Any volunteers? It'll be a surprise round action, so if you both hit, it'll blow the Manta wide open and it won't be able to shoot back. This is, of course, if we have to blow it up in the first place.
Jade Imperium - OOC 11
I'm not camped out on my computer. There are also other players involved so hold up.
*shrug* I can use one of the AT-4s if we want. Its a good bet Angel can get into a decent position, and it'll hopefully increase my kill count of Helicopters and Helicopter-analog vehicles.
Sweet. I don't feel pushy GM fiatting Semo into firing the other AT-4; that's his specialization.
Ivan, did you want Angel to roll stealth one more time to sneak past the outer drone patrols for an updated map?
Ivan, did you want Angel to roll stealth one more time to sneak past the outer drone patrols for an updated map?
admiralducksauce wrote:I'd be in favor of getting an updated map.Sweet. I don't feel pushy GM fiatting Semo into firing the other AT-4; that's his specialization.
Ivan, did you want Angel to roll stealth one more time to sneak past the outer drone patrols for an updated map?

Not a whole lot has changed. The Manta is still in the same spot, and the new ugly squiggles are piles of crates, storage containers, and loose "space garage" type items that presumably have been cleared out to make room for all the extra people. They have tarps over them and would make fine cover.
The 2 NE red dots are 2 Turai that are outside their barracks but aren't on patrol. The 2 red dots near the manta are the 2 pilots. They are still working on the ship. Patrol locations vary and can be handled IC.
The plan as I understand it is the shaman and Chosen are going to break stealth and approach the treeline, with the assumption that the outer drones will pick them up, spot their weapons, and Turai will investigate.
Using that commotion as a distraction, the Delta team will stealth approach the treeline to cover the shaman group. I've got Semo and Angel with AT-4s planning to be setup in cover on the NNW side of the treeline, just within line of sight to the manta.
The platoon of wherren and two Sheen are well back from this, hiding in the woods and ready to assault from the north side of the camp.
Everyone who is not Angel, Semo, Sheen, or wherren, where would you like to set up?
Using that commotion as a distraction, the Delta team will stealth approach the treeline to cover the shaman group. I've got Semo and Angel with AT-4s planning to be setup in cover on the NNW side of the treeline, just within line of sight to the manta.
The platoon of wherren and two Sheen are well back from this, hiding in the woods and ready to assault from the north side of the camp.
Everyone who is not Angel, Semo, Sheen, or wherren, where would you like to set up?
Well, there's two things. First, if it doesn't create any additional risk, I wonder if displacing the plan to cover the west side of the complex instead of the north would be a good idea. We'll get the guard Turai over where we are anyway, it allows us to spread out the AT-4 carriers, it puts us away from the buildings, which is their best cover and where the civilians are, and we might get the Manta pilots as the first investigators. On the down side, it exposes the entire team and the wherren to the Manta's beam turret, as opposed to just the one side of the team, leaving the wherren and the other team out of its line of fire. It's not a big deal and I'm not married to the idea, it's just a thought.
Otherwise, Davis should be on the side with LoS to the Manta, keep everyone else free to do their jobs instead of their jobs on top of reporting on what the Manta team is doing.
Otherwise, Davis should be on the side with LoS to the Manta, keep everyone else free to do their jobs instead of their jobs on top of reporting on what the Manta team is doing.
I've got no real preference, put Luis wherever he's needed.
My vote is to stick with the original plan.
Agreed, not worth the headache and definitely not worth putting the Shaman and the initiates in the line of fire from the Manta.
Updated map:

Orange are drones (with little lines to show generally where they're flitting about). Red are Turai, green are you guys, brown are wherren.

Orange are drones (with little lines to show generally where they're flitting about). Red are Turai, green are you guys, brown are wherren.
If you are following Davis's suggestion, there are 4 drones on the field and seven shooters (Semo and Angel being the AT-4 gunners and going manta hunting, and Davis holding his action to try a "why don't you surrender NOW?" speech).
If anyone does NOT wish to fire, let me know (likewise, if you want to shoot at something that's NOT one of the drones). Not firing means you won't be directly fired upon, although spear-bombs and such are pretty indiscriminate. Not firing also means you can hold your action in case the Turai do return fire - the round after the ambush, you can use your held action to interrupt someone.
If anyone does NOT wish to fire, let me know (likewise, if you want to shoot at something that's NOT one of the drones). Not firing means you won't be directly fired upon, although spear-bombs and such are pretty indiscriminate. Not firing also means you can hold your action in case the Turai do return fire - the round after the ambush, you can use your held action to interrupt someone.
Well, so much for Plan A and B, we're now onto Plan C. On the plus side, it looks like Hale might be a good advocate for moderation, if he's smart enough and genuinely doesn't want the Shaman to get hurt.
Zaef will hold his action for a bonus die to Shoot. He needs it.
Hugh shoots a drone.
And yeah, I'd like Hale alive.
And yeah, I'd like Hale alive.
Gatac wrote:Also shooting a drone.Hugh shoots a drone.
And yeah, I'd like Hale alive.
Taking a drone. If we have doubles, I think we should double up on the drones nearest the Wherren.
Dead drones! Dead manta! Another notch for Angel's "Imperial Vehicle Kill Tally" Twitter feed. 
Shit did just get real, and the people out there on the ground are trying not to get blown up, so it's initiative.
Zaef, Swims, Davis, and Kang held their actions - they may interrupt at any point.
Angel 7
Luis 5
Cowboy, Semo, Turai 4
Wherren 3 (they will be popping smoke and running for it as per the plan)
Hugh 2
The Turai could give a shit about a half-dozen unarmed wherren. They are going to be hunting cover and returning fire at you guys with spearbombs and/or beamers.

Shit did just get real, and the people out there on the ground are trying not to get blown up, so it's initiative.
Zaef, Swims, Davis, and Kang held their actions - they may interrupt at any point.
Angel 7
Luis 5
Cowboy, Semo, Turai 4
Wherren 3 (they will be popping smoke and running for it as per the plan)
Hugh 2
The Turai could give a shit about a half-dozen unarmed wherren. They are going to be hunting cover and returning fire at you guys with spearbombs and/or beamers.