Wayde finds Aurelia there already, busily trying to restore power and pressurization to parts of the hull, the cluster of spare parts she bought lying scattered on the floor. Seeing Wayde, she motions to the temporary patch she'd been installing against one of the airlocks.
"Hold this."
She gets up, and hurries down to the shield's generator, her hands full of fuses, circuits and a good bit of patching equipment.
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Jileeza smiles as the TIE gets atomized. However, the smile soon disappears as the ship shudders under the turbolaser assault. Looking around, she cannot see the damage from her position, so has no idea how bad it is. At least they're still flying, and the shift into hyperspace indicates that at least the drive wasn't damaged.
Once through to the other side, Jileeza unbuckles and makes her way down to the bridge. "So. What's the damage, boss?" she asks Arnae, noting that Wayde isn't in sight.
Once through to the other side, Jileeza unbuckles and makes her way down to the bridge. "So. What's the damage, boss?" she asks Arnae, noting that Wayde isn't in sight.
The unnerving hiss of air escaping through microleaks is a constant companion for the first twenty minutes, until Aurelia manages to lock down the breach. The good news is, the hull has held together and the air that's still inside is staying inside. The bad news is that the upper turret is offline; even if you could get to it, it's heavily damaged.
With the hull problem out of the way, the master mechanic turns her attention to the (once again) overloaded shield generators. It's a testament to her abilities that the Chance was able to take a turbolaser hit in the first place - that it was still able to jump to hyperspace with relatively minor damage is astounding.
Aurelia continues her work as Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, flickers in and out of everyone's thoughts. The holos paint a picture of bloodthirsty gangers, ruthless bounty hunters and guns-for-hire, all ruled by plotting Hutt lords, a place where you go to disappear... or to disappear someone else. For the crew members who had been there, well... it wasn't so bad if you didn't go looking for trouble and you had the credits to make sure trouble didn't come looking for you...
With the hull problem out of the way, the master mechanic turns her attention to the (once again) overloaded shield generators. It's a testament to her abilities that the Chance was able to take a turbolaser hit in the first place - that it was still able to jump to hyperspace with relatively minor damage is astounding.
Aurelia continues her work as Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, flickers in and out of everyone's thoughts. The holos paint a picture of bloodthirsty gangers, ruthless bounty hunters and guns-for-hire, all ruled by plotting Hutt lords, a place where you go to disappear... or to disappear someone else. For the crew members who had been there, well... it wasn't so bad if you didn't go looking for trouble and you had the credits to make sure trouble didn't come looking for you...
"Nar Shaddaa...I don't think I'm wanted there. At least the Imperial presence will be non-existent. The Hutts still rule the system with an iron fist. Let's just hope we don't get bitch-slapped with it."
"I've actually spent some time here now and again," Jileeza says. Of course, she was laying low after a hit both of those times. "Not a bad place if you grease the right palms..."
(Where'd my bloody post go!?)
Aurelia takes a break and appears on the bridge, face smudged with the charcoal remains of what was once a fairly expensive component. She shakes her head, wiping her hands on her pants.
"I've got the sheilds cycling through their internal check now, they should be up soon, although avoiding any fleet engagements is probably a good idea. But that turret is going to need some serious repair, and I'd prefer to do it in a drydock, rather than space, unless one of you has been hiding a hard suit in your locker?"
She pauses, and looks hesitant for a moment, and its clear she's a bit on edge. "Speaking of which, if its all the same to you, I'd like to stay aboard ship at our next...um...destination."
Aurelia takes a break and appears on the bridge, face smudged with the charcoal remains of what was once a fairly expensive component. She shakes her head, wiping her hands on her pants.
"I've got the sheilds cycling through their internal check now, they should be up soon, although avoiding any fleet engagements is probably a good idea. But that turret is going to need some serious repair, and I'd prefer to do it in a drydock, rather than space, unless one of you has been hiding a hard suit in your locker?"
She pauses, and looks hesitant for a moment, and its clear she's a bit on edge. "Speaking of which, if its all the same to you, I'd like to stay aboard ship at our next...um...destination."
With no further replies, the crew gets what rest they can during the remainder of the trip.
With a sound of rolling thunder, the Chance drops out of hyperspace above the Smuggler's Moon. The sensors are alive with contacts, and the commlinks are chattering with traffic. Arnae pilots the freighter through a canyon of docking bays - ships of all makes and models rest in open-faced hangar grids that extend down until they're lost from view in the low-level soup of Nar Shaddaa's smog. He puts the Second Chance in a bay not too far from the top and shuts down the engines.
