After taking his time to contemplate, Erit finally leaves the cargo bay. The time to meditate with the sacred plants has definately evened his temper, but below the surface, the Ithorian monk struggles with feelings he is all too familiar with. Anger. Despair. Self-pity.
Looking around the ship, he finds most of the crew gone - even Mak, but that is hardly surprising; the Bothan has not yet learned to come to terms with his emotions, and probably went out to "blow off some steam".
Aurelia wanders around, taking care of repairs - of course, Erit muses, she wouldn't want to leave the ship in this kind of location. He catches up to her with his soft, gliding walk and coughs politely before raising his voice.
"May I be of assistance, Aurelia?"
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Uncle Klaatu's
It is a hard thing to intimidate a Wookiee... Bawoosh doesn't seem to back down, instead countering with a "Wrreeerrror... shurf shurf nuffurrr."
(Chased out? I was thinking thrown out...)
The Wookiee takes a step towards the group but the small human lays his hand on the shaggy alien's arm. "Hey, I think those guys are Gulgo's men. We don't need this now..."
The Rodian hasn't moved from his spot, although it's hard to tell whether he's frozen in fear or simply trying to be unobstrusive.
"Rorrrawwr grawhool? Awooorrroaarr!"
(You work for Gulgo? Small world!)
Bawoosh suddenly untenses and laughs, an unnerving hacking series of grunts.
Shipping and More
"That'll have to do then," the Gungan replies. "The cargo in question is still in transit here. What's your comm frequency? I'll call you when it arrives. All you have to do is take it to Gamdoaan and offload it at this port." She hands 'Za a datapad with navigation coordinates.
"Because weesa go way back- excuse me, we go way back, I can pay you half up front, when the cargo's loaded here. Come back here for the other half once you through on Gamdoaan."
Nar Shaddaa Streets
Mak walks through the metallic cacophony of the port area and makes his way into the bustling streets, every level a balcony overlooking a steel and glass canyon, riddled with neon. Airspeeders scream past; the distant ones are no more than fireflies dancing through the streets. Unable to see over his fellow pedestrians, Mak unconsciously studies the movement and bearing of those passing by him... gang colors on a adolescent Gran... a human couple dressed in finery, contrasting with the reddened knuckles on the man and the faint bruises on the woman... a leathery-skinned mercenary in once-white armor, now defaced with blaster craters and pithy sayings in Huttese...
It is a hard thing to intimidate a Wookiee... Bawoosh doesn't seem to back down, instead countering with a "Wrreeerrror... shurf shurf nuffurrr."
(Chased out? I was thinking thrown out...)
The Wookiee takes a step towards the group but the small human lays his hand on the shaggy alien's arm. "Hey, I think those guys are Gulgo's men. We don't need this now..."
The Rodian hasn't moved from his spot, although it's hard to tell whether he's frozen in fear or simply trying to be unobstrusive.
"Rorrrawwr grawhool? Awooorrroaarr!"
(You work for Gulgo? Small world!)
Bawoosh suddenly untenses and laughs, an unnerving hacking series of grunts.
Shipping and More
"That'll have to do then," the Gungan replies. "The cargo in question is still in transit here. What's your comm frequency? I'll call you when it arrives. All you have to do is take it to Gamdoaan and offload it at this port." She hands 'Za a datapad with navigation coordinates.
"Because weesa go way back- excuse me, we go way back, I can pay you half up front, when the cargo's loaded here. Come back here for the other half once you through on Gamdoaan."
Nar Shaddaa Streets
Mak walks through the metallic cacophony of the port area and makes his way into the bustling streets, every level a balcony overlooking a steel and glass canyon, riddled with neon. Airspeeders scream past; the distant ones are no more than fireflies dancing through the streets. Unable to see over his fellow pedestrians, Mak unconsciously studies the movement and bearing of those passing by him... gang colors on a adolescent Gran... a human couple dressed in finery, contrasting with the reddened knuckles on the man and the faint bruises on the woman... a leathery-skinned mercenary in once-white armor, now defaced with blaster craters and pithy sayings in Huttese...
Quote:The tension in the room now somewhat relaxed, Wayde eases off his holster into a neutral stance.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 11:55 am on Aug. 6, 2004
Uncle Klaatu's
"Rorrrawwr grawhool? Awooorrroaarr!"
(You work for Gulgo? Small world!)
Bawoosh suddenly untenses and laughs, an unnerving hacking series of grunts.
"Yeah. We're sort of in between assignments for the fat bastard. What brings you to this armpit (looking over to offense) of the galaxy? No doubt for the courteous staff and five-star dining..."
Aurelia spins on her heel at the cough, and her hand is already on her blaster when she recognizes Erit. She smiles, blushing faintly, and looks very releived.
