Punkey's right. And with what Max rolled to time his remote commands, well, by the time they find someone who can beat a result of 10 with Computers, you will likely be back on Earth sipping gin and juice.
Right, forgot to put numbers to Hugh's first aid attempt.
Hugh: 5/6 Wounds, 6/14 Shock*
Semo: 12/18 Shock*
Davis: 4/6 Wounds, 15/16 Shock. You'll gain the remaining Wounds back over the course of 3 days, or if you find someone who actually is a doctor (rather than first aid), you can get more treatment. Or one of those donut/frisbees will heal you right up.
* I don't believe anyone has seen to Hugh or Semo yet. They can be treated. Davis has had first aid. Everyone's Shock will come back on its own over time, but first aid can nigh-instantly restore it.
I think we need to talk to One-Ton. He was noted as being paranoid, and I think he mainly didn't agree with Yaris because she was Imperium. He still has no reason to trust us, other than that we got him through the Gate, and he probably isn't going to be pleased with Swims-In-Black's condition. We need to bring him up to speed and, partially from ignorance, partially from a demonstration of respect, we should clear all repair efforts throuh him. That means out from under the console with Max.
It's not like you can't fix it without parts, anyway. One-Ton should know what's safe to cannibalize, or he may have spares in Engineering you don't know about.
It's not like you can't fix it without parts, anyway. One-Ton should know what's safe to cannibalize, or he may have spares in Engineering you don't know about.
Exactly. This is why we need One-Ton on our side, and bringing him up to speed and gaining his trust are going to be priorities. Bulloxing up his area of operations without permission won't get him pleased with us.
I think we should be more concerned about hull breaches and explosive decompression long before we start caring what the engineer thinks of our jury-rigged repairs. At this rate, he needs to understand that if he isn't part of that solution, he's part of the problem.
I think we should be more concerned about hull breaches and explosive decompression long before we start caring what the engineer thinks of our jury-rigged repairs. At this rate, he needs to understand that if he isn't part of that solution, he's part of the problem.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying diving under a console with no clue what you're doing is the last thig we need. Talk to One-Ton, ask him what needs fixing. Engineering probably has the best kind of information on that anyway. You want to help fix things? Make sure you're not going to wind up accidently cutting something important first. You want to fix problems? Make sure you know what the problems are. One-Ton knows.
I'm not really asking you to stop fixing, per se, just check with One-Ton before you start diving in. Let him tell you what needs to be fixed first, then co-ordinate the fixes with him so the right hand knows what the left is doing.
I think e has a very valid point about coordinating repairs with Engineering. Max may be a supergenius, but there's no way for him to know what's being done in Engineering and how that may interact/interfere with what he's doing on the bridge.
Of course, if Max's ego is as big as his intellect - and it tends to appear that way - then forging ahead is certainly an appropriate RPing choice. We'll continue to deal with the consequences as we have so far: rather badly, actually. :lol:
I think e has a very valid point about coordinating repairs with Engineering. Max may be a supergenius, but there's no way for him to know what's being done in Engineering and how that may interact/interfere with what he's doing on the bridge.
Of course, if Max's ego is as big as his intellect - and it tends to appear that way - then forging ahead is certainly an appropriate RPing choice. We'll continue to deal with the consequences as we have so far: rather badly, actually. :lol:
I (me, Dieter) am not opposed to the idea of negotiating the repair job, but Max is (for perhaps the first time) following Hugh's very specific Get that ship under control orders.
I think e has a very valid point about coordinating repairs with Engineering. Max may be a supergenius, but there's no way for him to know what's being done in Engineering and how that may interact/interfere with what he's doing on the bridge.
Of course, if Max's ego is as big as his intellect - and it tends to appear that way - then forging ahead is certainly an appropriate RPing choice. We'll continue to deal with the consequences as we have so far: rather badly, actually. :lol:
I (me, Dieter) am not opposed to the idea of negotiating the repair job, but Max is (for perhaps the first time) following Hugh's very specific Get that ship under control orders.
I concede the role-playing point. Still, checking in would be nice. Luis did sugest that he do so.
Sorry, playing a bit of catch-up. Yes, your gear is accounted for, it's just scattered about the cargo bay. Your last post counts as the cleanup, you can report back to Hugh as you like.
Hugh: 6/6 Wounds, 14/14 Shock
Semo: 12/18 Shock (should recover by the time they reach a shadowport)
Davis: 5/6 Wounds, 16/16 Shock (you'll also get that last wound back as long as nothing else happens)
I know Luis is sort of making a promise he doesn't technically have the authority to (the whole laying-out-some-of-ours thing would kind of be more Hugh's decision), but I think it's time we do it, and it was the oppertune moment.
Enterprise (from whichever team member likes Star Trek)
Millenium Falcon (ditto for Star Wars)
Patrick Henry
The General Lee (Mellish's contribution)
I like the Pat Henry, the Morning Star, and just the idea of a fake name being the Ent or MF and getting away with it because nobody's seen either Trek or Wars. Maybe one idea would be to retain multiple sets buried in the computer, so we can switch ID's literally at the bush of a button? I'd say for what we're doing, though, the Pat Henry or the Morning Star would be most symbolic. Pat Henry because of his quote, Morning Star because of the idea that we're bringing a new dawn of freedom to the Imperium, 21st century style. If we do go with Pat Henry, we should be prepared to explain it inocuously. We can't exactly just tell the guy on the docks who asks "Funny name for a ship. Who's Patrick Henry?" the whole truth of the origin. A half truth or lie needs to be ready.