Molan's been pretty quiet through all the proceedings, being content to sit in his seat and catnap, but he speaks up as they land. "I owe you fellas fer pulling my tail out of the fire. I can get ya a discount on some parts to fix this tub - go see Rod down at Uncle Klaatu's and tell 'im Bak Molan sent ya. He'll fix you up."
With a sound of rolling thunder, the Chance drops out of hyperspace above the Smuggler's Moon. The sensors are alive with contacts, and the commlinks are chattering with traffic. Arnae pilots the freighter through a canyon of docking bays - ships of all makes and models rest in open-faced hangar grids that extend down until they're lost from view in the low-level soup of Nar Shaddaa's smog. He puts the Second Chance in a bay not too far from the top and shuts down the engines.
Molan's been pretty quiet through all the proceedings, being content to sit in his seat and catnap, but he speaks up as they land. "I owe you fellas fer pulling my tail out of the fire. I can get ya a discount on some parts to fix this tub - go see Rod down at Uncle Klaatu's and tell 'im Bak Molan sent ya. He'll fix you up."
"I'll thank ya kindly, Molan, for any discount. In fact, you and me can take a trip down there soon as you're up for it. Aurelia, we'll keep in touch over the comlink. That way, we can be sure to get the right parts.
"I'm hoping that we can touch down for a little while longer at this port. I'm sick of getting chased into the big blue swirl by Star Destroyers and TIEs."
"I'm hoping that we can touch down for a little while longer at this port. I'm sick of getting chased into the big blue swirl by Star Destroyers and TIEs."
Molan, Arnae, and Wayde venture down the gangplank and into the city, heading downward to Uncle Klaatu's. 'Za heads out as well, and is soon lost amidst the docking bay foot traffic.
Airspeeders zip past elevated walkways, flying even with pedestrians as the threesome approach a speeder taxi. After waiting for two to arrive and fill with other passengers, Wayde finally flags one down in his own particular style. The daredevil Verpine behind the controls dips the vehicle through darkened access tubes, down barely-lighted vertical alleys, and comes screaming into a main thoroughfare, blending in with the rest of the breakneck drivers with a twist of inertial force. It's about a 6 minute ride down the airways, but it feels like an eternity. The Verpine finally coasts to a dropoff point on a moving sidewalk; Molan pays him and the group disembarks. Wayde shoves aside a Ugnaught attempting to peddle holochits depicting some type of inter-species smut; the crowd here is about as encouraging as, say, Mos Eisley.
"Don't worry, we're right over there," Molan says, motioning towards a bloated hangar door, proclaiming in sparsely-lit neon "UNCL KLA TU' SH P HOP" (the e, a, i, and s not withstanding). A standard access door cycles, emitting a cloud of deathstick smoke and an angry looking human, who continues to shout obscenities towards the shop while backing away down the walkway.
Meanwhile, Jileeza has found herself in a busy song-and-dance pub not too far from the docking arrays. A female Zug belts out a throaty rendition of "Sweet Home Alderaan", while the bar clientel proceed to either drink themselves further into tone-deafness or begin to appreciate bad karaoke, which may be the same thing in some systems. There's no Imperial HoloNet access across most of Nar Shaddaa, but the few tidbits she gleans from the network include:
1. The Imperials will be looking for the Chance after the mayhem you caused on Bespin; if you don't already, the entire crew is likely to have prices on their heads within the week. Granted, those are Imperial credits, and it's a toss-up these days which hunters have ties with the Empire.
2. Early reports are coming in, mostly from freighters and shuttles who managed to escape, about the ransacking of the Spirit of Ithor. No news yet of the worldship's condition or what the Imperials were after.
Airspeeders zip past elevated walkways, flying even with pedestrians as the threesome approach a speeder taxi. After waiting for two to arrive and fill with other passengers, Wayde finally flags one down in his own particular style. The daredevil Verpine behind the controls dips the vehicle through darkened access tubes, down barely-lighted vertical alleys, and comes screaming into a main thoroughfare, blending in with the rest of the breakneck drivers with a twist of inertial force. It's about a 6 minute ride down the airways, but it feels like an eternity. The Verpine finally coasts to a dropoff point on a moving sidewalk; Molan pays him and the group disembarks. Wayde shoves aside a Ugnaught attempting to peddle holochits depicting some type of inter-species smut; the crowd here is about as encouraging as, say, Mos Eisley.
