That's because he's a hippie.
We're not really in a chase situation, because the airspeeder can catch you - it's like a helicopter chasing a car. It can't hit you very well because of the trees and such, though.
If you're running flat-out for the starport, it'll get 5 strafing runs on you guys. Wayde, Arnae, and 'Za can "contest" any of these attacks by letting me know. You'll make an opposed driving check (Wits, plus aspects and/or specializations) vs. the airspeeder. If you win, the airspeeder doesn't get to attack you. If the airspeeder wins, it gets an extra uncontested attack.
You can try to drive dangerously fast through the jungle - a successful driving check'll redline your speeder and cut one of the airspeeder's attack runs out completely (two if you REALLY make the roll), but if you fail... well, we'll get to that if you DO fail. You'll get a say in your fate if you do.
Of course, anyone with a blaster who isn't driving can try to blast the ever-loving poodoo out of the airspeeder when it comes by. Erit, unfortunately, you can't mind trick the pilot, you don't have a line of sight (closed canopy) and by the time you were able to reach out and "grab" his mind, the chase would be over anyway.