OOC: XVIII - The lapdance is so much better when the strippe
The fact remains that it's Samantha, not her daughter, who is the true focal point of the rage. Taking it on her daughter is tantamount to giving in and going for second prize. You could have killed her hours ago, so dragging her all the way out here is not the best way of resolving this situation.
Update for all those interested
-Two transport helicopters hovering directly over the boathouse. Assume there's a pilot/co-pilot in each with a crew of two in the back compartment.
-Eight heavily armed soldiers positioned in the field to the north
-Four SUVs with (presumably) at least four men in each vehicle.
-Elena, Artis, and Brian are on overwatch. Anything that goes amiss will be spotted by one of the them. You will have at least 1 or 2 turns before things start getting dicey.
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 3:58 pm on Aug. 1, 2005
I'd really prefer if we could do this without further psychological scarring or physical damage to the kid.
You know that killing her mom is probably considered "psychological scarring," right? If we kill Sam, I know she's going to grow up and one day get revenge on each and every one of us.
I figure that way, they can catch Sam even if we're roadkill. It just becomes a question of how long we can defend ourselves.
Quote:I don't think the stall tactics will work, but you can give it a try. You have a big bargaining chip in the form of her daughter. I suggest you use her in obtaining whatever sort of result you want to get.Quote: from Gatac on 12:54 am on Aug. 2, 2005
You're gonna hate me for this, Dieter, but I suggest we stall them now, call Denko Kosminski (the Informant) or, failing that, General Koskov, then try to weather the storm until the cavalry arrives.
I figure that way, they can catch Sam even if we're roadkill. It just becomes a question of how long we can defend ourselves.
If we implement, I vote Art lugs a clearly visible "sea bag" to the SUV. That's believable enough as "container" for a child, yet does not allow them to discount the possibility of a feint.
And then we call Denko in, just for kicks. I figure we ought to use every advantage we can get.

Quote:Mwahahaha. Indeed! :cool:Quote: from fanchergw on 11:27 am on Aug. 3, 2005
Ilyanna starts flinging grenades into the middle of the group from wherever she's hiding.
At that point, we can specifically target whoever the suppressive fire didn't down. By that time, we call Art over to lead whoever is chasing him back to us so we can get them off his back.
The only protection we have is that they should be reluctant to use heavy guns on us because they might hit Katrina. Not exactly proud of that detail, but it seems like the best way.
Quote:Quote: from fanchergw on 10:27 am on Aug. 3, 2005
Ilyanna starts flinging grenades into the middle of the group from wherever she's hiding.
I use my "leet spotting skillz" and put a round through both knees. I
Alternately...someone's gotta go into the seabag to give it that "person squirming inside" look.
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:45 pm on Aug. 3, 2005)
Quote:Ayumi's the only one small enough to be mistaken for the kid.Quote: from CrazyIvan on 6:44 pm on Aug. 3, 2005
Quote:Quote: from fanchergw on 10:27 am on Aug. 3, 2005
Ilyanna starts flinging grenades into the middle of the group from wherever she's hiding.
I use my "leet spotting skillz" and put a round through both knees. I
Alternately...someone's gotta go into the seabag to give it that "person squirming inside" look.
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:45 pm on Aug. 3, 2005)