OOC: Something Completely Different/Red Dawn
I run interrogations kind of like a car chase. You've got to build up a "lead" over the interrogatee over a number of rounds. He has to successfully defend against your tactics. Unfortunately for the Rodian, it is doubtful anyone is coming to rescue him. His best bet is to somehow become hardened to everyone aboard the Dragon, deny you possibly vital information, and maybe look for a way to escape when next you land.
Now that he appears to be on "our" side, should we let Eeta have a tour and a look around?
BTW, did anyone scan this guy for tracking or communications devices? If not, we could be majorly screwed here. We should definitely do so before we tell him too much.
Good thought, but 1) I assume that between Jorm and Ty, the dude's going to be scanned thouroughly and 2) they didn't find anything. Of course, that might mean you failed the roll. :twisted:
Don't even sugest that. Anyway, should we let him have a look around? Is the ship beat up enough to look right? Same for the fighters and the other Vandals. For the alter egos, I think the grand tour would be the thing to do, but is the operational risk worth it?
Well, this is a fine kettle of fish.
Possibilities on the capture of the 'imperial' spy:
-The Besalisk is a true pro, managing even when caught to shift blame.
-He's an imperial double-agent, which, given that he was our intelligence for the first raid, may be more credible than you think. If that's the case, one wonders whether Lt. Maso(the mon cal we got this mission from) is involved, though I haven't heard of any mon cals working with the empire. Also it should lead us to be very careful about our next steps.
Another unconnected idea: In our fakery, Eritram is actually the fake-fake prince, sorta like the padme-handmaid thing in ep 1. This we would 'reveal' if it ever looks like he's unconvincing as a Hapan prince.
Possibilities on the capture of the 'imperial' spy:
-The Besalisk is a true pro, managing even when caught to shift blame.
-He's an imperial double-agent, which, given that he was our intelligence for the first raid, may be more credible than you think. If that's the case, one wonders whether Lt. Maso(the mon cal we got this mission from) is involved, though I haven't heard of any mon cals working with the empire. Also it should lead us to be very careful about our next steps.
Another unconnected idea: In our fakery, Eritram is actually the fake-fake prince, sorta like the padme-handmaid thing in ep 1. This we would 'reveal' if it ever looks like he's unconvincing as a Hapan prince.
Unconvincing? Impossible!
Also, Ackbar worked for Tarkin - concerning your moncal point.
Also, Ackbar worked for Tarkin - concerning your moncal point.
Aaacabar was a slave. He actually betrayed Tarkin to the Emporer shortly before the Battle of Yavin in an incident which Tarkin barely escaped.
e of pi wrote:Aaacabar was a slave. He actually betrayed Tarkin to the Emporer shortly before the Battle of Yavin in an incident which Tarkin barely escaped.
Nerd fight!!
On another note, I want you all to repeat after me: "Trust No One."
This guy has made some pretty impressive claims, but we have no proof that he's on "our side". So I'd say that he shouldn't get to look around the ship. If you want to make him a slightly more spacious prison, that's fine. But I think we should play it paranoid. I know Jorm's not in on the interrogation and I've been spotty in my posting due to job interviews and I know that Adam's not your typical sneaky GM, but there is no way a crew dedicated to their "prince" would allow someone who was shooting at members of the crew near that prince.
Hmmmm...point. So...we demand proof? Eritram goed to Naga and demands that we recieve understanding of why one of his [Naga's] men is attacking a member of his [Eritram's] warband? What?
I say that Shas gets on the comm and tells them something along the lines of the story I sugested earlier IC, that we were hired through a middleman, no questions asked, so we don't know what's in the cargo or who hired us.
Why don't we kill them?
I think you're kidding. I hope you're kidding. That's an Imperial Interdictor, which are a modification of the Star Destroyer hull frame. They may not be as powerful in a fight, but against a bulk frieghter and two manned fighters, five max, we're hopelessly outgunned.
e of pi wrote:And don't forget the turbolasers and the fact we can't jump into hyperspace.I think you're kidding. I hope you're kidding. That's an Imperial Interdictor, which are a modification of the Star Destroyer hull frame. They may not be as powerful in a fight, but against a bulk frieghter and two manned fighters, five max, we're hopelessly outgunned.
