Punkey wrote:Yeah. We've been officially made.I just realized what "getting scanned" means. I think we should get out of here, now.
Jade Imperium OOC 6
We'll let our friends know on the way out. Don't want to fuck them over right after we meet them.
Punkey wrote:Heh. That would be classy.We'll let our friends know on the way out. Don't want to fuck them over right after we meet them.

I'm actually not so sure it's a problem. I think it was more of the type of warning a mall rent-a-cop would give a guy loitering for too long in front a store than an actual cop saying he was calling it in. It probably does involve some data we don't want circulating quite yet, but I'm not sure it will be circulated too much. Granted, Miss Malenko will probably look at it, but unless she's higher placed than I suspect she is, she probably won't even know about Nar'sai, much less that there's a bunch of guys from there wandering around. The odds that she'll forward the images on are thus fairly low, and are reduced further by the fact that she was here semi-illegally. If she makes a fuss about this, it could draw interest to her reasons for being in places like the Shadowport. We should make haste and be ready for action, but I don't think we're quite as screwed as we could be.
I sugest we get Semo back onboard, ditto for the other groups, and start fixing the bloody ship. We leave the Shadowport once that's done, and change the registry to the preloaded backup when we meet up with the rebels in two days, and when that meating is over (and a contact method arranged), we head to the Gate and go...somewhere. Another Shadowport, the Imperium equivalent of a hick town in the Boondocks, whatever. There, we lie low and meet up with our contact (as arranged in the meetup we're doing).
I sugest we get Semo back onboard, ditto for the other groups, and start fixing the bloody ship. We leave the Shadowport once that's done, and change the registry to the preloaded backup when we meet up with the rebels in two days, and when that meating is over (and a contact method arranged), we head to the Gate and go...somewhere. Another Shadowport, the Imperium equivalent of a hick town in the Boondocks, whatever. There, we lie low and meet up with our contact (as arranged in the meetup we're doing).
Haven't heard much from the Hugh/Max group at Xo's. You have Master Polon's probable location if you want to bust some heads for Xo - you never know when having a parts merchant owe you big could come in handy. Or you could go back to the ship and One-Ton could get started on the repairs (with/without Max's help), or a little of both, or whatever you like.
Max is busy enough as is. Let's head back to ship, start work on the repairs. Once I've got enough burly guys (Semo comes to mind) back at my disposal, we'll go and work over Polon.
Well, I had a nice plan all drawn up to silence these guys before they came after us, but it looks like that's all out the window now. Still, it's worth putting down here so we can use it after they try to kill us all. Basically, we should frame them for trying to blow up the station. That way, unless the station owners seem really, really on board with the whole "Homeworlders are saviors" thing, they'll clean up the mess, probably better than we could have.
Seems Semo has stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest, eh? :lol:
Well, they can't march Turai through the station willy-nilly. It's just not done. They are likely to come at you sneaky. That said, they know Semo, and by extension of business, Davis, Swims, and might put faces to Luis and Arketta even though they weren't drawing too much attention to themselves. Hugh, Max, and Angel haven't been personally seen by these people, although the Botane footage - if that's what they have - would tie you all together.
It's cute how he tries to make it sound better, and then he slips that shiv into our ribs.


Can we get a weapons inventory?
If possible, we should have Semo do guard duty with the biggest autofire weapon he's got. I'd also like to rig a quick docking bay door killer should the need arise. Something that's a one-way trigger, it only closes the door.
In short, we should be ready for an attack and also prepared to leave ASAP. Do we need some sort of clearance to exit the Shadowport?
If possible, we should have Semo do guard duty with the biggest autofire weapon he's got. I'd also like to rig a quick docking bay door killer should the need arise. Something that's a one-way trigger, it only closes the door.
In short, we should be ready for an attack and also prepared to leave ASAP. Do we need some sort of clearance to exit the Shadowport?
CPT Hugh Verrill
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP (derived from the Turai sword material)
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ (30 rounds per mag)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags (10 rounds per mag) 29/30
3 frag grenades
SSG Semo Putupu
XM-25 25mm cannon
11 mags 25mm: (5 rounds per mag)
3 flechette
1 thermobaric
7 HE-AB (high explosive airburst)
PB69 9mm handgun + 2 mags
Turai sword
SPC Angel Riviera
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ 202/210
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 27/30
3 frag grenades
2 Claymore mines
SGT Luis Stanhill
UMP-45 .45 submachine gun
8 mags .45 caliber (25 rounds per mag)
Beam Rifle, IFF-inactive
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 25/30
3 frag grenades
Medical kit
Demolitions kit
2 Claymore mines
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
SFC Charles Taylor
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ 209/210
Turai stinger
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 29/30
Turai sword
SPC Irving Mellish
Mk. 48 light machine gun
600 rounds 7.62mm (100 rounds per belt)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
3 frag grenades
Turai stinger
Dr. Maxwell Kilgore
Beam Rifle + 2 spare barrels, IFF-inactive
SCAR-H + 2 mags 7.62mm 87/90
Colt M1911 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 14/21
3 frag grenades
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
Agent Garrett Davis
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
Belt knife
Garrote in watch
PM if you want super-secret spy stuff
PVT Arketta Quis
Beam Rifle + 2 spare barrels, IFF-inactive
3 frag grenades
Turai stinger
Turai sword
In addition, you have
1 Turai stinger (Yaris')
1 Handlancer (Clay's)
Whiirr-type first aid kit
Imperial-type medkit
You can work on fixing the broken parts of the ship or you can work on rigging up a quick cargo bay door release, your pick.