"Don't worry, we're right over there," Molan says, motioning towards a bloated hangar door, proclaiming in sparsely-lit neon "UNCL KLA TU' SH P HOP" (the e, a, i, and s not withstanding). A standard access door cycles, emitting a cloud of deathstick smoke and an angry looking human, who continues to shout obscenities towards the shop while backing away down the walkway.
Meanwhile, Jileeza has found herself in a busy song-and-dance pub not too far from the docking arrays. A female Zug belts out a throaty rendition of "Sweet Home Alderaan", while the bar clientel proceed to either drink themselves further into tone-deafness or begin to appreciate bad karaoke, which may be the same thing in some systems. There's no Imperial HoloNet access across most of Nar Shaddaa, but the few tidbits she gleans from the network include:
1. The Imperials will be looking for the Chance after the mayhem you caused on Bespin; if you don't already, the entire crew is likely to have prices on their heads within the week. Granted, those are Imperial credits, and it's a toss-up these days which hunters have ties with the Empire.
2. Early reports are coming in, mostly from freighters and shuttles who managed to escape, about the ransacking of the Spirit of Ithor. No news yet of the worldship's condition or what the Imperials were after.
Uncle Klaatu's
A chubby blue Ortolan dissipates the cloud of smoke as he waddles out after the angry human, shouting "Ya come back here one more time and I'll carbonize ya! Yer space slug chow, bub! I'll fr-" he stops short as he spots Molan and his trunk lifts in an Ortolanese grin. "You scumbag!" he shouts at Molan, who greets the blue alien with a grin. "Didn't see ya there, come in, come in!" Molan motions for Arnae and Wayde to follow as he enters Uncle Klaatu's.
The smell of grease and metal permeates the shop's interior, which is filled with shelves, containers, and racks of smaller ships' parts. Through a beaded curtain, utility droids can be seen moving larger components around a larger storage area in the back of the structure.
Elsewhere, 'Za has enough of the ear-numbing "singing" and heads out, stopping by a small office with "Shipping and More" emblazoned on a holo outside. The owner, a Gungan (of all species!) named Silverberg (not her original name!), was a one-time associate of Jileeza's from when she first got from under the Imperials. The small office seems empty; not even a droid is there to greet 'Za. Within seconds, however, Silverberg walks in the waiting room from the back office, a datapad in hand.
"Can I help you?" she asks, her Gungan accent diminished but still noticeable. A flicker of recognition, and then she follows that with "What the hell are you doing here?"
A chubby blue Ortolan dissipates the cloud of smoke as he waddles out after the angry human, shouting "Ya come back here one more time and I'll carbonize ya! Yer space slug chow, bub! I'll fr-" he stops short as he spots Molan and his trunk lifts in an Ortolanese grin. "You scumbag!" he shouts at Molan, who greets the blue alien with a grin. "Didn't see ya there, come in, come in!" Molan motions for Arnae and Wayde to follow as he enters Uncle Klaatu's.
The smell of grease and metal permeates the shop's interior, which is filled with shelves, containers, and racks of smaller ships' parts. Through a beaded curtain, utility droids can be seen moving larger components around a larger storage area in the back of the structure.
Elsewhere, 'Za has enough of the ear-numbing "singing" and heads out, stopping by a small office with "Shipping and More" emblazoned on a holo outside. The owner, a Gungan (of all species!) named Silverberg (not her original name!), was a one-time associate of Jileeza's from when she first got from under the Imperials. The small office seems empty; not even a droid is there to greet 'Za. Within seconds, however, Silverberg walks in the waiting room from the back office, a datapad in hand.
"Can I help you?" she asks, her Gungan accent diminished but still noticeable. A flicker of recognition, and then she follows that with "What the hell are you doing here?"
The singer in the bar is actually slightly better than the one they had last time she visited. Rumor has it that his retirement was of the permanent kind.
The data off the infolink is more than a little thin, and not terribly surprising. Still, 'Za makes a note to inform everyone when she returns to the ship.
"Hello, Silverberg..." Jileeza purrs as her old acquaintance enters. "How's business?
"And don't worry, I'm only passing through. Thought I'd take the scenic route through the anus of the galaxy."