I finally got the internet back on my computer so I can finnally catch up and start posting again. Sorry that it took so long.
Yay! Glad to see you're back.
If you're thinking of running, here's the breakdown: If you all manage to squeeze into the fighters you have in your cargo/hangar bay, you have a chance of plotting a course and jumping to hyperspace before the Pacifier can bring the hammer down. You will lose the Dragon. The bulk freighter cannot outrun an Interdictor, and you cannot fight it in a straight-up fight.
If you want to fight, you need a vessel with concussion missiles or torpedoes. You then need to launch as quickly as possible, before the Imperials can scramble TIEs. You then need to brave their point-defense weapons for one round per gravity well generator you want to take out. They have four generators. You can attempt a jump if you can take out at least two of them, with the difficulty decreasing as you take more out. They will have TIEs launched 2-3 rounds after you start an attack run. Furthermore, they will destroy the Dragon with turbolaser fire while you're doing this unless you've got some kinda crazy plan.
Both ways, you stand a really good chance of losing your bulk freighter, which means you lose your cargo, and therefore, your way into Naga's organization.
If you're thinking of running, here's the breakdown: If you all manage to squeeze into the fighters you have in your cargo/hangar bay, you have a chance of plotting a course and jumping to hyperspace before the Pacifier can bring the hammer down. You will lose the Dragon. The bulk freighter cannot outrun an Interdictor, and you cannot fight it in a straight-up fight.
If you want to fight, you need a vessel with concussion missiles or torpedoes. You then need to launch as quickly as possible, before the Imperials can scramble TIEs. You then need to brave their point-defense weapons for one round per gravity well generator you want to take out. They have four generators. You can attempt a jump if you can take out at least two of them, with the difficulty decreasing as you take more out. They will have TIEs launched 2-3 rounds after you start an attack run. Furthermore, they will destroy the Dragon with turbolaser fire while you're doing this unless you've got some kinda crazy plan.
Both ways, you stand a really good chance of losing your bulk freighter, which means you lose your cargo, and therefore, your way into Naga's organization.
Do we have some kind of ECM? Faked/Real Imperial codes (didn't we cap an important officer a while back?) with which we can confuse them? Anything that would keep the Dragon alive while we blow the Interdictor to hell.
You have various Imperial codes - you could confuse them for a while before they figure out they're old/not for this sector/don't match your ship at all, but if you launch and start popping torpedoes off at them, they're not going to care if you're Darth Vader. They're opening fire.
Let's not forget that fighting them isn't going to make it easier to continue your mission anyway - there's an ISD in Mygeeto orbit, and there are TIEs in the shipping lanes. You're far enough away that those other Imperials aren't a danger, but even if the Pacifier doesn't send off a quick call for backup, they can pick up the fight on their sensors.
This isn't one of those things where I'm saying "if you fight them you're going to lose". It's not going to be anything resembling a fair fight, and you need to know that. There is a good chance of a total party kill, and you shouldn't really fly out there unless everyone's onboard with your plan. I will say, if you somehow fight an Interdictor with a bulk freighter and 5 snubfighters and you WIN, you will be the baddest motherfuckers in the valley.
On the other hand, talking to them is free.
Let's not forget that fighting them isn't going to make it easier to continue your mission anyway - there's an ISD in Mygeeto orbit, and there are TIEs in the shipping lanes. You're far enough away that those other Imperials aren't a danger, but even if the Pacifier doesn't send off a quick call for backup, they can pick up the fight on their sensors.
This isn't one of those things where I'm saying "if you fight them you're going to lose". It's not going to be anything resembling a fair fight, and you need to know that. There is a good chance of a total party kill, and you shouldn't really fly out there unless everyone's onboard with your plan. I will say, if you somehow fight an Interdictor with a bulk freighter and 5 snubfighters and you WIN, you will be the baddest motherfuckers in the valley.
On the other hand, talking to them is free.

While I'm all for heroics, I vote we hold off on that until we're actually in trouble.