Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:13 pm on Sep. 16, 2005
It's tip-top. If a chicken walker was all that stood between your shiny Imperial power and a mob coming over your walls, you'd keep it maintained too.
Fair enough.
Fortunately, that Walker only carries two crew and would easily be taken out if say...someone were to place an explosive charge on its leg(s).
Not like I could help with the first question, but you still have four stormtroopers watching you. You're not exactly at blasterpoint, but they are keeping themselves out of arm's reach and their weapons are in hand, not slung or holstered. Other opposition would be slower in coming and likely would consist of the guys you passed outside first coming in through the blast doors, then whatever crew and Imperial army guys were in the area grabbing the weapons they could. More stormtroopers would follow, of course.
LOL. I'll admit it's not that clever, but hey, you stick with what works. We still have a whole other shuttle to steal after this one. I'm willing to abort at any time, if someone has a better plan.
Like they say in farscape:
"It's not [a trick], believe me. This plan is so bad, it has to be one of ours."
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 12:15 pm on Sep. 21, 2005)
Here are my thouhts on the subject of "getting out of here in one piece" once we have the ship:
1. Assuming there are weapons...BLAST THE COMM TOWER.
3. Take pot shots at the landing pads (especially where the Dagger is berthed.
4. Don't hit the Dagger.
That way, we disable communications so they can't call for help. Hopefully we prevent them from targeting us. And we might be able to draw suspicion away from the ship we came in.
In the course of all this, we comm the heavy back up.
The real trick is to get in the air without arousing too much suspicion. These Stormtroopers seem pretty competent.