(Please note that this is for just NEW people as they join. Everyone else is considered grandfathered into the system)
I'm usually online all day during the week, checking the board infrequently on the weekends.
What this means is that 95% of all gaming is done Monday-Friday. If you want a big part in the game, you have to post with some regular frequency (at least 3 or 4 times a day).
As you may have noticed Gatac and Admiralducksauce (ADS) are usally the main stars or "leads" because they are around (all the time it seems like

Infested Paladin and Threadbare have more of "supporting cast" duties. They are active when they can be, but otherwise are NPCs for all intents and purposes. I basically run their characters whenever I need them to do/say something. It seems to work out for everyone.
I need to know whether you're going to be a lead or supporting cast member. This will determine how much of the spotlight shines on you at any given time.
Also, are you familiar with (ie have) the Spycraft game? If so, make a (as of 11/4/02) 5th level character using the following point-buy system.
All six abilities start at 8 (you can choose to have a lower ability score, but it gives no benefits). Characters get 28 points to buy wit
9 (1pt), 10 (2pts), 11 (3pts)...and so on up to 12pts for an 18 ability score.
As far as classes, it's up to you. We have the wheelman covered as well as the soldier. The team is in desperate need of a snoop if were asking.
For all character creation issues, PM me and we will discuss things. It keeps the actual threads from getting bogged down.