Character Sheets - Just because you -are- a character, doesn
Name: Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 1
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 6 (8-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 9
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Name: Colt .45
Damage: 1d10+2
Error: 1
Threat: 19+20
Range Increment: 15 feet
Ammo Count: 10
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
20 gun
30 armor
11 professional camera with IR lense
2 laser sight
+2 budget points for mission budget
2 X-Ray Lenses
1 Fingerprint Camera
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: +1 to all checks
Languages: 5 (3+2), threat range 19-20
Read Lips: 4
Artis "Goose" Gossard
(name subject to change)
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 9 -1
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer
Vitality: 9
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 36
Level: 1
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +3
Fort Save: +2
Ref Save: +5
Will Save: +0
Def Bonus: +1
Init Bonus: +0
Bon: 1
GP: 1
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Instant Hotwire
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4
Jump - Str 2
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 2
Listen - Wis 3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2
Driver - Dex 3
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1
Search - Int 2
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4
Hide - Dex 4
Tumble - Dex 2
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1
First Aid - Int 1
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Personal Budget: 36
Gadget Points: +1
Belt, lockpick set (1 GP): +2 Open Locks
.45 H&K USP (22 BP): 1d10+2, R 15', fail 1, threat 19-20
Liquid skin patch (6 BP): heals 1d6 wounds
Stim shot (3 BP): stabilizes dying agent
Handcuffs (1 BP@)
Silencer (2 BP)
Laser sight (2 BP): +2 to hit within 2 range increments
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services. With a little more training, Goose could turn out to be a competent agent.
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner
Urban Assault/Soldier
23, Male, Irish
1.74m, 70kg
Green Eyes, Dirty-Blonde Hair
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 12 (+1)
vp/wp: 13/12
Defense: 14 (10+4 dex+0 class)
Saves: Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +1
.40 S&W Service Pistol: atk +6 (+7 within 50ft); 1d12; error 1; threat 20; range 20ft. Silencer, laser sight (+2 to-hit within 100 ft.)
Unarmed: atk +5; 1d6+3
Gear: .40 S&W service pistol, silencer, laser sight, encrypted headset radio, 50 rnds .40 military ball (22 pts left)
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +7, Jump +7, Spot +6, Tumble +8
-Point Blank Shot
-Martial Arts
+1 department bonus to spot/hide checks
Gavin's Southern Irish, born and bred. His early life had him involved in the rough life of rural youth gangs. As his abilities as a fighter developed and he realized the negative impact that gangs were having, he began to take a more protective, less rambunctious stance in his community. This left him out of favor with the gangs, but ripe for recruitment by the Agency.
His protective stance carries over into his work, where some of his training partners showed signs of resenting his attempts to protect them. Nevertheless, he is always the first to tackle violent obstacles, eager to excercise his forte while leaving the "softer" team members in good shape to excercise theirs.
Apart from his bloodlust and bravery (or recklessness), Gavin is otherwise a fairly normal team player. In fact, when it's someone else's turn to do what they do best, he'll go out of his way to stay out of theirs. It's his way of compensating for trying to hog the action.
As far as general demeanor, Gavin is almost always seen with a smile on his face. For a man who makes his living as a henchman occupational hazard, he's actually light of heart. He likes to open doors for women, drink cocktails with bubbles in them, hum chanties as he pummels terrorists, and watch musical theater.
He has yet to master the art of the one-liner - but hey, he's still 1st level.
Singin too-ra-loo-ra-lay...
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Class: Snoop
Level: 1
Nationality: USA
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:15 (+2)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)
Inititive bonus:3
Action Dice:3d4
Base Speed:30
Inspiration bonus:4
Education bonus:5
Saving Throws:
Attack Bonuses:
Armor Proficiency(light)
Weapon Proficiency(Melee)
Weapon Proficiency(Handguns)
Skills (Rank, then total bonus)
Appraise:0, 4
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 3, 7(do I add computer power, too?)
Concentration: 2, 5
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 2, 5
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 0, 4
Driver: 0, 2
Electronics: 3, 7
First Aid: 0, 3
Gather Information: 3, 5
Hide: 2, 4
Hobby(Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano): 1, 4
Innuendo: 0,3
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 1, 5
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 1, 5
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 0, 2
Open Lock: 1, 3
Perform: 1, 3
Read Lips:2, 6
Search: 2, 6
Sense Motive: 2, 5
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillence:3, 6
Tumble: 1, 3
Special Abilities:
Astute: Whenever the snoop spends an action die to add to an Intelligence-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Flawless Search: When rolling a Search or Spot check to find clues or other important information, the snoop may never completely fail unless he rolls an error. Even when an error is rolled, the GC must spend 2 action dice to activate a critical failure (see page 20). The snoop normally finds at least one clue, or a vague piece of information — if either exists to be found.
