Technically, the Team didn't go dark until AFTER they met Moten and Peter. They aren't 100% family, but it would stand to reason that they're not out to kill you.
Peter did take some grievous injuries and Moten's a G-Man. No one pretends to be FBI.

Quote:The C-4 went kaboom with the wall they a'sploded. The easiest thing to do is to ditch 'em overboard. If Samantha's men are tracking you, they'll only know where you've been not where you are now.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 4:00 pm on June 9, 2005
All right. I mistrust Pete more than Moten, but it wasn't an immediate mistrust like with Ilyanna.
Anyhoo, does Peter still have any C4? I'm thinking he rigs our SATCOMMs. We leave them for whoever's tracing them to find, and BOOM.
Quote:Don't even want to know what plans ADS and I were IM-ing back/forth.Quote: from Gatac on 4:20 pm on June 9, 2005
Peter's too nice for that.
Quote:OOC, probably. In character, I think it's almost par for the course considering the amount of shit Samantha has put the Team through over the course of their relationship.Quote: from Gatac on 4:51 pm on June 9, 2005
Is it wrong that this made me smile?
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 4:12 pm on June 9, 2005
You know it's bad when "Dieter Niederburger" Dave tells you to slow down and reconsider the morality of your actions.
Honestly, that's one area where I'd rather not go. I'm all for handwaving torture in general, and please, please, please keep the kids out of it.
Quote:Say what? Mrs. Yokozaki didn't raise no fools.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 3:46 pm on June 9, 2005
Also, if we did do that we should bring Kenji in to do the cutting. :biggrin:
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 12:53 am on June 10, 2005
What happened to the gear we brought with us? Confiscated?
Quote:If you want, I can edit my last post to reflect ditching the goon. I will say that the girl would probably go a bit more willingly if you stripped the goon of everything useful and tied him to a tree.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 9:52 am on June 10, 2005
Hrm. Mr. Goon isn't really necessary, and is a constant danger. Could we have ditched his body in the forest, if not simply tossed him out of the chopper? I wanted to post something about that, but I wasn't at my computer for most of last night.