EDIT: made a few minor changes to ammo to make it easier to understand - also moved Arketta's SCAR to Max since he's referred to someone's rifle as his multiple times.
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP (derived from the Turai sword material)
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ (30 rounds per mag)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags (10 rounds per mag) 29/30
3 frag grenades
SSG Semo Putupu
XM-25 25mm cannon
11 mags 25mm: (5 rounds per mag)
3 flechette
1 thermobaric
7 HE-AB (high explosive airburst)
PB69 9mm handgun + 2 mags
Turai sword
SPC Angel Riviera
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ 202/210
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 27/30
3 frag grenades
2 Claymore mines
SGT Luis Stanhill
UMP-45 .45 submachine gun
8 mags .45 caliber (25 rounds per mag)
Beam Rifle, IFF-inactive
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 25/30
3 frag grenades
Medical kit
Demolitions kit
2 Claymore mines
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
SFC Charles Taylor
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ 209/210
Turai stinger
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 29/30
Turai sword
SPC Irving Mellish
Mk. 48 light machine gun
600 rounds 7.62mm (100 rounds per belt)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
3 frag grenades
Turai stinger
Dr. Maxwell Kilgore
Beam Rifle + 2 spare barrels, IFF-inactive
SCAR-H + 2 mags 7.62mm 87/90
Colt M1911 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 14/21
3 frag grenades
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
Agent Garrett Davis
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
Belt knife
Garrote in watch
PM if you want super-secret spy stuff
PVT Arketta Quis
Beam Rifle + 2 spare barrels, IFF-inactive
3 frag grenades
Turai stinger
Turai sword
In addition, you have
1 Turai stinger (Yaris')
1 Handlancer (Clay's)
Whiirr-type first aid kit
Imperial-type medkit
You can work on fixing the broken parts of the ship or you can work on rigging up a quick cargo bay door release, your pick.
EDIT: made a few minor changes to ammo to make it easier to understand - also moved Arketta's SCAR to Max since he's referred to someone's rifle as his multiple times.
Also, you don't really need to ask for clearance to leave, but depressurizing the hangar and sending traffic signals out to the many shuttles and drones takes a few minutes. Of the two, not depressurizing the hangar is definitely bad for Jang-xur, and not clearing your exit space is potentially bad for you.
A quick estimate of the Morningstar's condition by Max and One-Ton puts your "time to accomplish vital repairs ONLY" like such:
If One-Ton works on it all by himself, probably 6 hours.
If Max helps, assuming he makes his roll to assist, 2 hours.
If you pull Luis in, he can cut that to 1 hour.
I can knock 10 more minutes off that time for each person who helps after Luis, to a minimum time of 30 minutes. One-Ton, Max, and Luis are you most technically-minded people. Anyone helping before all three of them are in on it won't provide the same boost.
Vital repairs in this case would be replacing the entire dorsal sensor boom and the airlock door. The remainder of the work involves some (currently) cosmetic hull damage and a bunch of jury-rigged connections in the engine room that need to be set right.
If One-Ton works on it all by himself, probably 6 hours.
If Max helps, assuming he makes his roll to assist, 2 hours.
If you pull Luis in, he can cut that to 1 hour.
I can knock 10 more minutes off that time for each person who helps after Luis, to a minimum time of 30 minutes. One-Ton, Max, and Luis are you most technically-minded people. Anyone helping before all three of them are in on it won't provide the same boost.
Vital repairs in this case would be replacing the entire dorsal sensor boom and the airlock door. The remainder of the work involves some (currently) cosmetic hull damage and a bunch of jury-rigged connections in the engine room that need to be set right.
Luis, Max, One-Ton, and at least one more should be our minimum assignment, preferably actually three plus the more tech-saavy trio. We want to boost outta here ASAP. Semo should fire up the monotask and use it to arrange the sludge containers into firing barricades to shield the ship from the doors and allow us to make a fighting retreat if we have to. As soon as repairs are complete, we ditch this place for another Shadowport, then turn right back around, make a couple more pitstops to fully throw off any chance of being tracked, and then hit Aikoro for the meeting.
We absolutely must not leave until every Turai that knows that we were here is dead. If we let just one of them escape and report back, they will know that we were here and then they will find our Bakrashan friends, and from there they'll have everything. You heard what the Cyllan said about interrogation techniques, it won't take long for them to break them, and then we'll be dead and fucked. We have to kill them all and wipe their ship's logs clean of any trace that we were there.
I have a plan for how we get this done. First, we let them attack us, take out their first wave, but we need one of them alive. Davis convinces that one to "tell us" where they planted the explosives they're going to use to destroy the station, we "find them" and we take the confession and explosives to the owners of the station. They get on board with us and help us wipe out the rest of them and dispose of the evidence.