Weapons: .40 S&W
Armor: none. Harry firmly believes that if people are shooting at you, you've already screwed up. He does, however, have an Armored briefcase as part of his Gadgets, I'm fairly sure.
Other Gear:Binoculars, Cell Phone, Micro Tape Recorder, Laptop w/ 2 upgrade (+3 power), Stimulant Shot, Audio Bug, Headset radio, Silencer, Professional camera, chemical analyzer
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly didn't come from a backround of super-rich tycoons, nor did he spring from a cutthroat ghetto. He was just a smart guy from middle-class Philadelphia. He didn't even attract the slightest bit of attention in the intelligence community until the summer before began his Senior Year at Temple. Having served a political internship the year before and some travel before that, he now took an internship at the CIA. He found himself remarkably talented with spook work, mostly foisted on him by lazy professionals claiming it was "on the job training". After he finished, he was flagged as a "possible recruit" and shelved for later.
Coming out of college with a degree in Political Science and a lot of Student Loans, Harry managed to use his connections from internships and got himself a job in the office of Representative (later Senator, thanks in no small part to Harry's efforts) Patrick Finnigan(D-Pennsylvania). He became the Representative's in-house information processor, finding all the undergoing machinations on the Hill, and the weaknesses of potential enemies (not hard, since as Harry says "Everyone has a weakness.".
You've probably seen the "leaked" photos of Finnigan's opponents in the Senate race a few years ago either en flagrante delictico (sic) or meeting with shady members of certain lobbies, official or no. Most of that was Harry. Soon enough, the kid in the fedora found his way, somewhat circuitously, to the recruiting office of The Agency. His political backround made him perfect for the Power Brokerage, snoop though he may be.
With a sharp mind and classic style, Harry is well aware of the human side to obtaining information. He's a big fan of Frank Sinatra, and the 30s-60s style he lived in. He can passibly sing, most of the time. Harry is familiar with jazz and boogie-woogie piano, and can tool around with it well enough to be entertaining. He can also be found tinkering on his laptop, just messing with sound files; he's become more interested in techno recently, and has a suite of music-editing software (like Cakewalk or something more advanced). It sort of forms a modern counterpoint to his normal diet of Martini-music.
A guy who takes his work seriously but not himself, Harry can usually be found with a smile on his face and a stylish hat(usually at a rakish angle) on his head. He has glasses (black steel rims) but prefers to wear contacts.
Stepping out of dossier-styling, Harry's a smart guy, but his unique style, while likely to gain him action dice, makes him a little more memorable than you want. The good news is, without a hat, you barely recognize him. He's probably going to be sent in to deal with anything blinking and metal, which is why I put points into demolitions. Someone's gotta be able to cut the red wire. I think he's going to tactically find cover when bullets start flying, as he can't really shrug a hit off.
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 1
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 6 (8-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 9
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Name: Colt .45
Damage: 1d10+2
Error: 1
Threat: 19+20
Range Increment: 15 feet
Ammo Count: 10
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
20 gun
30 armor
11 professional camera with IR lense
2 laser sight
+2 budget points for mission budget
2 X-Ray Lenses
1 Fingerprint Camera
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: +1 to all checks
Languages: 5 (3+2), threat range 19-20
Read Lips: 4
Artis "Goose" Gossard
(name subject to change)
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 9 -1
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer
Vitality: 9
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 36
Level: 1
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +3
Fort Save: +2
Ref Save: +5
Will Save: +0
Def Bonus: +1
Init Bonus: +0
Bon: 1
GP: 1
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Instant Hotwire
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4
Jump - Str 2
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 2
Listen - Wis 3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2
Driver - Dex 3
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1
Search - Int 2
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4
Hide - Dex 4
Tumble - Dex 2
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1
First Aid - Int 1
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Personal Budget: 36
Gadget Points: +1
Belt, lockpick set (1 GP): +2 Open Locks
.45 H&K USP (22 BP): 1d10+2, R 15', fail 1, threat 19-20
Liquid skin patch (6 BP): heals 1d6 wounds
Stim shot (3 BP): stabilizes dying agent
Handcuffs (1 BP@)
Silencer (2 BP)
Laser sight (2 BP): +2 to hit within 2 range increments
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services. With a little more training, Goose could turn out to be a competent agent.
