The codes were never spoofed, actually. I've edited the last post in "BEst-Laid Plans" to reflect that. You guys should be fine. As for the party, everyone except Dutch and Jorm who wish to be there may attend.
There's no sleep yet. You've gotta head BACK out AGAIN to milk-run the shuttles to the commandos. You may be disappointed, angry, happy, or not care as befits your outlook on these things. Later on, you'll probably go a few days with nothing to do and Mandall (at the very least) will be climbing up the walls for a mission.
Quote: from admiralducksauce on 4:52 pm on Dec. 7, 2005
There's no sleep yet. You've gotta head BACK out AGAIN to milk-run the shuttles to the commandos. You may be disappointed, angry, happy, or not care as befits your outlook on these things. Later on, you'll probably go a few days with nothing to do and Mandall (at the very least) will be climbing up the walls for a mission.
That's fine. Then Jorm will help the techs get the shuttles ready to go and gather up whatever crew they will need. Will there be an escort? If so, who wants to flying escort?
Jorm has no problem being a shuttle jockey as long as someone's got a spot for him on the ride back.
Dutch will be able to get one wound healed before flight time. That'll leave him at 6/8 Wounds - the rest'll have to be healed by either a few days of rest or several hours floating in a bacta tank.
As far as ships go, you have any number of X-Wings, NO Y-Wings (They are removing non-vital components from a good one to fix the broken one you brought back), the one B-Wing, the Dagger of course, and an A-Wing (since 8th Wing is back from their recon flight). There is also one TIE Advanced (with a hyperdrive), also from 8th Wing. Problem is, whoever pilots the shuttles needs a ride back - that probably means you'll be taking the Dagger out again, with various people cherry-picking snubfighters?