Don't worry about the ship's name.

Wayde will be climbing out of the turret and helping with repairs.
Quote:I shan't.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 10:13 am on Oct. 24, 2003
Don't worry about the ship's name.
Quote:...or preparing for a crash landing, whichever is more imminent.Quote: from Dieter on 11:52 am on Oct. 24, 2003
Wayde will be climbing out of the turret and helping with repairs.
What happened: I was using a "duel"-style of mechanic, where whoever beat their particular problem by 15 "points" won. The fire was rolling 1d8, and Mak and Reyes were rolling to give Wayde bonus dice. Unfortunately, Reyes's bonus didn't work, so he ran out for more extinguishers. The fire was whoopin' you guys until it was about 12-8, and then you came back to bring your lead to 14-12, but then the fire won with a margin of 5, and that was over. Aurelia won slowly but steadily against her engine problem, and Arnae just needed the single roll to pull out of the descent.
Erit shall head for the thump and try to prevent anyone from being sucked out.
Sorry for being AWOL the last few days. Should be ready to go now.
Jileeza will attemt to circle around and approach from behind the attacking Rodians, firing as soon as she gets a good shot.
The two lead bikers will be on you in two rounds, with their buddies arriving the next. Well, anyways, it'll be easier for both parties to hit, seeing as they'll be closer.

Staying low, aiming for a rider this time.
Doesn't the Womprat have a topside turret? If so, I'm powering that up. If not, joining the firefight.
Until the tibanna incident, and the crashing, and such, yes.

Quote:"I dunno think we 'ave 'nuff power, cap'n!"Quote: from Infested Paladin on 3:06 pm on Oct. 27, 2003
Doesn't the Womprat have a topside turret? If so, I'm powering that up. If not, joining the firefight.

I'd hate to find out who Grungu is or what his reaction will be to us crash landing in his back yard.
Fuck him and all his green-faced tentacled friends. :angry:
Is the speeder that went sploosh retrievable?
Yeah, two of them hit the water and are banged up but can move. Aurelia can probably fix them up given parts and some spare time.
So there's 'Za's landspeeder and two banged up speeder bikes. The speeder's designed to seat four - you can squish five if the remaining two absolutely NEED their bike all to themselves.
Or someone'll just have to ride two to a bike. The good news is, it's no longer a half day's walk through the jungle.
So there's 'Za's landspeeder and two banged up speeder bikes. The speeder's designed to seat four - you can squish five if the remaining two absolutely NEED their bike all to themselves.

Unless we're heading into combat, I think we can deal with riding tandem on the bikes.
Even then, it's alot easier to steal bikes if someone can jump off of one onto another.
Even then, it's alot easier to steal bikes if someone can jump off of one onto another.

I'm just wondering, is Arnae mis-calling his ship done on purpose? It's funny either way.