Jade Imperium OOC 2
Everyone's Wild Dice refresh back to 5.
I could totally hear Nic Cage's voice for quite a few of the posts.
E, you did some fine thinking about the big picture. I think Ivan was closer than you for some of the questions raised, though.
Hugh, good job herding cats and avoiding at least two firefights by using diplomacy.
There wasn't a ton of things for Semo and Angel to do these last few threads, but don't worry. Your time is coming. :twisted:
I could totally hear Nic Cage's voice for quite a few of the posts.
E, you did some fine thinking about the big picture. I think Ivan was closer than you for some of the questions raised, though.

Hugh, good job herding cats and avoiding at least two firefights by using diplomacy.
There wasn't a ton of things for Semo and Angel to do these last few threads, but don't worry. Your time is coming. :twisted:
Meh. As long as my thoughts are making people think, I've accoplished my goals for writting them out. Sorry I've been a bit out of the loop, the english portfolio I may or may not have explicitly mentioned came due today and I've been hard at it all weekend. I'll slip in a backpost if I can come up with one.
Okay, what I'm thinking is a full day's R&R in the nearest town immeadiatly after we get through decon, then we muster back at MN, and while we party, somebody gets somebody carring more wieght (politically/diplomatically) out here. I'm thinking the Speciel Presidential Envoy to Extraterrestrial Life or the Pentagon Xenobiological Threat Division Director or Head Loony of the DC UFO-oligists something. Also, I'm assuming we wrote down the Gate code we just used? Otherwise, I'm ripping somebody's head off, and damn the consequences.
Oh, and a few things to be added to the to-do list:
1. Drag a few other intact Gates out of the ship-thingy (if the Others let us).
2. Power them up.
3. Try dialing Earth, and then the code for the other Gate.
Let's start learning more about this network, how they work, hwhat the rules are. Oh, and let's bring in the heavy equipment to get that broken-into-sections one back to MN for more rigorous analysis, along with some of the spaceship wreckage.
1. Drag a few other intact Gates out of the ship-thingy (if the Others let us).
2. Power them up.
3. Try dialing Earth, and then the code for the other Gate.
Let's start learning more about this network, how they work, hwhat the rules are. Oh, and let's bring in the heavy equipment to get that broken-into-sections one back to MN for more rigorous analysis, along with some of the spaceship wreckage.
...That would be initiative.
Angel has a free action to blow claymores, try and spot more than the two enemies he saw, whatever he likes. I trust nobody minds Semo saving their ass, so Semo's free action was saving peoples' asses.
Everyone Else
Angel has a free action to blow claymores, try and spot more than the two enemies he saw, whatever he likes. I trust nobody minds Semo saving their ass, so Semo's free action was saving peoples' asses.

Everyone Else
Defend the gateway from all intrusions. And I mean defend. Nobody's getting through that motherfucker while we're still breathing.
admiralducksauce wrote:Ah, damn. Now I gotta go savin' people? What up with that? :wink:...That would be initiative.
Angel has a free action to blow claymores, try and spot more than the two enemies he saw, whatever he likes. I trust nobody minds Semo saving their ass, so Semo's free action was saving peoples' asses.
Semo gets a Wild Die right now for pinpointing exactly what happened to Dietrich. If Semo can figure that out, we can assume Max comes to the same conclusion. I'll throw out some painful questions for you:
Is that shit like nuke radiation? i.e., lingering?
Do you really want the people who can get you home to step through the Gate if it is?
Right now Max is the only person who knows the Earth code... well, it's probably best to assume that the Others were watching, so they probably know the code too. On the other hand, if they DID know the code, they could've just let you go home, called some friends, and then dialed Earth.
Is that shit like nuke radiation? i.e., lingering?
Do you really want the people who can get you home to step through the Gate if it is?
Right now Max is the only person who knows the Earth code... well, it's probably best to assume that the Others were watching, so they probably know the code too. On the other hand, if they DID know the code, they could've just let you go home, called some friends, and then dialed Earth.
Here's another brainteaser right back: what if it doesn't linger, but our weapons have no effect against their armor? Then we're all dead (or worse) anyway, and in that case it's best if we at least try to make sure that they don't get to Earth.
Hugh would definately be more worried about making sure that the Others don't go through the gate and escape from MN.
Hugh would definately be more worried about making sure that the Others don't go through the gate and escape from MN.
Well, you guys should know me by now. Having no effect against their armor is no fun at all. 
Hugh, that was the graziest of grazes. 6/6 Wounds, 13/14 Shock.
Manta-ship team has two who Dodged, blowing their actions, and another who went down. Not obvious if it's dead or wounded.
Angel's team has one down from claymores (again, not sure of its status), one -definitely- wounded, and another who proves to have a pretty tough helmet.
Crash site team has one missing an arm and two fresh Others.
Dietrich is definitely messed up but he's not dead, 'cause he's still twitching.

Hugh, that was the graziest of grazes. 6/6 Wounds, 13/14 Shock.
Manta-ship team has two who Dodged, blowing their actions, and another who went down. Not obvious if it's dead or wounded.
Angel's team has one down from claymores (again, not sure of its status), one -definitely- wounded, and another who proves to have a pretty tough helmet.
Crash site team has one missing an arm and two fresh Others.
Dietrich is definitely messed up but he's not dead, 'cause he's still twitching.
To respond to you, Gatty, that's a valid point though. There's definitely a line between "Effective against their armor" and "takes too long to drop them even if bullets WILL work". It's really Max who has to make the hard choice.
Is Hugh in a good position to climb onto the Hummer and start nailing the bastards with the mounted weapons?
Next action you can start laying down 40mm justice, sure. Actually, hell, the other hummer had a fifty, so it's your choice whether you want grenades or BMG rounds.
Ma deuce for me.
Seems to me that there is a very good chance that at least one of the orbs will get through the gate. If the nerd herd go through, they're as good as dead - and then we've lost the code. We have a better chance of keeping them alive here. They would probably do better to retreat to the edge of the clearing and use the foliage for cover.
Easy answer: kill the orbs.
Frak that. The Gate's (right now) a tactical liability. Push the Big Red Button and shut the thing down. That's my idea, anyway. They can't get through what isn't open. Keep the nerd herd here, we'll probably need them, and (assuming the aliens don't have the code) it gives us a slight advantage. Also, without a direct conduit, it gives MN time to regroup on their end, and let's us focus on killing the frakkers instead of be stuck in the position of having to stp them from reaching an objective. Shut down the frakking Gate!
Whether you use it or not, Luis gets a Wild Die for remembering the Big Red Button!

That's actually a really good idea. Can we edit things to take advantage of that?
Heck, I'd guess the Gate falls under "Everyone else," and Luis hasn't used an action yet. Could he use it to kill the Gate? He was near it in my last IC post. (Odd question: would the kenetic energy of a bullet be enough to "push" the button, or is it more of a switch than a pressure padd? Could a projectile be used in place of having to get to the Gate personally?)