"Sorry...just been a little on edge recently. I think I've got the ship back up to snuff but...the crew is out for the day, and I heard a hatch shut. Maybe I'm just paranoid but..." she gives him a somewhat sheepish, "can you use some Jedi trick to check it out?" look.
"Sorry...just been a little on edge recently. I think I've got the ship back up to snuff but...the crew is out for the day, and I heard a hatch shut. Maybe I'm just paranoid but..." she gives him a somewhat sheepish, "can you use some Jedi trick to check it out?" look.
Erit appears to be smiling.
"If you will desist from referring to me as Jedi, gladly."
He begins to tune in to his surroundings, but there's not a whole lot to feel outside.
"I can not ascertain with absolute certainty who was at the airlock, but I do not sense a hostile presence. There is room for error, but I believe we can focus on repairing the ship. We've been in a running battle ever since leaving Bespin. Seeing a worldship of my brethren go up in flames...has not been the most enjoyable event in my life to come to grips with. Let us make sure that we do not add to my list of trauma anytime soon."
"If you will desist from referring to me as Jedi, gladly."
He begins to tune in to his surroundings, but there's not a whole lot to feel outside.
"I can not ascertain with absolute certainty who was at the airlock, but I do not sense a hostile presence. There is room for error, but I believe we can focus on repairing the ship. We've been in a running battle ever since leaving Bespin. Seeing a worldship of my brethren go up in flames...has not been the most enjoyable event in my life to come to grips with. Let us make sure that we do not add to my list of trauma anytime soon."
Bawoosh's shuffling laugh is heard once again as the big Wookiee and his two cohorts head towards the exit. "Grahwoor, rowworr", he replies (Just collecting this sap's dues)... before suddenly ducking low and swiping a massive paw at Wayde! The ex-Imperial gets his blaster out of the holster but isn't quick enough to avoid the full force of the blow. Wayde's lifted off his feet and crashes into a rack of astrogation components, knocking the shelving over with a horrendous crash and sending circuitry and wiring skittering across the floor. Bawoosh's henchmen go for their blasters. At the same time, Molan goes for his own blaster.
What the he-
Lifting himself out of the debris, Wayde takes a knee and brings up his blaster, sending a few bolts downrange at the walking carpet.
Should've brought fucking shotguns...
(Edited by Dieter at 1:26 pm on Aug. 9, 2004)
Lifting himself out of the debris, Wayde takes a knee and brings up his blaster, sending a few bolts downrange at the walking carpet.
Should've brought fucking shotguns...
(Edited by Dieter at 1:26 pm on Aug. 9, 2004)
"Unfortunately, I'm not the captain of this boat," 'Za says with a shrug, "so I better get approval before officially taking the job. Can you give me a moment?"
Jileeza steps outside Silverberg's office and hits the comm. "Boss? I've got a solid line on a job for us."
Jileeza steps outside Silverberg's office and hits the comm. "Boss? I've got a solid line on a job for us."
At this range, it's not hard to hit a 7-foot tall carpet. Wayde clambers out from Rod's shelves and sends three bolts into Bawoosh. The Wookiee's knocked down - but not out - as the smell of burnt hair permeates the storefront.
Arnae, in a moment of almost blissful clarity, draws his blaster as he advances two paces towards Bawoosh and fires two bolts at the prone Wookie's head, then drops to one knee to lower his profile.
The clarity passes, and Arnae's face contorts in panic as he shits a proverbial brick.
"Damn it, Wayde!"
The clarity passes, and Arnae's face contorts in panic as he shits a proverbial brick.
"Damn it, Wayde!"
Aurelia smiles softly, and chuckles.
"Fair enough. I've got everything repaired but the turret. I've got to go outside for that, so I've been putting it off..."
She shrugs and heads down the corridor, stopping to call back to him. "Do me a favor and call on the comm when you hear the hatch for the turret open. I won't be able to tell from outside." She turns once more, and disappears up an access hatch to the top of the ship.
"Fair enough. I've got everything repaired but the turret. I've got to go outside for that, so I've been putting it off..."
She shrugs and heads down the corridor, stopping to call back to him. "Do me a favor and call on the comm when you hear the hatch for the turret open. I won't be able to tell from outside." She turns once more, and disappears up an access hatch to the top of the ship.
Arnae's close-range fusillade takes care of the Wookiee a moment before the human and Rodian open fire. The nearly midget-sized human puts two bolts into the scattered shelving around Wayde as he ducks behind a rack of parts to shield himself. The Rodian, however, gets the drop on Molan before the old gunslinger can bring his own blaster to bear. The Rodian scores a nasty hit across Molan's chest, pushing the bounty hunter into the wall and to the deck, smoke trailing behind him.
