The agros are even worse. They're the equivalent to combines, and in space, well, they're good for parts and little else.
Jade Imperium OOC 6
The agros are even worse. They're the equivalent to combines, and in space, well, they're good for parts and little else.
First, we should move the cargo out of the hold and into the bay around the ship before starting to sell it, if possible. It'd provide cover in a firefight, and if we have to make a quick exit, it means we'd be leaving the dead wieght behind.
Second we should consider buying some spare parts as well. Extra wire spools, whatever. Basic jury-rigging tools, since we won't have the argos to raid anymore. Let's be prepared.
Finally, if there's some way to put the bridge into a "sim mode" so Luis could get in some practice behind the controls, that would be good.
You can indeed put the bridge into sim mode (yoinks the good idea), but you need its holographics working in order to do so. Sims have to come after repairs, unfortunately.

admiralducksauce wrote:Check yo' math. 6 + 1.5 = 7.5.
Dang. Still...wish we'd goten some spares.
Gatac wrote:Let's hold off on the extras until we know how much it'll cost us to do the mission. Anything we've got left after repairs, passage and a reasonable bribe budget can be used for longer-term planning.
Okay. as long as it's on the list. As for the gaurd assignments (One-Ton, ship), I think each should have (at least) one PC with them, in addition to the NPC already volunteered. Also, if anything goes down, it should go down with Imperium guns. Punkey had a point about that. Carry beamrifles and stingerguns.
The metagame rationale for the NPCs volunteering to stand guard is that it is likely to be boring. Hugh going with One-Ton and Mellish at least stands a chance of learning something about the shadowport or possibly stumbling into something interesting. Having a PC watching the ship means I have to have somebody try to steal your ship... or worse.
admiralducksauce wrote:Arketta, Max, and Luis have beam rifles (it's Max's only primary weapon and a secondary for the others). Taylor, Arketta, and Mellish carry stingers, plus Yaris', makes four.
And did we manage to obtain Kovos and Clay's guns? I hope somebody picked them up...
Quote:The metagame rationale for the NPCs volunteering to stand guard is that it is likely to be boring. Hugh going with One-Ton and Mellish at least stands a chance of learning something about the shadowport or possibly stumbling into something interesting. Having a PC watching the ship means I have to have somebody try to steal your ship... or worse.
Decent point. Leave Hugh with One-Ton and Mellish to go get the stuff, NPC can do the guard duty on the ship.

BTW, I don't suppose we got our hands on any of those exploding spears? I think Semo's only alien weapon is the sword, but he could take Yaris' stinger or one of the handlances for the time being.
Semo's back at the ship handling the cargo offloading off-screen unless you tell me otherwise.
Also, who wound up coming with me?