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner
Urban Assault/Soldier
23, Male, Irish
1.74m, 70kg
Green Eyes, Dirty-Blonde Hair
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 12 (+1)
vp/wp: 13/12
Defense: 14 (10+4 dex+0 class)
Saves: Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +1
.40 S&W Service Pistol: atk +6 (+7 within 50ft); 1d12; error 1; threat 20; range 20ft. Silencer, laser sight (+2 to-hit within 100 ft.)
Unarmed: atk +5; 1d6+3
Gear: .40 S&W service pistol, silencer, laser sight, encrypted headset radio, 50 rnds .40 military ball (22 pts left)
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +7, Jump +7, Spot +6, Tumble +8
-Point Blank Shot
-Martial Arts
+1 department bonus to spot/hide checks
Gavin's Southern Irish, born and bred. His early life had him involved in the rough life of rural youth gangs. As his abilities as a fighter developed and he realized the negative impact that gangs were having, he began to take a more protective, less rambunctious stance in his community. This left him out of favor with the gangs, but ripe for recruitment by the Agency.
His protective stance carries over into his work, where some of his training partners showed signs of resenting his attempts to protect them. Nevertheless, he is always the first to tackle violent obstacles, eager to excercise his forte while leaving the "softer" team members in good shape to excercise theirs.
Apart from his bloodlust and bravery (or recklessness), Gavin is otherwise a fairly normal team player. In fact, when it's someone else's turn to do what they do best, he'll go out of his way to stay out of theirs. It's his way of compensating for trying to hog the action.
As far as general demeanor, Gavin is almost always seen with a smile on his face. For a man who makes his living as a henchman occupational hazard, he's actually light of heart. He likes to open doors for women, drink cocktails with bubbles in them, hum chanties as he pummels terrorists, and watch musical theater.
He has yet to master the art of the one-liner - but hey, he's still 1st level.
Singin too-ra-loo-ra-lay...
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Class: Snoop
Level: 1
Nationality: USA
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:15 (+2)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)
Inititive bonus:3
Action Dice:3d4
Base Speed:30
Inspiration bonus:4
Education bonus:5
Saving Throws:
Attack Bonuses:
Armor Proficiency(light)
Weapon Proficiency(Melee)
Weapon Proficiency(Handguns)
Skills (Rank, then total bonus)
Appraise:0, 4
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 3, 7(do I add computer power, too?)
Concentration: 2, 5
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 2, 5
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 0, 4
Driver: 0, 2
Electronics: 3, 7
First Aid: 0, 3
Gather Information: 3, 5
Hide: 2, 4
Hobby(Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano): 1, 4
Innuendo: 0,3
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 1, 5
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 1, 5
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 0, 2
Open Lock: 1, 3
Perform: 1, 3
Read Lips:2, 6
Search: 2, 6
Sense Motive: 2, 5
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillence:3, 6
Tumble: 1, 3
Special Abilities:
Astute: Whenever the snoop spends an action die to add to an Intelligence-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Flawless Search: When rolling a Search or Spot check to find clues or other important information, the snoop may never completely fail unless he rolls an error. Even when an error is rolled, the GC must spend 2 action dice to activate a critical failure (see page 20). The snoop normally finds at least one clue, or a vague piece of information — if either exists to be found.
Weapons: .40 S&W
Armor: none. Harry firmly believes that if people are shooting at you, you've already screwed up. He does, however, have an Armored briefcase as part of his Gadgets, I'm fairly sure.
Other Gear:Binoculars, Cell Phone, Micro Tape Recorder, Laptop w/ 2 upgrade (+3 power), Stimulant Shot, Audio Bug, Headset radio, Silencer, Professional camera, chemical analyzer
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly didn't come from a backround of super-rich tycoons, nor did he spring from a cutthroat ghetto. He was just a smart guy from middle-class Philadelphia. He didn't even attract the slightest bit of attention in the intelligence community until the summer before began his Senior Year at Temple. Having served a political internship the year before and some travel before that, he now took an internship at the CIA. He found himself remarkably talented with spook work, mostly foisted on him by lazy professionals claiming it was "on the job training". After he finished, he was flagged as a "possible recruit" and shelved for later.
