Er, while we're in the planning stage, do we get a decent burial scene for Gavin ? Or would that be too much in the emotional department if we also have a debriefing ?
I'm just saying that this shouldn't be reset. Buzzard and Raven, meh, but the team knew Gavin. And we're all still humans. (Or so we'd like to think...)
Quote: from Gatac on 5:15 pm on Mar. 12, 2003
Er, while we're in the planning stage, do we get a decent burial scene for Gavin ? Or would that be too much in the emotional department if we also have a debriefing ?
I'm just saying that this shouldn't be reset. Buzzard and Raven, meh, but the team knew Gavin. And we're all still humans. (Or so we'd like to think...)
There will be a proper conclusion, but I really wanted to end the battle. I should have something written up tomorrow.
Correction, before we move on with things I'll need everyone (i.e. whoever was alive/present when the last chapter ended) to post what they did in the six months directly after Las Vegas.
So far, I only have Brian's. I still need Artis and Jess.
If there's one world more vicious than professional espionage, it's international business. Jessica Spiner found out for herself - the hard way.
Arranging the affairs as inheritor of her father's portfilio, Jess found out that getting everything sorted out required dipping into the kind of high life she had tried to escape for years. Be it a foxhunt with Lord Crofthenge or a charity gala sponsered by Toshiba, she was required to pretend. That, in itself, was nothing new for her - she had pretended to be someone else pretty much all her life. But for perhaps the first time, she had to keep up an alias 24/7, all the while pretending to be something she hated - vapid, careless and fashionably bored.
But what she didn't expect was that there are hidden battlefields inside that power structure.
A sabotaged car, it's brakes disabled by a miniature remote bomb, proved to be a formidable obstacle to overcome. By virtue of sheer luck, Jess survived, though barely - a metal beam twisted by the virtue of the unavoidable car crash nearly crushed her windpipe. Considering that it killed Lord Crofthenge by penetrating his skull, and that the driver was wedged into his seat and died in the later explosion of the car before he could be freed, she had to consider herself lucky.
However, even though she survived without major external scars, she had paid a high price - her voice.
Considered a hopeless case by civilian medicine, Jess was just about ready to retire from being an agent - seeing that a mute faceman was just about useless by any measure of practicality -, but when visiting Harry at the intensive care department, Jess was confronted with the medical technology of the Agency. Much to her positive surprise, the doctors there were able to determine that the nerves leading to her voicebox were essentially undamaged. Knowing that the operation they suggested was a one-way trip, Jess asked for a day to consider. Finally, she accepted. Fitted with a larynx implant, she found that her normal voice could be restored by a few sleepness nights of Agency tech-jockeys analyzing older tapes of her speech. Released a month later with the operational scars healed, Jess walked out, outwardly identical to the Jessica Spiner who had gone on vacation - but internally changed, in more ways than one.
The Jessica Spiner who returned from the vacation was different, evident from the first word spoken. Saddled with some involountary training in inuendo and sign language, plus a few more pointers in dealing with people, Jess has replaced the days of apathy and hopelessness from her mute period with a new dedication to her job and a take-charge attitude. Now even more determined to take her job seriously, Jess has gained the favourable trait of planning for all eventualities, and the not-so-favourable trait of having a harder time relaxing. For some reason, her attitude towards killing has shifted from "Avoid" to "Avoid leaving evidence" - which is a pretty scary point of view for someone to have when he wields a H&K MP7. As of now, no psychologist has found her unfit for duty, but just about everyone who has crossed her way in the last month is now a good chunk more wary of her.
I can't decide if Ayumi would be an Infantry Weapons Officer or a Crime Prevention/Physical Security Specialist. Of course, Basic Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance "Disposal" Officer has a delicious double meaning to it.