Sounds okay to me ... I'm tyring to get a pen and paper Spycraft campaign rolling. I'll probably post some 'after action' reports in another thread so you all can make me a better GM
Great to see this back. It's been great fun to read. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Spycraft and have no interest in getting any closer to d20 than my copy of Mutants & Masterminds. Otherwise, I'd have to pester you to let me into the game. Be thankful.
Do we have anyone who speaks Korean? It might be (maybe not RIGHT now) advantageous for both sides to cut their losses and sort out this little "survival" thing.
Quote: from mage007 on 12:21 pm on July 25, 2003
I'll most likely be without internet Monday (7/28) thru the following Monday (8/04) for sailing lessons.
Crap on a stick. Looks like we'd be waiting till next week. In lieu of that, I'll argue that an N.K. officer speaks Mandarin, so Brian could also speak for the group.
Than Brian will begin nice, calm "You put down your guns, we'll put down ours, and we just sit in this bunker until we can find out whats happening. Otherwise, alot of us are just going to be dead anyway" negotiations.
I think both sides want to keep the nuke secret as possible, considering that this would be the first public nuclear attack since Nagasaki. Is it possible the Agency has "hushed up" stuff like this in hotspots during the cold war? That could be a future mission. Other ideas could include strictly millitary operations, or going in to salvage technology or intelligence from nuked areas, because you bet your ass we're gonna nuke 'em back, if not gas or biostrike.