Coming out of college with a degree in Political Science and a lot of Student Loans, Harry managed to use his connections from internships and got himself a job in the office of Representative (later Senator, thanks in no small part to Harry's efforts) Patrick Finnigan(D-Pennsylvania). He became the Representative's in-house information processor, finding all the undergoing machinations on the Hill, and the weaknesses of potential enemies (not hard, since as Harry says "Everyone has a weakness.".
You've probably seen the "leaked" photos of Finnigan's opponents in the Senate race a few years ago either en flagrante delictico (sic) or meeting with shady members of certain lobbies, official or no. Most of that was Harry. Soon enough, the kid in the fedora found his way, somewhat circuitously, to the recruiting office of The Agency. His political backround made him perfect for the Power Brokerage, snoop though he may be.
With a sharp mind and classic style, Harry is well aware of the human side to obtaining information. He's a big fan of Frank Sinatra, and the 30s-60s style he lived in. He can passibly sing, most of the time. Harry is familiar with jazz and boogie-woogie piano, and can tool around with it well enough to be entertaining. He can also be found tinkering on his laptop, just messing with sound files; he's become more interested in techno recently, and has a suite of music-editing software (like Cakewalk or something more advanced). It sort of forms a modern counterpoint to his normal diet of Martini-music.
A guy who takes his work seriously but not himself, Harry can usually be found with a smile on his face and a stylish hat(usually at a rakish angle) on his head. He has glasses (black steel rims) but prefers to wear contacts.
Stepping out of dossier-styling, Harry's a smart guy, but his unique style, while likely to gain him action dice, makes him a little more memorable than you want. The good news is, without a hat, you barely recognize him. He's probably going to be sent in to deal with anything blinking and metal, which is why I put points into demolitions. Someone's gotta be able to cut the red wire. I think he's going to tactically find cover when bullets start flying, as he can't really shrug a hit off.
I think Harry's gadgets are Starlight sunglasses ("...full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." and a booby-trapped, armored valise. He was also a congressional page during his the second semester of his junior year of high school.
Incidently, I now know Harry is about 1.88 meters, or 3.92 roman cubits, or about 1 fathom. He weighs some 82 kilograms, 13 stone, or about 2 1/2 biblical talents. is fun. is fun.
Character Update:
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Class: Snoop(Level 2)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 1)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:15 (+2)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)
Other Statistics:
Vitality: 22
Wounds: 11
Defense: 14
Initiative bonus: 3
Action Dice: 3d4?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +4
Will: +5
Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +3
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Apparently I can speak, like 5 other languages, too. Do I have to decide them now?)
Skills (Rank, then total bonus)
Bluff: 2, 4
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 5, 9
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 2, 5
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
Electronics: 5, 9
Gather Information: 4, 6
Hide: 2, 4
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
Innuendo: 3, 6
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 1, 5
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 4
Open Lock: 1, 3
Perform: 1, 3
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
Sense Motive: 4, 7
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillence:4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
Tumble: 1, 3
Personal Gear: 52 pts (Am I allowed to play with this a little bit, so long as it stays at 52 points?)
Weapons: 9x19mm SMG with an extra clip, although Harry will likely requisition lighter armament on more delicate missions.
Armor: Personally, none. Harry tries not to be hit in the first place.
Other Gear: Binoculars, Cell Phone, Silencer, Swiss Army Knife, Leatherman Tool kit, +3 power laptop with MMORPG subscription, micro-tape recorder, chemical analyzer, Parabolic microphone, and 1 bottle of water filtration tablets
Harry is getting more and more versatile. He can acquire information from both man and machine, and can now attempt every skill except Handle Animals and Pilot, and those are next.
He’s a bit more accustomed to gunplay now, although He’s not sure he could go after anyone whom he thinks doesn’t deserve it.
(Edited by Threadbare at 9:58 pm on June 10, 2002)
(Edited by Threadbare at 7:04 pm on June 22, 2002)
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Class: Snoop(Level 2)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 1)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:15 (+2)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)
Other Statistics:
Vitality: 22
Wounds: 11
Defense: 14
Initiative bonus: 3
Action Dice: 3d4?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +4
Will: +5
Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +3
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Apparently I can speak, like 5 other languages, too. Do I have to decide them now?)