The data off the infolink is more than a little thin, and not terribly surprising. Still, 'Za makes a note to inform everyone when she returns to the ship.
"Hello, Silverberg..." Jileeza purrs as her old acquaintance enters. "How's business?
"And don't worry, I'm only passing through. Thought I'd take the scenic route through the anus of the galaxy."
Quote:"This will no doubt further our good reputation." mutters Wayde, as he glances over the store's inventory.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 5:33 pm on Aug. 3, 2004
Uncle Klaatu's
"You scumbag!" he shouts at Molan, who greets the blue alien with a grin. "Didn't see ya there, come in, come in!" Molan motions for Arnae and Wayde to follow as he enters Uncle Klaatu's.
What a shithole.
Shipping and More
"I can't complain, 'Za", Silverberg replies. "Figures you aren't stickin' around, though... What can I help you wit'?"
Uncle Klaatu's
"These fine folks need some parts fer their bucket, Rod," Molan says.
"Of course they do! Else ya wouldn't be down here, ya quack! Pick what yah need, give the droid yer creds, I'm busy-"
"Ah told these fellas that you'd treat 'em right, Rod. They pulled my rear out of the fire and they done took a hit for it. Ah told 'em you'd help 'em out."
"That ain't my problem. OUR arrangement don't cover other turkeys- no offense," Rod grumbles at Arnae and Wayde. "You got the creds to pay fer whatever they buy, Molan? They pay with stolen money, it comes back ta me, and then I'm out of business."
"Come ON, Rod, we go way back-"
"Buy somethin' or get outta my shop."
Arnae gets the feeling that something isn't right here. There are undercurrents of something else going on...
Back at the Chance
Aurelia gets to patching the outer hull with readily-available plating. The repairs are routine and go quickly, though she'll need the others to return with parts before she can repair or upgrade the damaged turret bay.
"I can't complain, 'Za", Silverberg replies. "Figures you aren't stickin' around, though... What can I help you wit'?"
Uncle Klaatu's
"These fine folks need some parts fer their bucket, Rod," Molan says.
"Of course they do! Else ya wouldn't be down here, ya quack! Pick what yah need, give the droid yer creds, I'm busy-"
"Ah told these fellas that you'd treat 'em right, Rod. They pulled my rear out of the fire and they done took a hit for it. Ah told 'em you'd help 'em out."
"That ain't my problem. OUR arrangement don't cover other turkeys- no offense," Rod grumbles at Arnae and Wayde. "You got the creds to pay fer whatever they buy, Molan? They pay with stolen money, it comes back ta me, and then I'm out of business."
"Come ON, Rod, we go way back-"
"Buy somethin' or get outta my shop."
Arnae gets the feeling that something isn't right here. There are undercurrents of something else going on...
Back at the Chance
Aurelia gets to patching the outer hull with readily-available plating. The repairs are routine and go quickly, though she'll need the others to return with parts before she can repair or upgrade the damaged turret bay.
"Fine by me. From the looks of this dump, I doubt it has what we need anyway. Thanks for nothing, yer blue lump of of bantha poodoo!"
Wayde, expecting a most inhospitable retort, readies his blaster for a quick-draw.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:12 pm on Aug. 5, 2004)
Wayde, expecting a most inhospitable retort, readies his blaster for a quick-draw.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:12 pm on Aug. 5, 2004)
Jileeza smiles. "Mostly, I'm looking for lines on possible work. I'm hooked up with a small freighter crew; never hurts to get some paying work.
"Also, any changes in the local polical scene that I should know about. Anyone I particularly need to either avoid or make nice with?"
"Also, any changes in the local polical scene that I should know about. Anyone I particularly need to either avoid or make nice with?"
Uncle Klaatu's
"Rowwwrrorrorrr.... (That friend of yours has got a big mouth)" sounds the unmistakable gargle of a Wookiee from somewhere past the beaded curtain. The voice's owner, a shaggy black and gray-furred Wookiee (naturally) shoves the beads aside as he maneuvers his bulk into the front room of the shop. He's followed by a diminutive human and a slovenly-dressed Rodian.
Rod's black eyes drop to the floor, and he slumps in defeat. "Next time, take the hint, Molan," he whispers, then in a louder voice he says "We got no problems here, Bawoosh. They was just leavin'. Weren't you guys?" he addresses Wayde, Arnae, and Molan.
