OOC: Shaken, Not Stirred III
Here we go again...
"Captain, what do we do now ?"
"Lay in ramming course !"
"Ramming course laid in. Contact in five seconds."
"Lay in ramming course !"
"Ramming course laid in. Contact in five seconds."
I'm going to calmly get up, take the bottle with me, and walk out.
Hehe, that last comment screams for Jakob to come out of the club now, carrying the two over his shoulders, and slamming them on the car's hood while fixing a gaze on Art.
"Why yes, of course they're joining us !"
"Why yes, of course they're joining us !"
Likewise leaving the bar.

Ask and ye shall receive, damn straight - thanks !
Artis can hear the groans of one of the two women...it appears that they are coming around already.
Well then. I'll slam her head into the wheelwell.
So, what's everyone doing until the boss arrives?
Jess will search for some Aspirin, then spend the rest of the time guarding the ladies.
Gavin's going to attach his gun's silencer and just guard the other team members.
Ah, chain of command...I'm interested in seeing how Anja explains losing him. 

I've got semi-regular internet access now, probably a bit less than daily, but you probably already have a subplot going, so I suppose Harry will remain incommunicado.
Threadbare, I'll PM you and fill you in on what has happened to Harry...don't worry, you're still alive....at least for the time being.

*kaff*You know, this would probably be a good time for Gavin to relate whatever he remembers about what Harry did. Perhaps it could be *kaff* helpful.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 2:41 pm on July 2, 2002
*kaff*You know, this would probably be a good time for Gavin to relate whatever he remembers about what Harry did. Perhaps it could be *kaff* helpful.

I've been working on the rescue mission all weekend, so expect an update to the storyline tomorrow.
I guess Jessica was still working on her Concentration check 

Since you're not getting your equipment until you reach St. Petersburg, I'm going to move the plot along.
I guess we're getting the vehicle there too, eh?