang, I should have read this post first.Quote: from Gatac on 4:37 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
A missile attack...wow, I must've really pissed Catesby off.
The bogeys are in-flight, whether or not they're missles is anyone's guess. I'll have Brian clarify for you.
Remember how this mission started?

Well, atleast it's not a Russian Typhoon submarine...that would've been a problem.