Skills (Rank, then total bonus)
Bluff: 2, 4
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 5, 9
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 2, 5
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
Electronics: 5, 9
Gather Information: 4, 6
Hide: 2, 4
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
Innuendo: 3, 6
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 1, 5
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 4
Open Lock: 1, 3
Perform: 1, 3
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
Sense Motive: 4, 7
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillence:4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
Tumble: 1, 3
Personal Gear: 52 pts (Am I allowed to play with this a little bit, so long as it stays at 52 points?)
Weapons: 9x19mm SMG with an extra clip, although Harry will likely requisition lighter armament on more delicate missions.
Armor: Personally, none. Harry tries not to be hit in the first place.
Other Gear: Binoculars, Cell Phone, Silencer, Swiss Army Knife, Leatherman Tool kit, +3 power laptop with MMORPG subscription, micro-tape recorder, chemical analyzer, Parabolic microphone, and 1 bottle of water filtration tablets
Harry is getting more and more versatile. He can acquire information from both man and machine, and can now attempt every skill except Handle Animals and Pilot, and those are next.

(Edited by Threadbare at 9:58 pm on June 10, 2002)
(Edited by Threadbare at 7:04 pm on June 22, 2002)
Character Update:
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner"
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 3
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 27/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +6
Will: +2
Defense: 15
Damage Reduction: 3
Initiative: +7
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +6
Ranged: +8
H&K USP .40: +8 (+11 within 20', +10 within 50'), 1d12, R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+1 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+1 department bonus to readied attacks
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Controlled Burst: +1 to both both attack and damage rolls when firing either kind of burst. Ergo, narrow bursts are at -2 to attack and +3 to damage, while wide bursts are at +2 to attack and +1 to damage.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 6,9
Jump: 6,9
Spot: 6,8
Tumble: 6,10
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 6
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 51 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Tuxedo liner (20 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
Mirrored sunglasses (1 BP)
Climbing kit (3 BP)
Actually, I think that's it. The stat block's really all that's changed, besides a little more flavor text:
With one flunked mission under his belt came a slew of scars and a valuable lesson: the bad guys shoot better than Irish street punks. Gavin now has a better appreciation for cover, but retains his general bloodlust and reckless bravado.
He still has yet to master the art of the one-liner, but he's only 3rd level, and he did spend most of the other two recovering from gunshot wounds.
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 1:23 am on June 12, 2002)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 6:39 pm on June 13, 2002)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 1:58 pm on June 14, 2002)
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner"
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 3
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 27/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +6
Will: +2
Defense: 15
Damage Reduction: 3
Initiative: +7
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +6
Ranged: +8
H&K USP .40: +8 (+11 within 20', +10 within 50'), 1d12, R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+1 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+1 department bonus to readied attacks
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Controlled Burst: +1 to both both attack and damage rolls when firing either kind of burst. Ergo, narrow bursts are at -2 to attack and +3 to damage, while wide bursts are at +2 to attack and +1 to damage.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 6,9
Jump: 6,9
Spot: 6,8
Tumble: 6,10
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 6
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 51 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Tuxedo liner (20 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
Mirrored sunglasses (1 BP)
Climbing kit (3 BP)
Actually, I think that's it. The stat block's really all that's changed, besides a little more flavor text:
With one flunked mission under his belt came a slew of scars and a valuable lesson: the bad guys shoot better than Irish street punks. Gavin now has a better appreciation for cover, but retains his general bloodlust and reckless bravado.
He still has yet to master the art of the one-liner, but he's only 3rd level, and he did spend most of the other two recovering from gunshot wounds.
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 1:23 am on June 12, 2002)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 6:39 pm on June 13, 2002)
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 1:58 pm on June 14, 2002)
Artis "Goose" Gossard
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 9 -1
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 2/Wheelman 1
Vitality: 30
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 52
Level: 3
Ranged Attack Bonus: +5
Melee Attack Bonus: +4
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +6
Will Save: +0
Def Bonus: +3 (+4 with armor); DR 2 (armor)
Init Bonus: +2
BP: 4
GP: 2
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4 /3
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 /2 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4 /7
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2 /5
Driver - Dex 3 /6
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 4 /7
Tumble - Dex 2 /5
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /0
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2 /3
Fixer 2 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 5 /8
Bluff - Cha 5 /4
Climb - Str 3 /5
Driver - Dex 4 /7
Wheelman 1 Skill Upgrades:
Boating - Dex 1 /2/6
Mechanics - Int 3 /2/6
Driver - Dex 5 /2/10
Open Lock - Dex 4 /7
Pilot - Dex 1 /2/6
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Personal Budget: 39
Gadget Points: +2
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
.40 HK USP Compact (13 BP): 1d12, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
Tuxedo Liner: +1 Defense, DR 2
2 Pairs Handcuffs (1 BP@) - 2BP total
Silencer (2 BP)
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services.
