OOC: XIII - Thirteen...thirteen...thirteen steps.

Dieter 2004-08-27 17:27:56
Carla's up next.

Come on, you know Carla wants to cut that bastard down with her SAW. ;)
Gatac 2004-08-27 17:41:34
I know that the expected answer is "No", followed by "Then who cares?", but Artis happens to HAVE a stim shot, which is why I ask. :biggrin:

So since at 2d6 subdual per hit, my buggy's frame probably isn't going to KO this guy in time. If Brian could shoot -this- guy, I can pull the car around lengthwise for cover and get Ayumi inside and administer the shot. Or I suppose I could drive up to point-blank and cut his legs off with the 'stang's machine guns.
Gatac 2004-08-27 17:44:36
Geesh, what are you waiting for? You can outrun the guy, or? Sprint up, stab Ayumi, then dispatch the fucker. :)

CrazyIvan 2004-08-28 18:09:59

Quote: from Gatac on 10:44 am on Aug. 27, 2004
Geesh, what are you waiting for? You can outrun the guy, or? Sprint up, stab Ayumi, then dispatch the fucker. :)


You can even use the same needle.

Just poke, inject, then poke really really hard multiple times somewhere soft and important.
Dieter 2004-09-01 07:54:56
Threadbare is in-computer-cado for a while. I think it would be safe to assume actions for him.
Dieter 2004-09-01 14:39:50

Quote: from Infested Paladin on 1:54 am on Sep. 1, 2004
Threadbare is in-computer-cado for a while. I think it would be safe to assume actions for him.

Thanks for the info. Expect an update today.
Dieter 2004-09-01 16:43:54
Well crap. Going to pull the car around to shield Ayumi (and myself) from the sniper fire as best I can, pull her in and stim-shot her.
Dieter 2004-09-01 17:26:11

Quote: from Gatac on 11:22 am on Sep. 1, 2004
Not a good day for our girls, it seems.


Unfortunately, the snipers no longer get their readied shot bonuses. :(

Carla's last full-auto attack put one into the "wounded" category and the other into "screwed"...which is also the condition of the Mustang. It looks like the Blues Brother's car at the end of the movie. All it needs is exploding quarterpanels.

Ivan, you're up. Do your team proud and not get shot.
CrazyIvan 2004-09-02 09:14:30
Best way to not get shot is to kill the jerk shooting at you.

Iffin I got any bonus dice left, it's time to burn 'um.
punkey 2004-09-02 09:30:20
It's my turn to join the nitpick brigade, because I think that Dieter of all people should know that a M249 SAW is 5.56mm.
Dieter 2004-09-02 14:20:16

Quote: from Punkey on 3:30 am on Sep. 2, 2004
It's my turn to join the nitpick brigade, because I think that Dieter of all people should know that a M249 SAW is 5.56mm.

Right. I had it confused with the M60. I'll change it so Punkey (or Gatac) doesn't get a complex. ;)
Gatac 2004-09-02 15:14:07
I'd have nitpicked it, but this one was so obvious that I thought to myself that you probably would have spotted it by yourself pretty quickly.

Dieter 2004-09-03 17:16:10
9/3/04 SIT-REP

-One sniper is down, the other is wounded.
-Ayumi's would-be captor is within a short jog of the idling helicopter
-Ayumi is out of the woods, but will be require medical attention post-haste.
-Carla is bordering on the "incapacitated" wound level.
-Brian and Artis remain uninjured
-The Mustang is beginning to crap itself.
Dieter 2004-09-03 18:05:35
Ah. Get Ayumi and myself out of the Mustang (and head to cover - I'm strong enough to move her myself, right?), then remotely ram it into the chopper.
Dieter 2004-09-03 18:29:36

Quote: from admiralducksauce on 12:05 pm on Sep. 3, 2004
Ah. Get Ayumi and myself out of the Mustang (and head to cover - I'm strong enough to move her myself, right?), then remotely ram it into the chopper.

Artis' STR=15, yeah. No problem slinging a 100lb Asian over your shoulder.

That's just...evil. I doubt they'll be expecting that. :)