While I agree that this is a prime chance to further the contact, there's a few things speaking against it.
A) Steward might insist on actually meeting the parents, and I don't think the Agency people are *that* well prepared, especially seeing that Jess made up most of the details on the fly.
We need to coordinate.
C) I think portraying Kim *too* needy and attachment-seeking runs the risk of overblowing it.
D) Besides, Jess isn't crosstrained in Kama Sutra.
Quote: from Gatac on 3:52 pm on Nov. 5, 2002
While I agree that this is a prime chance to further the contact, there's a few things speaking against it.
A) Steward might insist on actually meeting the parents, and I don't think the Agency people are *that* well prepared, especially seeing that Jess made up most of the details on the fly.
You'd be surprised at the resourcefulness of the Agency.
We need to coordinate.
Very true, although I believe some interaction with Brian Aby may help with that.
C) I think portraying Kim *too* needy and attachment-seeking runs the risk of overblowing it.
Maybe, but you should play her however you see fit.
D) Besides, Jess isn't crosstrained in Kama Sutra.
Don't go there Gatty...don't go there! I'm trying to keep this game from exceeding the "M" for Mature rating.
Bah, I've been watching Bond films since I was 8, and I'm not worse for wear. And we're not talking about anything beyond that, are we ? Besides, where'd the genre be without the everpresent sexual innuendo ?
Quote: from Gatac on 4:07 pm on Nov. 5, 2002
Bah, I've been watching Bond films since I was 8, and I'm not worse for wear. And we're not talking about anything beyond that, are we ? Besides, where'd the genre be without the everpresent sexual innuendo ?
Nah...it won't go any further than what has been breached by the Bond movies. Lots of innuendo and implied stuff. I'm just making sure ADS doesn't get his board shut down by the FCC.
I think about leaving the gun there and then have horrible images of police showing up at Brian's later, having fingerprinted him from his pistol. Since he's our only contact, we need this guy.
And, with the party properly warned of my impending arrival, I go offline for a bit. Will be back on Veteran's Day (Next monday) at the latest, and should be able to manage off and on at the least, daily hopefully, email access the rest of the time.
And Deiter, you may want to change the dossier sent to our illustrious field agents to reflect the change in equipment, notably the increase in firepower from the MP5.
gee, I hope I can pull off a "house of blues" level performance with a +8 in perform and +7 in rat pack knowledge.
While I walk the strip, I want to drop about $100 at blackjack(unless agents have special gambling mojo), and see if I can check out Danny Gans at the Mirage.
I'm thinking of having some sort of audience participation at the show, perhaps involving jess and the mark. Any strategizing we want to do?
I've been playing this wrong! I thought Harry was a bad singer! d'oh!
How's your Sleight of Hand? Does Jess know what type of watch or phone he uses? I was thinking we could use some of those BP/GPs to produce identical equipment and swap 'em maybe.
Looking at it now, I also think we could use the show as an opprotunity for Artis and possibly someone else (like Aby, if he has a computer we want to bug, or maybe Mallory as backup) to break into Stewart's room, tap his phone (if he doesn't have any tap detectors on already), and maybe do a little searching. We should try to see inside the room first to check and see that he doesn't have anyone in there.
(Edited by Threadbare at 5:17 am on Nov. 11, 2002)