aw, man, I was hoping for that taser. It's alright, though. I get the feeling the Hush Puppy is a good weapon for going out and getting another gun. and I still have the tiger claws. 1d6+4, baby.
Kyun will hide his scuba gear in a nearby nook-and-cranny, lock and load the silenced 9mm, and call dibs on the camera. (I'm assuming the previous gear that survived with Kyun are his spy-glasses, baton, and a skin patch. Let me know if you think otherwise.)
Quick question, unless someone has been hiding a stash I don't think we have radios. Ideas for how we get around/deal with this?
Travel as a group and use 'Agency' hand signals?
Synchronize watches, split up into less detectable groups, and regroup at determine location (do we have a map?)?
figure we've got a ghille suit and a sniper rifle, so brian can be our sniper if we need it. Ayumi can take of of the AKs, and artis and I can fight over the other one. I'd be willing to give it to him and use the hush puppy and tiger claws for sneakiness.
I think a careful use of the sniper rifle's scope (btw, Dieter, the to-hit numbers have changed, since this rifle isn't as tricked out), and some stealthy scouting is in order. We really, really need to not run into a patrol right now.