Shipping and More
"If it's just transport work you need, hell, they don't call this place 'Shipping and More' for nothin'. A few of my regulars haven't checked in and I could use someone I can tr- well, someone I know. How long does a run to Gamdoaan take for your ship?"
She keeps on speaking before 'Za can answer, though: "I'd stay away from any Imperials, though. You never know these days who's paying their bills... if anyone is. Some Moff muckamuck got himself blown up on Bespin, and it's crazy over there. You'd think they was starvin' pirates, scrabbling over each other for some out-system gas mine. And then there's the actual pirates, who stop takin' orders from the Imps and commandeer themselves a frigate - or worse - and run all the respectable pirates out of a sector..."
"Rowwwrrorrorrr.... (That friend of yours has got a big mouth)" sounds the unmistakable gargle of a Wookiee from somewhere past the beaded curtain. The voice's owner, a shaggy black and gray-furred Wookiee (naturally) shoves the beads aside as he maneuvers his bulk into the front room of the shop. He's followed by a diminutive human and a slovenly-dressed Rodian.
Rod's black eyes drop to the floor, and he slumps in defeat. "Next time, take the hint, Molan," he whispers, then in a louder voice he says "We got no problems here, Bawoosh. They was just leavin'. Weren't you guys?" he addresses Wayde, Arnae, and Molan.
Shipping and More
"If it's just transport work you need, hell, they don't call this place 'Shipping and More' for nothin'. A few of my regulars haven't checked in and I could use someone I can tr- well, someone I know. How long does a run to Gamdoaan take for your ship?"
She keeps on speaking before 'Za can answer, though: "I'd stay away from any Imperials, though. You never know these days who's paying their bills... if anyone is. Some Moff muckamuck got himself blown up on Bespin, and it's crazy over there. You'd think they was starvin' pirates, scrabbling over each other for some out-system gas mine. And then there's the actual pirates, who stop takin' orders from the Imps and commandeer themselves a frigate - or worse - and run all the respectable pirates out of a sector..."
Quote:(Adjusting his posture into a quick-draw stance)Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:24 pm on Aug. 5, 2004
Uncle Klaatu's
"Rowwwrrorrorrr.... (That friend of yours has got a big mouth)" sounds the unmistakable gargle of a Wookiee from somewhere past the beaded curtain. The voice's owner, a shaggy black and gray-furred Wookiee (naturally) shoves the beads aside as he maneuvers his bulk into the front room of the shop. He's followed by a diminutive human and a slovenly-dressed Rodian.
"No one was talking to you, damn walking fleabag! Whatever business you're doing here is none of our concern, but I'll be damned if we'll be chased out by the likes of you."
"Yeah, Bespin has turned into a cesspool, from what I've heard," Jileeza replies. "Crazy shit goin' on there. That's why we came here; at least the shit is fairly predictable. Less likely to end up dead.
"We may be pirates, as you say, but I'll wager we're no less respectable than any others. We haven't failed a delivery yet, and have no intention of doing so."
'Za pauses with a sigh. "I'm not the navigator, so I can't give you an exact estimate, but I would say a day to a day-an-a-half to Gamdoaan. Not the fastest ship in the galaxy, but reasonably reliable."
"We may be pirates, as you say, but I'll wager we're no less respectable than any others. We haven't failed a delivery yet, and have no intention of doing so."
'Za pauses with a sigh. "I'm not the navigator, so I can't give you an exact estimate, but I would say a day to a day-an-a-half to Gamdoaan. Not the fastest ship in the galaxy, but reasonably reliable."
Mak sat cross legged on his cabin floor, his eyes closed. His face looked like a grassy meadow, rippling gently in the soft breeze. Slowly, the waves on his cheeks and forehead became calmer and calmer, and a small smile began creeping to his lips.
And then, a sudden change came over the Bothan's serene face. A few clusters of hair moved in odd, omnious designs, and became ruffled. Even though the room was silent, Mak tilted his head as someone would at the direction of an unusual noise. His eyes opened, flashing annoyance.
"Sith shit."
Jerking his head to the side, as if trying to get water out of his ear, Mak took a deep breath, and rose to a half opened closet where a pair of blasters rested in their holsters on the door. Putting them around his hips, he returned to the center of the cabin and stood facing the doorwar for a moment, then closed his eyes again.
