OOC: XII - More sequels than a slasher movie.

threadbare 2004-01-22 09:47:40
I just have this mental image of Artis, Brian and Carla playing scrabble while they're waiting for news. :|

We ought to do something, but what?
threadbare 2004-01-22 10:27:57
Have the Agency track Jess and Ayumi's cell phone signals, then follow and wait for us to call down the thunder.
threadbare 2004-01-23 05:32:32
Too bad I didn't think of it, but it probably wouldn't have been feasible anyway--for the ladies, a nearly undetectable tracking device: an IUD.
Dieter 2004-01-23 15:38:50
While our gear is en route, let's track down what we do know. Let's see who the Fiat was registered to, and run a check on all the "Alexys" and "Sergeis" we know that are linked to the FSB or Russian Mafia - or Samantha or that General guy. Who else do we know that we've pissed off that uses Russian muscle?
Dieter 2004-01-23 15:49:24

Quote: from admiralducksauce on 9:38 am on Jan. 23, 2004
While our gear is en route, let's track down what we do know. Let's see who the Fiat was registered to, and run a check on all the "Alexys" and "Sergeis" we know that are linked to the FSB or Russian Mafia - or Samantha or that General guy. Who else do we know that we've pissed off that uses Russian muscle?

More like who don't you know that you've pissed off that uses Russian muscle? ;)
Gatac 2004-01-23 16:34:40
Exactly. I bet my little sister uses Russian muscle, so that doesn't really help.

Dieter 2004-01-23 16:43:08
I suppose the Team B (Consisting of Brian, Artis, Carla and Kenny) will be hopping the next available flight to Venice?
Dieter 2004-01-23 19:50:18

Care to say anything to "Liz" or would you like to move the scene on?
Gatac 2004-01-23 20:25:43
*shakes 8-ball*

Definately no.

My girl won't try a stunt until she's armed again.

Gatac 2004-01-24 00:30:13
Uh oh, she's got me there.

Paladin, how about having Ayumi stay with her brother? Bodyguard against further injury, some simple care. Plus, when we invariably spring our masterplan, we've got a deadly melee machine right in the hornet's nest.

I realize it's high risk, but if we're gonna do this succesfully, we need to poker high.

threadbare 2004-01-24 01:00:22

Quote: from Gatac on 6:30 pm on Jan. 23, 2004
I realize it's high risk, but if we're gonna do this succesfully, we need to poker high.

You got that right. I feel good about our chances, even though we have no information about our adversaries and they currently have The Drop on us.

We're badasses; that's a force multiplier.

(Edited by Threadbare at 7:01 pm on Jan. 23, 2004)
threadbare 2004-01-24 06:27:28
Good plan, Gatac. Now, we just need to find him...

And she's mainly a melee terror with her wakizashi, but she's always just two pistols away from reenacting the climax of a John Woo flick. A good John Woo flick, anyway, like the ones where the heroes kill everybody.
threadbare 2004-01-24 09:35:38
Why do I get the feeling that this episode is going to be very much in the style of Kill Bill?
Gatac 2004-01-24 20:48:05
Now all I need are motorcycle leathers and a Katana...

Gatac 2004-01-25 00:50:10
Ooh, gnashing your teeth at my words? You're on my shitlist just for that, *bitch*.

Dieter 2004-01-25 01:33:32
And I think.....wait for it...ok, now Gatty is officially enraged.

Gatty meltdown in 3...2...1...;)
Gatac 2004-01-25 01:52:39
Yes, I'm angry at the bitch. I mean, really angry. Few *movies* manage to make me really hate the villain, but this one just gets under my skin. I suppose congratulations are in order.

This will also make for some interesting character interaction.

Dieter 2004-01-25 02:00:23
Quite frankly Gatty, I would have smacked the bitch in the mouth for the stunt she just pulled. However, that's not to say Ayumi isn't going to be as cool of a customer as Jess. :)

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