OOC: X - X-Rated, for her pleasure.

threadbare 2003-05-10 09:49:31
aw, man, I was hoping for that taser. It's alright, though. I get the feeling the Hush Puppy is a good weapon for going out and getting another gun. and I still have the tiger claws. 1d6+4, baby.
Gatac 2003-05-10 10:54:16
I'm not sure if I should be carrying any of these, but I guess the unsilenced 9mm as last-ditch sidearm is in order.

Dieter 2003-05-12 17:07:33
There's an update coming, not sure exactly when...but it's coming.
Dieter 2003-05-13 20:03:39
Froim this distance, it's hard to tell what the soldiers are carrying, but an educated guess would tell you AK's and Tokarev sidearms.

Remember, these North Koreans are probably sporting Chinese knock-offs...nothing top of the line.
Dieter 2003-05-13 21:29:56
hmmm ... options

1) Sneak around them
2) Wait for them to move on
3) Take 'em out and hope no one notices

assuming they have radios, who else speaks Russian?

Action not being Kyun's forte, my vote is for 1 or 2 ... assuming we're being democratic about this :)

Edit: er ... um ... yes ... Korean not Russian ... I blame the allergy medicine.

(Edited by mage007 at 2:42 pm on May 13, 2003)
Dieter 2003-05-13 21:41:21
Kyun and Jess speak Russian. More importantly...Kyun is the only who speaks Korean.
Dieter 2003-05-13 22:22:47
I'd vote for #2 - that way we know that strech of shoreline is clear for the time being, and we can hide our larger gear.

If not, then let's combine #1 and 3. Sneak UP on them, not around them, then take 'em out ninja style.
Dieter 2003-05-14 15:34:22
Heh...he said #2. :)

Anyhoo...we still need votes from everyone else, with #2 being the plan with just one more vote.
threadbare 2003-05-15 09:13:04
yeah. Seeing as me and maybe ayumi are the only ones with the "move silently" skill, stealth might not be an extremely viable option.
Dieter 2003-05-16 00:23:50
Kyun will hide his scuba gear in a nearby nook-and-cranny, lock and load the silenced 9mm, and call dibs on the camera. (I'm assuming the previous gear that survived with Kyun are his spy-glasses, baton, and a skin patch. Let me know if you think otherwise.)

Quick question, unless someone has been hiding a stash I don't think we have radios. Ideas for how we get around/deal with this?

Travel as a group and use 'Agency' hand signals?
Synchronize watches, split up into less detectable groups, and regroup at determine location (do we have a map?)?
Dieter 2003-05-16 02:20:36
Well, I'm not screwing you guys over.

We'll assume you have those spiffy radio they used in NAVY SEALS!. ;)

(Edited by Dieter at 7:21 pm on May 15, 2003)
threadbare 2003-05-16 02:56:08
figure we've got a ghille suit and a sniper rifle, so brian can be our sniper if we need it. Ayumi can take of of the AKs, and artis and I can fight over the other one. I'd be willing to give it to him and use the hush puppy and tiger claws for sneakiness.
CrazyIvan 2003-05-16 08:24:45
I think a careful use of the sniper rifle's scope (btw, Dieter, the to-hit numbers have changed, since this rifle isn't as tricked out), and some stealthy scouting is in order. We really, really need to not run into a patrol right now.
Dieter 2003-05-16 20:42:56
Anything else?

Well, it's been a day. Do or die time.

(Edited by Dieter at 1:50 pm on May 16, 2003)