Artis' first mission left him realizing that his employers don't always have all the information. He's arranged for armored liners in his clothing now, at the expense of some of his firepower. Goose has shown a real talent for all types of wheeled vehicles as well.
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 9 -1
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 2/Wheelman 1
Vitality: 30
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 52
Level: 3
Ranged Attack Bonus: +5
Melee Attack Bonus: +4
Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +6
Will Save: +0
Def Bonus: +3 (+4 with armor); DR 2 (armor)
Init Bonus: +2
BP: 4
GP: 2
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4 /3
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 /2 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4 /7
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2 /5
Driver - Dex 3 /6
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 4 /7
Tumble - Dex 2 /5
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /0
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2 /3
Fixer 2 Skill Upgrades:
Move Silently - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 5 /8
Bluff - Cha 5 /4
Climb - Str 3 /5
Driver - Dex 4 /7
Wheelman 1 Skill Upgrades:
Boating - Dex 1 /2/6
Mechanics - Int 3 /2/6
Driver - Dex 5 /2/10
Open Lock - Dex 4 /7
Pilot - Dex 1 /2/6
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Personal Budget: 39
Gadget Points: +2
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
.40 HK USP Compact (13 BP): 1d12, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
Tuxedo Liner: +1 Defense, DR 2
2 Pairs Handcuffs (1 BP@) - 2BP total
Silencer (2 BP)
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services.
Artis' first mission left him realizing that his employers don't always have all the information. He's arranged for armored liners in his clothing now, at the expense of some of his firepower. Goose has shown a real talent for all types of wheeled vehicles as well.
What, we don't get Jessica's update?
Oh, and since when does Mr. Explosivo know 3 languages? Only people with a level in Faceman have that.
(Edited by Threadbare at 3:19 am on June 18, 2002)
Quote:Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
Oh, and since when does Mr. Explosivo know 3 languages? Only people with a level in Faceman have that.
(Edited by Threadbare at 3:19 am on June 18, 2002)
I'm working on it.
Quote:Oh, and since when does Mr. Explosivo know 3 languages? Only people with a level in Faceman have that.
By the book (p. 17), a starting agent knows English, their home tongue, and additional languages equal to their Intelligence modifier plus one as native languages (no accent). While Ireland is technically an English-speaking nation (and was the only English-speaking nation in the European Union for a while, oddly enough), Gaelic classes are compulsory in Irish secondary education.
So technically, Harry can know five more languages than he does now. Isn't that something?
Well, sheeet, I didn't know that. That's where that "not having a rulebook" bit comes around to bite you in the ass.
Phew, don't it sux0rz? I just put the page numbers in there in case Dieter had any questions.
Grr - I was almost done when my browser crashed.
Name: Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 3
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 6 (8-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 26
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 5.7mm
Damage: 1d10+1
Error: 1
Threat: 19-20
Range: 60
Ammo: 50
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
23 gun
30 armor
(20 left)
+2 budget points for mission budget
(will choose later)
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: +1 to all checks
Languages: 9 (3+6), threat range 19-20
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.
Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force. Ironically, her new handgun might be the most powerful sidearm fielded in the group.
Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.
In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.
(OOC: Yes, I'm planning to descent a tad further down this feat tree. This doesn't have to have any effects on proceedings within the story since I designed it as a rather throwaway scene for now. I didn't see any obviously simppler ways to do this, tho.)
(Edited by Gatac at 12:34 pm on July 10, 2002)
(Edited by Gatac at 7:34 am on July 11, 2002)
(Edited by Gatac at 4:03 pm on July 11, 2002)
Name: Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 3
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 6 (8-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 26
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 5.7mm
Damage: 1d10+1
Error: 1
Threat: 19-20
Range: 60
Ammo: 50
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
23 gun
30 armor
(20 left)
+2 budget points for mission budget
(will choose later)
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: +1 to all checks
Languages: 9 (3+6), threat range 19-20
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.
Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force. Ironically, her new handgun might be the most powerful sidearm fielded in the group.
Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.
In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.
(OOC: Yes, I'm planning to descent a tad further down this feat tree. This doesn't have to have any effects on proceedings within the story since I designed it as a rather throwaway scene for now. I didn't see any obviously simppler ways to do this, tho.)