I have a plan for how we get this done. First, we let them attack us, take out their first wave, but we need one of them alive. Davis convinces that one to "tell us" where they planted the explosives they're going to use to destroy the station, we "find them" and we take the confession and explosives to the owners of the station. They get on board with us and help us wipe out the rest of them and dispose of the evidence.
Punkey wrote:We absolutely must not leave until every Turai that knows that we were here is dead. If we let just one of them escape and report back, they will know that we were here and then they will find our Bakrashan friends, and from there they'll have everything. You heard what the Cyllan said about interrogation techniques, it won't take long for them to break them, and then we'll be dead and fucked. We have to kill them all and wipe their ship's logs clean of any trace that we were there.
That's admitably a decent point, one I hadn't really considered. Exadgerated at bit, maybe, but sound in its base. I was wrong, the Turai do need to be eliminated. the other parts of it still stand. If we aren't done fixing the ship, we can't count on fallback positions that involve it. And moving the crates will provide the defense we need to fend them off.
Here's a grossly wavy layout of the hangar bay:

The dark gray area is the effective range of the hangar's monotask cargo drones - big old crane arms and manipulators that can move cargo to and from the loading zone to a ship's cargo bay, where the ship's own monotasks can take over. They're controlled from the big red bracket on the catwalk.
The catwalks are the green scribbles. The dark green areas are where there are supports running from catwalk to floor, obstructing sight lines and whatnot.
The docking cradles hold the ship off the deck itself, to where the side airlock of the ship is even with the catwalks. So you CAN move underneath the ship.
Also provided is a protein container for scale. You have eight protein containers and 1 container full of parts. You can use the monotasks to place those containers anywhere in the gray area.
There are 3 ways into the bay: The main airlock will function no matter what state the hangar bay is in. The shuntway door ONLY opens if the bay is pressurized, while the outer door only opens if it's DEpressurized. If you were interested in hotwiring your way around those safety parameters, your rolls will need to be impressive. Enough explosives could also breach either door. An AT-4 probably won't do it - you'd need a shaped charge and proper demolitions work. An AT-4, however, sure as shit WILL breach the personal airlock door(s).
I think it's agreed that Luis, Max and One-Ton are handling the repairs. If you put all the Delta NPCs on it (Taylor, Mellish and Arketta) you'd have an estimated 30 minute repair time, but it'd only leave Hugh, Angel, Davis and Semo on defense. Swims-the-Black is still not really combat-ready.
The Imperials could be there in a few minutes, or you could fixed and gone by the time they put their plan together. What do you do?

The dark gray area is the effective range of the hangar's monotask cargo drones - big old crane arms and manipulators that can move cargo to and from the loading zone to a ship's cargo bay, where the ship's own monotasks can take over. They're controlled from the big red bracket on the catwalk.
The catwalks are the green scribbles. The dark green areas are where there are supports running from catwalk to floor, obstructing sight lines and whatnot.
The docking cradles hold the ship off the deck itself, to where the side airlock of the ship is even with the catwalks. So you CAN move underneath the ship.
Also provided is a protein container for scale. You have eight protein containers and 1 container full of parts. You can use the monotasks to place those containers anywhere in the gray area.
There are 3 ways into the bay: The main airlock will function no matter what state the hangar bay is in. The shuntway door ONLY opens if the bay is pressurized, while the outer door only opens if it's DEpressurized. If you were interested in hotwiring your way around those safety parameters, your rolls will need to be impressive. Enough explosives could also breach either door. An AT-4 probably won't do it - you'd need a shaped charge and proper demolitions work. An AT-4, however, sure as shit WILL breach the personal airlock door(s).
I think it's agreed that Luis, Max and One-Ton are handling the repairs. If you put all the Delta NPCs on it (Taylor, Mellish and Arketta) you'd have an estimated 30 minute repair time, but it'd only leave Hugh, Angel, Davis and Semo on defense. Swims-the-Black is still not really combat-ready.
The Imperials could be there in a few minutes, or you could fixed and gone by the time they put their plan together. What do you do?
Since we need to hang around and kill them all anyway, why don't we pull Max and Luis off repair duty for extra firepower.
I tried to explain my plan, but it didn't go so well, so I modified ADS's image to demonstrate. The yellow crates are in case we can move them there, if we can, we remove the blue crates from their positions and shift the other two facing that direction further down to be more flush with the line, but still mostly in their currently indicated positions. Having the crates on either side of the door would be best, since it's the easiest point of access (not to mention the only door this works on), and I've always been a big fan of the "corridor filled with bullets" form of defense.
I tried to explain my plan, but it didn't go so well, so I modified ADS's image to demonstrate. The yellow crates are in case we can move them there, if we can, we remove the blue crates from their positions and shift the other two facing that direction further down to be more flush with the line, but still mostly in their currently indicated positions. Having the crates on either side of the door would be best, since it's the easiest point of access (not to mention the only door this works on), and I've always been a big fan of the "corridor filled with bullets" form of defense.