Slowly, the gunslinger bent his knees and leaned forward, drawing the right blaster at the same time and straightning his arm until the blaster was pointed dead ahead, where it hovered for a fraction of a second, and then made half a turn to the right and paused for another split of a second.
Spinning his body half a circle to the right, Mak crouched lower and pulled the second blaster out of its holster. Crossing under the right hand's blaster, it reached the other side of Mak's body. Then it began its way back at the same time as the first blaster moved in an opposite way. The fluid motion came to a sudden stop, however, as Mak spun again, this time not in a calculated path, but rather a wild movement of fear.
Mak backed away into the closet door, slamming it shut, both blasters pointed towards the cabin's door, his eyes wide opened. He stayed at the position for a minute, then angrily hit the closet metal door with his elbow, leaving an ugly dent.
Aurelia stops her work when she hears a hatch being opened and closed. She goes to investigate the main hall, and finds nothing but a blinking message on one of the screens.
"Went out for a walk. Be back later."
(Edited by CuteMotherFucker at 10:44 pm on Aug. 5, 2004)
And then, a sudden change came over the Bothan's serene face. A few clusters of hair moved in odd, omnious designs, and became ruffled. Even though the room was silent, Mak tilted his head as someone would at the direction of an unusual noise. His eyes opened, flashing annoyance.
"Sith shit."
Jerking his head to the side, as if trying to get water out of his ear, Mak took a deep breath, and rose to a half opened closet where a pair of blasters rested in their holsters on the door. Putting them around his hips, he returned to the center of the cabin and stood facing the doorwar for a moment, then closed his eyes again.
Slowly, the gunslinger bent his knees and leaned forward, drawing the right blaster at the same time and straightning his arm until the blaster was pointed dead ahead, where it hovered for a fraction of a second, and then made half a turn to the right and paused for another split of a second.
Spinning his body half a circle to the right, Mak crouched lower and pulled the second blaster out of its holster. Crossing under the right hand's blaster, it reached the other side of Mak's body. Then it began its way back at the same time as the first blaster moved in an opposite way. The fluid motion came to a sudden stop, however, as Mak spun again, this time not in a calculated path, but rather a wild movement of fear.
Mak backed away into the closet door, slamming it shut, both blasters pointed towards the cabin's door, his eyes wide opened. He stayed at the position for a minute, then angrily hit the closet metal door with his elbow, leaving an ugly dent.
Aurelia stops her work when she hears a hatch being opened and closed. She goes to investigate the main hall, and finds nothing but a blinking message on one of the screens.
"Went out for a walk. Be back later."
(Edited by CuteMotherFucker at 10:44 pm on Aug. 5, 2004)
Aurelia has never liked this particular part of space, this planet in particular. In fact, she hated it. Hence the desire to stay aboard the ship, where things were boring, predictable and *not* Nar Shadda.
It seemed to be a universal fact that, as a right of passage, all mechanics of the jury-rigged and slightly-illegal school of design and repair had to pass through a Hutt maintence bay. That had been the worst six months of her life, sleeping with a blaster under her - disgusting and probably lice ridden - pillow, trying to avoid the attentions of anyone who saw her meeting the "female, young" rather than "mechanic" description. She got out, and now she was back.
Doing repairs had allowed her to hide her nerviousness from the rest of the crew, but she had been very much on edge since the destination had been settled on. The hatch bothered her...the crew would have made more noise. Quietly, and as quickly as she could, she made her way to one of the hatches, and started up the emergency lock-down. Normally, it was only used for concerns of explosive decompression, but it was handy against boarders. If she was wrong, she could write it off as a test...if not...
It seemed to be a universal fact that, as a right of passage, all mechanics of the jury-rigged and slightly-illegal school of design and repair had to pass through a Hutt maintence bay. That had been the worst six months of her life, sleeping with a blaster under her - disgusting and probably lice ridden - pillow, trying to avoid the attentions of anyone who saw her meeting the "female, young" rather than "mechanic" description. She got out, and now she was back.
Doing repairs had allowed her to hide her nerviousness from the rest of the crew, but she had been very much on edge since the destination had been settled on. The hatch bothered her...the crew would have made more noise. Quietly, and as quickly as she could, she made her way to one of the hatches, and started up the emergency lock-down. Normally, it was only used for concerns of explosive decompression, but it was handy against boarders. If she was wrong, she could write it off as a test...if not...