Arnae and Wayde return fire, Wayde crouching behind the tipped-over shelving and Arnae sidestepping behind another rack of parts, trying to flank the two thugs. The Rodian and human retreat towards the warehouse door, firing wildly. Blaster bolts fly everywhere BUT their targets as Arnae continues dashing from aisle to aisle, trying to get an angle on his opponents. Wayde's barely missed as the human puts one right next to his head. The Rodian's firing blind, one hand exposed from the side of the shelves, when Arnae finally gets a good angle. He lines up his blaster's sights and fires, dropping the Rodian. The pint-sized human fires at Arnae, missing again, while backing out of the shelving to get cover from Arnae... and steps right into Wayde's line of fire. The ex-Imperial drops the human with a shot to the head.
As the blaster smoke begins to waft up and away from the carnage, it appears that Arnae and Wayde are the only ones left alive at Uncle Klaatu's. Rod's body lies a few feet from the doorway, carbonized by an errant bolt, while Molan sits motionless against the wall, a black scorch mark across his chest.
As the blaster smoke begins to waft up and away from the carnage, it appears that Arnae and Wayde are the only ones left alive at Uncle Klaatu's. Rod's body lies a few feet from the doorway, carbonized by an errant bolt, while Molan sits motionless against the wall, a black scorch mark across his chest.
Quote:Without missing a beat, Wayde goes into survival mode.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 9:58 am on Aug. 20, 2004
As the blaster smoke begins to waft up and away from the carnage, it appears that Arnae and Wayde are the only ones left alive at Uncle Klaatu's. Rod's body lies a few feet from the doorway, carbonized by an errant bolt, while Molan sits motionless against the wall, a black scorch mark across his chest.
"Close and lock the shop door. Next, we search and dispose of the bodies. I'll wipe the shop's security camera feeds meanwhile you should ionize the droids who happen to have been nearby. We'll then strip this place for anything of we might need. A hovertruck might also be in order, you might wanna check to see if there's one around. I'm guessing these bastards had to come in some sort of vehicle..."
(Edited by Dieter at 11:10 am on Aug. 20, 2004)
Arnae jogs to the door, nodding grimly at Wayde's assessment. He closes and locks the entrance, then starts searching the racks for something to ionize the droids with.
It's a parts shop; it's not too hard to find an immobilizer and a hand-held ionizer. Arnae sets to work zapping the non-essential droids, after having them pack up some parts for the Chance. Wayde finds keys on the Rodian for a speeder van parked near the rear loading bay, and Arnae loads the van, after which he ionizes the lifters as well.
Arnae leaves body disposal to Wayde, and he doesn't ask what he did with them when the ex-Imperial returns a few minutes before Arnae's done loading the speeder.
With the nasty business pretty much done with, the two shoppers take the speeder van into Nar Shaddaa's busy airways, trying to make their way back to the hangar.
Arnae leaves body disposal to Wayde, and he doesn't ask what he did with them when the ex-Imperial returns a few minutes before Arnae's done loading the speeder.
With the nasty business pretty much done with, the two shoppers take the speeder van into Nar Shaddaa's busy airways, trying to make their way back to the hangar.
Still walking the streets, Mak's hairs prickle a bit, the way they do when trouble's brewing. This time, though, the Bothan augments his instinctive sense for danger with what Erit's taught him so far, reaching out with the Force. It's disorienting and more than a little disquieting, but Mak "feels" someone paying him more than his fair share of attention - someone who has moved to the side of the walkway next to a droid shop and stopped moving.
Not changing his pace, Mak takes a glance at the vehicle riddled sky, giving himself an excuse to bump against a passing Gran's shoulder.
Mak spins around to throw some swears at the Gran, using the chance to get a better look at the appearantly hostile watcher.
(Edited by CuteMotherFucker at 5:37 pm on Aug. 25, 2004)
Mak spins around to throw some swears at the Gran, using the chance to get a better look at the appearantly hostile watcher.
(Edited by CuteMotherFucker at 5:37 pm on Aug. 25, 2004)
The Gran replies with his own string of curses and continues on. Mak steals a glance back and pinpoints his stalker - there's a tall Rodian in rugged clothing who's missing an earstalk looking quite hard at the droid shop's display. He bears the easy stance of someone who's not nervous on Nar Shaddaa.
The green scum is most likely just a plain old mugger who chose not to stay in bed today, a fairly fatal mistake. But then again, there's always the chance that it could be something personal, and it's better to get some information on what exactly the Rodian wants with him.
Mak opts for any shop that might be vacant enough to use as an ambush location.
Mak opts for any shop that might be vacant enough to use as an ambush location.