Well, I think everyone is still in the Mustang which is why I haven't rolled initiative for the battle. :confused:
Did I miss something? This was my understanding. If not, we can just go from here positioning the non-vehicle people somewhere in/around the foyer.
OOC: XIII - Thirteen...thirteen...thirteen steps.
I was under the understanding we were going in behind/beside the mustang.
Gate *BOOM* Gate
Brian and others Mustang Others
That kind of layout. I say we pickup from here. Time to begin blazing away with that shiney german gun of mine. Using the Lay Down Fire feat to give everyone else cover while they disembark from our APC...I mean, the Mustang.
Gate *BOOM* Gate
Brian and others Mustang Others
That kind of layout. I say we pickup from here. Time to begin blazing away with that shiney german gun of mine. Using the Lay Down Fire feat to give everyone else cover while they disembark from our APC...I mean, the Mustang.
Yeah, this is essentially "seek and destroy" here, isn't it? Let's do some destruction, preferably Bad Boys 2 style.
Also, I belive Dieter and Ads would appreciate this month's Animalball Contest. Fabo-lous Prizes are up for grabs.
Also, I belive Dieter and Ads would appreciate this month's Animalball Contest. Fabo-lous Prizes are up for grabs.
Quote:Not that it's a surprise to anyone, but I already own a talking Aflac duck.Quote: from Threadbare on 3:48 am on Aug. 6, 2004
Yeah, this is essentially "seek and destroy" here, isn't it? Let's do some destruction, preferably Bad Boys 2 style.
Also, I belive Dieter and Ads would appreciate this month's Animalball Contest. Fabo-lous Prizes are up for grabs.

I'll resume the action with Brian laying down cover as everyone else exits the Mustang.
Combat Initiatives (Remember that these are static for the whole battle)
Bad Guys: 16
Ayumi: 15
Artis/Carla: 13
Brian: 9 (yes, you -did- roll a "1" )
We'll consider the bad guys' reponses in the most recent post as their turn for this round.
Bad Guys: 16
Ayumi: 15
Artis/Carla: 13
Brian: 9 (yes, you -did- roll a "1" )

We'll consider the bad guys' reponses in the most recent post as their turn for this round.
IP, I see you're back. If you wanted Ayumi to do anything otherwise than what was posted, let me know. I was just trying to keep the story going.
I'm still confused as to where the bad guys are, exactly, but if we can see any, then Ayumi is going to tumble directly towards them, guns akimbo and barking fatal obscenaties at them.
Everyone should be accounted for, save Artis who is (presumably) still in the Mustang. The red X's are the bad guys. I should point out that entrance/exits are much bigger than the picture shows. They are wide enough for the Mustang to fit through with some room on either side.
-The shaded blue areas are balconies overlooking the main hall (where the Mustang currently sits).
-Ranges across the main hall are medium for pistols/SMGs and short for rifles.
Everyone should be accounted for, save Artis who is (presumably) still in the Mustang. The red X's are the bad guys. I should point out that entrance/exits are much bigger than the picture shows. They are wide enough for the Mustang to fit through with some room on either side.
-The shaded blue areas are balconies overlooking the main hall (where the Mustang currently sits).
-Ranges across the main hall are medium for pistols/SMGs and short for rifles.
I'd like to buy a vowel and hose those guys on the balcony.
Tumbling straight for those guys at the back door, NINJA STYLE. Action point to Defense!
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 7:45 pm on Aug. 12, 2004)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 7:45 pm on Aug. 12, 2004)
Some assault marksman stuff, as Brian was designed for, if the opportunity presents...otherwise, COVERING FIRE!!!
Let it be known, these Bravos are the first set of NPCs that actually can shoot worth a damn. I'm sure their spectacular round will be followed up with all four getting gunned-down with headshots.
I gotta live for the moment.
I gotta live for the moment.

autofire/strafe attack thingy on those guys, with an action die to killing them. Fighting defensively, so pile on my kickin' bonus for that.
Essentially, I'm going to be channelling Vasquez from Aliens, so play it accordingly.
Essentially, I'm going to be channelling Vasquez from Aliens, so play it accordingly.
I'll be spinning the wheels on the Mustang, donutting sideways to provide hard cover for my teammates, then lowering the window enough to fire my rifle from. If can get shots off this round, I shall fire a wide burst at the guys on the balcony (they are on a balcony, right?).
The guards return fire on the next post. I'm just reposting the initiatives again.
Bad Guys: 16
Ayumi: 15
Artis/Carla: 13
Brian: 9
Bad Guys: 16
Ayumi: 15
Artis/Carla: 13
Brian: 9
Okay, so I'm real close to more than one, right? I want to tumble over so that one of the bad guys is directly between me and the others, giving me cover. Then, I want to light my cover up with both barrels.
Quote:You were close to two guards, but one just took a bullet to his chest cavity. There is one that is about to try and bitch-slap you with the butt of his rifle.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 4:12 pm on Aug. 20, 2004
Okay, so I'm real close to more than one, right? I want to tumble over so that one of the bad guys is directly between me and the others, giving me cover. Then, I want to light my cover up with both barrels.
I bet it's a damn tank or something.
Quote:Nope. Blame the damn WP/VP system Spycraft uses for damage. He'd definitely be in the "Screwed" category of injury.Quote: from Punkey on 1:54 pm on Aug. 23, 2004
I bet it's a damn tank or something.
It's Ayumi and Artis' turns.
Shoot, shoot, shoot. Kill, kill, kill. Handgun beats rifle butt.
How am I doing on ammo? Is it about time for a dramatic reload?
How am I doing on ammo? Is it about time for a dramatic reload?