another idea ... more exotic (read: more can go wrong) but another option. 2 military types (probably sniper + 1) head off in one direction and take potshots at the regulars ... keeping them busy. Everyone else heads to target while regulars are distracted.
Like I said, risky (the group of 2 may eventually get overpowered, the other group could find itself needing the 2 military types), but another option.
OOC: X - X-Rated, for her pleasure.
Well, if we're already blown, we might as well start kicking some ass. It's not like HQ expects better out of us.
I'm going to begin sneakin' about, trying to flank and Sneak Attack the closer bad guys.
wait, which way are they swarming? are they from the direction of the base, or are they surrounding us, (which is my assumption)? Can you make a map, even if it has fog o' war?
I'm suggesting we let them overextend, and then I'm going to make the most of my skills of hide and move silently. It's killer ghost time, baby.
I'm suggesting we let them overextend, and then I'm going to make the most of my skills of hide and move silently. It's killer ghost time, baby.
Ah hell, I'm feeling lucky (massacred Skaven player today in a Mordheim game).
Flank and sneak. I think if we can kill enough, hopefully in violent and dramatic ways, we may discourage further pursuit.
Flank and sneak. I think if we can kill enough, hopefully in violent and dramatic ways, we may discourage further pursuit.
Alrighty then, expect an update tomorrow.
Ayumi will stick with and guard Kyun and Jess.
I'll try and make a battlemap today so ADS can post it.
I still think going into sneaky mode is a good idea. And then sneak attack people who wander too far out. If they're not wandering too far out, then we may be able to get by them.
I should point out that the alarm sirens are making a bejeesus amount of noise. You could run at top speed shouting Korean slurs and they probably wouldn't hear you.
well from the looks of things, if we head 'northeasterly' (up and right on the map) we should get around them by the time they find the body and do the "fan out and find them" routine.
Out of curiosity is our target the 'bunker' they came out of? somewhere beyond the 'bunker'? or do we not know until we search the 'bunker'?
Out of curiosity is our target the 'bunker' they came out of? somewhere beyond the 'bunker'? or do we not know until we search the 'bunker'?
And as much as I hate to say this...its time to start nailing dogs.
They'll give us more trouble than the humans will if it comes down to a pursuit.
They'll give us more trouble than the humans will if it comes down to a pursuit.
Quote:Quote: from mage007 on 6:53 pm on June 3, 2003
well from the looks of things, if we head 'northeasterly' (up and right on the map) we should get around them by the time they find the body and do the "fan out and find them" routine.
Out of curiosity is our target the 'bunker' they came out of? somewhere beyond the 'bunker'? or do we not know until we search the 'bunker'?
The bunker is the easiest way of getting inside the base.
Sorry for the hiatus. I've been mucked down with stuff at work and I had a tabletop game to plan/run.
Hopefully things will slow down at work so I can get some time in on the game.
Hopefully things will slow down at work so I can get some time in on the game.
Well then, I guess we should flank around them and sneak in while the sirens are still on and all these guys are outside going, "OMGWTF." (That's a professional term.)
I'm hoping for a action-packed return on Monday, but if not...consider reading some of the older adventures for your "summer re-run" SnS fix. its time to start nailing dogs and people.
Quote:Quote: from CrazyIvan on 12:17 pm on June 13, 2003 its time to start nailing dogs and people.
What he said.
Inspired by Savage Worlds, I hope everyone likes the new mass combat style I'm using for the game.
New round. Basically, everyone is at a -2 to hit eachother.
New round. Basically, everyone is at a -2 to hit eachother.