(Edited by Gatac at 12:34 pm on July 10, 2002)
(Edited by Gatac at 7:34 am on July 11, 2002)
(Edited by Gatac at 4:03 pm on July 11, 2002)
Just to save some of my remaining insanity, Cut/paste/edit your updated (4th level) characters in seperate posts. This will eliminate me having to go back through the old posts to see what you've done to your characters.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
(Note: These are your bonuses in addition to stuff gained in prior levels. BP's and GP's are your current starting amounts for every mission. Also EVERYONE gets to raise ONE ability score by 1pt. Please let me know ASAP which ability you want to raise as it may influence how many skill points, VP's, etc. you get. Remember, you only get a bonus at even numbered scores)
DEF: +1
FORT: +1
INIT: +1
BP: 7
GP: 5
Harry gained:
-6VP's with the level-up
-12 skill points
-Special Skill: Jury Rig which give +2 to computer and electronics checks while attempting to JR.
Attack bonus: +1
Fort: +1
Defense: +1
Bonus Feat (I think)
Skill Points: 4
-8 BP
-2 GP
You gain 13(!) VP's.
ADS, you have the book, so I'll leave it up to you for the update. Assuming you're sticking with Wheelman, you also get 10VP's for levelling up.
BP: 12
GP: 6
-Special Ability: Back-up which allows you to "call in a favor" from a friend who arrives within 1d6 hours. He/she can do anything to help, but will not endanger themselves or their family.
-Linguist: Gain another foreign language which is spoken like a native.
-You gain 7VP's for levelling-up and 6 skill points
(Note: These are your bonuses in addition to stuff gained in prior levels. BP's and GP's are your current starting amounts for every mission. Also EVERYONE gets to raise ONE ability score by 1pt. Please let me know ASAP which ability you want to raise as it may influence how many skill points, VP's, etc. you get. Remember, you only get a bonus at even numbered scores)
DEF: +1
FORT: +1
INIT: +1
BP: 7
GP: 5
Harry gained:
-6VP's with the level-up
-12 skill points
-Special Skill: Jury Rig which give +2 to computer and electronics checks while attempting to JR.
Attack bonus: +1
Fort: +1
Defense: +1
Bonus Feat (I think)
Skill Points: 4
-8 BP
-2 GP
You gain 13(!) VP's.
ADS, you have the book, so I'll leave it up to you for the update. Assuming you're sticking with Wheelman, you also get 10VP's for levelling up.
BP: 12
GP: 6
-Special Ability: Back-up which allows you to "call in a favor" from a friend who arrives within 1d6 hours. He/she can do anything to help, but will not endanger themselves or their family.
-Linguist: Gain another foreign language which is spoken like a native.
-You gain 7VP's for levelling-up and 6 skill points
Name: Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 4
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 7 (9-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 33
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 5.7mm
Damage: 1d10+1
Error: 1
Threat: 19-20
Range: 60
Ammo: 50
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
23 gun
30 armor
(20 left)
+2 budget points for mission budget
(will choose later)
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Bluff: 7 (4+3)
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: 7 (4+3), +1 to all checks
Languages: 9 (3+6), threat range 19-20
Perform: 7 (4+3)
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
Spot: 6
In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.
Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force. Ironically, her new handgun might be the most powerful sidearm fielded in the group.
Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.
In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.
(OOC: Yes, I'm planning to descent a tad further down this feat tree. This doesn't have to have any effects on proceedings within the story since I designed it as a rather throwaway scene for now. I didn't see any obviously simppler ways to do this, tho.)
(OOC2: Looks like I forgot a couple of skill gains from the last level-up - I included them now, should be Bluff, Intimidate and Perform. They're on the char sheet here, but I don't know if I changed my mind when typing it in, so it may be a mistake - touch with caution. Anyway, I decided to invest my skill points in Spot and gain a point of Strenght. Equipment choice to be discussed the Q thread.)
(Edited by Gatac at 4:02 pm on Aug. 15, 2002)
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 4
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 7 (9-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 33
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 5.7mm
Damage: 1d10+1
Error: 1
Threat: 19-20
Range: 60
Ammo: 50
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
23 gun
30 armor
(20 left)
+2 budget points for mission budget
(will choose later)
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Bluff: 7 (4+3)
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: 7 (4+3), +1 to all checks
Languages: 9 (3+6), threat range 19-20
Perform: 7 (4+3)
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
Spot: 6
In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.
Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force. Ironically, her new handgun might be the most powerful sidearm fielded in the group.
Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.
In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.
(OOC: Yes, I'm planning to descent a tad further down this feat tree. This doesn't have to have any effects on proceedings within the story since I designed it as a rather throwaway scene for now. I didn't see any obviously simppler ways to do this, tho.)
(OOC2: Looks like I forgot a couple of skill gains from the last level-up - I included them now, should be Bluff, Intimidate and Perform. They're on the char sheet here, but I don't know if I changed my mind when typing it in, so it may be a mistake - touch with caution. Anyway, I decided to invest my skill points in Spot and gain a point of Strenght. Equipment choice to be discussed the Q thread.)
(Edited by Gatac at 4:02 pm on Aug. 15, 2002)
Gatac, you know everyone is at 4th level, not 3rd...right? I see on your update character sheet that it still says 3rd level.
That's what you get for copy & paste...I'll go at it right away.
I'm working on the update, but I've decided I'd like to upgrade my Dexterity to 16, which will give me a bonus of +3 instead of +2. What all does that affect?
Alright, it looks like I'm done. One thing, though: you said we can upgrade an abiltity at certain times. Was it at even levels? If so, why didn't we at level two.
Character Update:
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Level: 4
Class: Snoop(Level 3)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 1)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:16 (+3)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)
Other Statistics:
Vitality: 28
Wounds: 11
Defense: 16
Initiative bonus: 5
Action Dice: ?d?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +5
Will: +5
Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +4
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Also Turkish, French, and two languages to be decided.)
Skills (Rank, then total bonus, plusses denote added skill points)
+Bluff: 3, 5
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
+Computers: 6, 10
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
+Cultures: 3, 6
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
++Electronics: 7, 11
+Gather Information: 5, 7
Hide: 2, 5
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
+Innuendo: 4, 7
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 1, 5
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 5
Open Lock: 1, 4
Perform: 1, 3
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
+++Sense Motive: 7, 10
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillance: 4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
++Tumble: 2, 5
Harry has learned from his capture by the Deckers (an opportunity few have) and has gained out of it a highly attuned bullshit detector and a little more spring in his step. He knows femme fatales are called that for a reason, and will try to be more wary of mysterious women in the future. With essentially a defense of 17 (with sidestep factored in), Harry’s style of combat will differ from Gavin’s in that he’s not getting perforated by bullets. Yet, he’s still a bit of a romantic at heart, and he still doesn’t take himself too seriously. Harry is definitely thankful for his team for saving his life at the risk of theirs, and definitely feels a part of something special.
Character Update:
Harry "The Hat" O'Reilly
Department: The Power Brokerage
Level: 4
Class: Snoop(Level 3)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 1)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Strength:9 (-1)
Dexterity:16 (+3)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2)
Other Statistics:
Vitality: 28
Wounds: 11
Defense: 16
Initiative bonus: 5
Action Dice: ?d?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +5
Will: +5
Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +4
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Also Turkish, French, and two languages to be decided.)
Skills (Rank, then total bonus, plusses denote added skill points)
+Bluff: 3, 5
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
+Computers: 6, 10
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
+Cultures: 3, 6
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
++Electronics: 7, 11
+Gather Information: 5, 7
Hide: 2, 5
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
+Innuendo: 4, 7
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 1, 5
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 5
Open Lock: 1, 4
Perform: 1, 3
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
+++Sense Motive: 7, 10
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillance: 4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
++Tumble: 2, 5
Harry has learned from his capture by the Deckers (an opportunity few have) and has gained out of it a highly attuned bullshit detector and a little more spring in his step. He knows femme fatales are called that for a reason, and will try to be more wary of mysterious women in the future. With essentially a defense of 17 (with sidestep factored in), Harry’s style of combat will differ from Gavin’s in that he’s not getting perforated by bullets. Yet, he’s still a bit of a romantic at heart, and he still doesn’t take himself too seriously. Harry is definitely thankful for his team for saving his life at the risk of theirs, and definitely feels a part of something special.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 4:58 am on Aug. 17, 2002
I'm working on the update, but I've decided I'd like to upgrade my Dexterity to 16, which will give me a bonus of +3 instead of +2. What all does that affect?
Well, other than the obvious...increasing DEX-based skills, it also improves your Defense by one, your Initiative by one, your REF save by one, and your ranged combat by one. Dexterity is probably the best ability to increase. The others being INT (more skill points) and CON (more VP and better Fortitute saves).